
United Nations Human Rights Council logo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Crime Report UK: Internal Tyranny


For the purpose of delivering the overall perspective, this Crime Report provides examples of various crimes along with supporting evidence in order to support our case against Internal Tyranny which has multiple impacts on British people and those of other nations.

The aim of this Report is to articulate and identify the nature of the crime, where it is coming from, who it is targeting, who is at risk, the dangers, implications, future prospects and then, to suggest effective remedies and solutions.

The examples of evidence provided herein are chosen because they represent a wealth of such evidence from many other sources and they are most trustworthy, accurate/honest in their assessments of the facts.

Internal Tyranny is not about just one crime, all the crimes are inter-related; Britain is suffering attack on every level from within and none of the crimes and their effects can be ignored because they leave in their wake, victims and areas of need. It is important that we fully understand the true nature of the problems we face today so we may be all the better equipped for successfully resolving them.

Therefore, although this Report presents multiple cases exposing multiple crimes, the reality is that all those cases reflect the SINGLE crime of Internal Tyranny which includes child abuse, acts of terrorism, financial fraud and theft, denial of Human Rights.

How else can we identify Internal Tyranny if not by evidence of its multiple crimes and victims?

In presenting this Report, it is important to note that the names, links and evidences etc., provided to support and/or identify crimes, victims, criminals and suspicions, are not necessarily, specifically or individually directly involved in presenting this case and neither do we assume that all parties mentioned in evidences provided, are or would be, supportive of our case and our allegations.




Identifying Crime & Victims

Defining Terrorism


Foundations of Crime; False Flags

Funding & Training ‘Islamic’ Terrorists

Tyranny of 9/11


Economic Terrorism


Banking Bailouts

Banking Collapse & 9/11

The Banking-Bail-In


Scrapping Human Rights

Eradicating the ‘Benefits Culture’

Media Propaganda Machine

Mark Duggan lawful killing verdict upheld

Part IV

Crimes Against Children

EU Child Protection Directives

Secret Family Courts

Child Care For Corporate Profit

G4S ‘Trusted’ Child Care Provider?

Forced Adoption: Child Safety

Damage Limitation

Part V

Environmental Crimes

Nuclear power


Part VI


Vote Rigging

Conclusion & Social Impact


Introduction: Identifying Crime & Victims

On behalf of the oppressed and awake people of Britain and the global citizenship of earth, and also, as a representative and supporter of Ubuntu Living, I Deborah Mahmoudieh a native British citizen, hereby present evidence and analysis of evidence to support our lawful suspicions as defined in this Crime Report against a corrupt system of power presently, heavily infiltrated into every sphere of British Authorities and including Courts, Police, Intelligence, Royalty and Government.

The aforementioned authorities combined powers of influence and control and especially, concerning Britain’s most vulnerable children, represent a serious, terrorist threat to the people and children of Britain and abroad.

In an effort to combat the continued power and influence of aforementioned suspects, we request that those among British and EU Authorities who continue to uphold the Law of our lands and who value the Human Rights our forebears so bravely fought for, will endeavour to acknowledge the legal validity of our evidence and undertake to investigate further with an intention toward making appropriate arrests.

Crimes have been committed and the suspects need to be investigated and to stand trial and give an account for their actions because certainly, we cannot permit suspected, conspiratorial terrorists to remain in authority over our nation.

We have evidence too, though not presented in any detail here, of an insidious organisation named ‘Common Purpose’ as exposed by Brian Gerrish who as a result of his subsequent deep concerns, has helped establish UK Column as a trusted, Alternative News Provider for British people.

British people are wise to follow UK Column News, to subscribe and also, to contribute in sharing information, insights, personal-stories and experiences related to Life in Britain. For one thing that is very clear in this Report; regular, mainstream news media cannot be trusted.

UK Column News


It is clear, that Common Purpose has been useful in recruiting empathisers, patsies and the criminally-complicit, toward secretive agendas which are mostly, about absorbing UK public and EU funding as well, as preventing the British public from setting up their own local community projects and/or accessing any funds or legal powers that might truly help them gain any degree of self-sufficiency and/or independence from local authorities.

Common Purpose Exposed


Though the crimes committed amount to High Treason in the sense that Soveriegn power of ownership of British lands, property and public services are being transferred into ownership and control of largely global, corporate powers, because that crime of Treason is specifically against the Throne of England, we refer instead, to the crimes listed below and in which we lawfully suspect members of every British Authority are complicit, both in Britain and abroad:

These crimes collectively constitute the single crime and dangers of Internal Tyranny.

While all suspected participants of said crimes are not knowingly complicit in tyranny on behalf of a specific group, nonetheless, they are free to conspire and commit their crimes with impunity, precisely because there is an all pervasive and politically powerful controlling force of equally, criminal interests who operate according to specific ideologies and agendas which are fundamentally lawless in their concept and application.

Crimes identified via Public Order Act


Violent disorder.


Fear or provocation of violence.

4A. Intentional harassment, alarm or distress.

Harassment, alarm or distress.


Crimes identified via Terrorism Act 2006

Encouragement of terrorism

Dissemination of terrorist publications

Application of ss. 1 and 2 to internet activity etc.

Preparation of terrorist acts

Training for terrorism

Attendance at a place used for terrorist training

Making and possession of devices or materials

Misuse of devices or material and misuse and damage of facilities

Terrorist threats relating to devices, materials or facilities


Crimes identified via EU Child Protection Directives

Child sexual abuse

Making and selling of child pornography

Child trafficking

Child prostitution/slavery

Child murder

Detainment, abduction and imprisonment of children

Starvation of children

Infliction of injury and trauma on children

Using WMD’s and chemical weapons against children

Bombing and shooting children

Eating children

Drinking children’s blood

Buying and selling children’s body parts and organs

Failure to report above crimes

Failure to investigate reports of above crimes

Complicity to commit above crimes

Complicity to aid and abet perpetrators of above crimes

Complicity to bury evidence and protect suspects of above crimes

Conspiracy to place and/or leave children at risk


In addition to crimes listed above we include war-crimes, crimes against humanity, government and banking fraud & theft (and conspiracy to commit) on a previously, unimaginable scale and indeed, a scale so huge, many British people have yet to grasp the enormity of the crimes committed and the terrible ramifications which threaten to devour every British child’s future into debt-slavery.

We cannot, according to any fair sense of Law and Duty of Care  as humans passing the torch of life from one generation to the next, permit the present levels of risk and terrorist threat to continue far into the future and most especially, concerning the likelihood that all aforementioned suspects may and very probably do, have access to and control of Britain’s military and weapons: The level of terrorist threat extends far beyond Britain to the extent, the criminal conspirators are a global threat of major proportions and indeed, have already proven to be deadly.

Defining Terrorism

Section 1. –

(1) In this Act “terrorism” means the use or threat of action where-

(a) the action falls within subsection (2),

(b) the use or threat is designed to influence the government [or an international governmental organisation][3] or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, and

(c) the use or threat is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious[, racial][4] or ideological cause.

(2) Action falls within this subsection if it-

(a) involves serious violence against a person,

(b) involves serious damage to property,

(c) endangers a person’s life, other than that of the person committing the action,

(d) creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public, or

(e) is designed seriously to interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system.

(3) The use or threat of action falling within subsection (2) which involves the use of firearms or explosives is terrorism whether or not subsection (1)(b) is satisfied.


All of the above applies directly to the crimes reported herein in relation to oppression against specific British and global social groups i.e. true Muslims, true Jews and Christians, the lawful, the sick and disabled, the unemployed, children, the low waged, the informed and aware and the “whistleblowers”.



Foundations of Crime; False Flags

For the purpose of maintaining focus and fluidity of this Crime Report it is necessary to focus on key issues in regard to identifying specific crimes and presentation of evidence; investigating authorities are hereby requested to bear in mind that the crimes and evidences highlighted in this report reflect merely, the ‘tip-of-an-iceberg’: The crimes are endemic.

The foundations of our criminal charges of Tyranny against key positions of power within every British Authority (and including their controlled and equally infiltrated and complicit media), are presently established initially, on the evidence of 9/11 and of 7/7.

We cannot here cover all the details of exactly why the Official Reports on both terrible events of 9/11 & 7/7, reflect at best a shoddy investigation and at worst, complicity to commit High Treason by engaging with alien/foreign powers to cover up their joint involvement in terrorist actions against citizens of America and Britain: Links for evidence supporting our suspicions and concerns from reliable and trustworthy witnesses and sources are presented where ever possible; none of our allegations are made without a weight of evidence enough to support lawful/non-malicious suspicion.

The ambition behind the aforementioned terrorist actions was clearly, to afford criminal parties justification for even greater freedoms to committing an even worse scale of terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan, then Libya and now Syria, as well as continuing in their support for Israeli terrorist actions against the largely defenceless and powerless Palestinian people who are by hostile, social and military-stealth, being robbed of their rights, freedoms, choices, homelands, culture, roots and livelihoods.

The chain of events leading up to and in the aftermath of 9/11 & 7/7 are undeniable and witnessing the results of Iraq’s subsequent “liberation”, we can only look on in horror for they are a nation left in ruins and facing the merciless ISIS. Women and children in particular, are suffering the brunt of Islamic extremism which uses an antiquated interpretation of the Qu’uran to justify denying women and children’s legal and human rights.

Iraqi youth are being KILLED for playing pop-music and watching football


Worse than ISIS is the toxic legacy of depleted uranium now littering Iraq (and more recently, Libya) and most heavily concentrated in Fallujah; doctors have told the women there to “stop having babies” due to the high mortality rate, still births and deformities among newborns there.

Not only were the use of DU weapons unlawfully sanctioned for use in Iraq by USA & UK Governments, in case of British Parliament, MP’s were lied to by the MoD who claimed the weapons had been through the necessary Review (as required by the Geneva Convention) and were passed as ‘safe’ for use in populated areas and as a non-environmental threat:

Armed forces minister sorry for misleading MPs over depleted uranium


Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah ‘worse than Hiroshima’


800 tonnes of depleted uranium = toxic-legacy of 41,000 Nagasaki bombs.

Multiply the above number by 3 and that is how much depleted uranium has been dumped on Iraq. It has a half-life of 5 billion years. It has caused widespread environmental and biological contamination. As yet, neither British or USA authorities have officially recognised the issue or made any attempt to try and clean up the pollution and assist the many thousands of victims suffering the severe impact of DU fallout.

Funding & Training ‘Islamic’ Terrorists

We have ample reason based on trusted testimony and evidence provided by equally trustworthy sources, that British, Israeli, Saudi and USA co-conspirators (along with their joint corporate & banking interests whose ambitions are jointly, to maintain control over their respective domains and foster the propagandas that maintain their corrupted powers), rely completely, on the freedoms, profits and pleasures gained from every crime imaginable – these include perjury, bribery and blackmail.

ISIS and other extremist Islamic factions are known to be founded, funded and created by the aforementioned coalition and with members including genuine believers who are psychologically captivated and controlled by those whose interests are purely mercenary i.e. participating for payment and under order of a chain-of-command leading to USA, Israeli, UK & Saudi Intelligence and/or for the freedoms to rob, rape and kill.

For solid evidence to support above suspicions and allegations, we refer to *Gordon Duff’s Intelligence as disclosed during his Keynote speech at the 2014 Damascus Conference, where Mr Duff identified the existence of an ‘International Criminal Cabal’ whom he claims have taken control of America (and by default therefore also, Britain) and who are responsible for crimes against humanity on a scale “never before witnessed“. Mr Duff has “solid evidence” to support his Intelligence:

Gordon Duff’s keynote speech


*’Gordon Duff is the Managing Director and Senior Editor of Veterans Today, a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. He is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. He is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Gordon Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world and is a regular guest on TV and radio in numerous countries. Gordon Duff is a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. His business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology. He is the Managing Director of Adamus Defense Group of Switzerland.‘

We do not believe that Gordon Duff and his team travelled all the way to Damascus to deliver false evidence.

We feel that BBC and other media ignorance of the Damascus, Syria Conference is yet more evidence of conspiracy as they lose no time giving mass publicity to ‘Islamic’ terrorists and yet, nothing for Middle Eastern and Russian leaders who have met to discuss how best to combat the rise of Islamic extremism that is destabilizing all their nations.

According to the evidence presented here, Britain is heavily implicated; we have direct evidence of Britain’s involvement in arming and training Islamic Extremists for purposes of inflicting chaos and terror on every nation in the Middle East. It is very probable too that detention centres like Guantanamo Bay are themselves, training centres for brutalising USA & UK military personnel.


Former MI5 agent David Shayler


‘Stop funding ISIS’: Protesters accuse British govt of financing terror groups


CIA Insider Tells 9/11 Truth


9-11 Ripple Effect


7/7 Ripple Effect 2


To further support the validity of our suspicions and allegations we rely on the evidence presented by a long trusted and Senior British Police Intelligence Analyst, Mr Anthony Farrell, who while working at South Yorkshire Police, was asked to write and present a Terror Threat Assessment for Britain. Mr Farrell was asked to take the events of 9/11 and 7/7 into account while compiling his report.

In his Terror Threat Assessment Report of 2010, Farrell concluded that 7/7 and 9/11 were ‘inside jobs’ and, the biggest threat facing Britain today is via ‘Internal Tyranny’. Instead of investigating the severity of his professional conclusions, Mr Farrell was sacked on the grounds of incompatible beliefs.

Tony Farrell : http://terroronthetube.co.uk/latest-77-articles-3/the-appeal-of-tony-farrell-%E2%80%93-dismissed-for-his-77-advice/

After examining the evidence, many British people are strongly in agreement with Mr Farrell’s conclusions. We feel the persecution he has suffered via the UK Establishment directly as a result of his professional analysis, is yet more evidence of a conspiracy between the criminals within UK Authorities and the powers they covertly employ toward silencing anyone who dares to expose their crimes and thereby, raise the alarm.

The BBC and other mainstream media have declined to give Mr Farrell any attention other than to pour scorn on his conclusions.

Tyranny of 9/11

The very fact that in spite of all the readily available evidence against the Official Report on 9/11, all UK authorities (and including the BBC and other mainstream medias), have conspired to deny and/or ignore all evidence that contradicts the Official USA version of events, is supportive to Mr Farrell and Mr Duff’s aforementioned professional testimonies (which are in turn supported by many thousands of other witnesses and professionals ranging from demolitions experts to airline pilots).

Since both aforementioned key witnesses are experienced in the field of criminal and international intelligence and have no apparent reason to lie for sake of personal gain (in Mr Farrell’s case, he sacrificed both career & pension), the British public have  every right to respect their professional evidence and analysis as informed, honest and trustworthy: Basically. Mr Farrell was sacked for doing his job.

BBC Reported Building 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Before It Fell


TV license evader refused to pay because the BBC covered up facts about 9/11:

“‘They have made programmes making fools of and ridiculing those of us who believe in the laws of gravity. American reports have shown that the fall was nothing but a controlled demolition.

‘I am not looking at who demolished it – that is impossible – but the BBC actively tried to hide this from the public.“


The people of Britain have every right and good reason to take all evidence of organised-crime very seriously and most especially, when it comes to protecting our children from a serious terrorist threat via an enemy within – an enemy against our Human Rights and Law.

British Establishments have stood with Israel, USA and Saudi leaders as a firm and faithful allie and regardless of whatever crimes those respective powers commit; Israel can do no wrong, Palestinians can do no right – even, they are expected to submit peacefully to crime.

Again, the BBC and our Prime Minister have shown undiluted support for Israel:

David Cameron has defended government policy on Gaza


No one has a ‘right’ to expect people to peacefully submit to crimes committed against them; to subject people to crime and to ignore their human and lawful rights, is to actively participate in radicalizing the victims and thereby, encouraging them to commit radical acts which ordinarily, would be considered ‘terrorist’.

Legally and ethically, all respondents who resort to acts of terror due to lack of any other means of making any significant impact by way of usual pleas and peaceful protests against denial of their rights, are considered victims of terrorism and any violence they commit as a result of criminal oppression, are legally classified as “RADICAL” rather than “terrorist” because they are fighting FOR the Law and not against it. Ultimately, their reactions are the responsibility of those who foster mass radicalization.

For a concise understanding of how and why this is the case, see the in depth EU Study on Youth Radicalization via the link below:


Britain’s Intelligence that supported invasion/”liberation” of Iraq is proven false and indeed, it was known to be false at the time of its presentation as ‘fact’ to Parliament. Dr David Kelly (Iraq Weapons Inspector) attempted to question the validity of the ‘Intelligence’ stating Iraq held WMD’s; weeks later he was found dead in very suspicious circumstances.

Dr David Kelly: 10 years on


We cannot forget either, the suspicious and sudden death of Robin Cook MP who was among the few to strongly speak out and vote against invading Iraq and who equally questioned the validity of Intelligence supporting war.

Lingering questions about Robin Cook’s death


In light of the evidence presented in this report, it is hardly surprising that David Cameron PM made the following statement before the UN in 2014 – again, this is more evidence of his complicity in crime and his commitment to protecting criminals from accountability to the Law; he strives instead to criminalise the righteous:

“As evidence emerges about the backgrounds of those convicted of terrorist offences, it is clear that many of them were initially influenced by preachers who claim not to encourage violence, but whose world view can be used as a justification for it. We know this world view;

The peddling of lies: that 9/11 was a Jewish plot or that the 7/7 London attacks were staged. The idea that Muslims are persecuted all over the world as a deliberate act of Western policy. The concept of an inevitable clash of civilisations. We must be clear: to defeat the ideology of extremism we need to deal with all forms of extremism – not just violent extremism.”


The truth is; the only lies being “peddled” regarding 9/11 are those that constitute the “facts” within the 9/11 Official Report. It is disturbing therefore, to note the global political climate that permitted Mr Cameron to issue such a politically explosive statement considering the evidence against the Official story is more or less conclusive in terms of 9/11 being an “inside job”. We can only assume that almost every nation is in either grip or pay or both, of the Zionist banking cabals and their incestuous corporations.

Our concern is therefore, majorly for the children of every nation – namely, their future as adult humans on planet earth: If even our police and governments appear to have no powers against the banking-cabals, what chance do our children have?



Economic Terrorism

All crimes have a motive and intent and obviously, the motive and intent of the global, Criminal-Cabal as identified by Gordon Duff, are shown to be the advantages gained by an Oligarchy of business, political and religious interests whose collective desires for wealth and power supersede the divisions those same powers impose on the global publics. Vaguely, they are united under the ‘Zionist’ flag which appears to be a usurpation of Judaism and which includes ‘Christian’ and ‘Muslim’ Zionists too.

Loosely, Zionism fosters strict social division via a CASTE system whereby human beings are valued and segregated according to race, faith, age, wealth and gender; these divisions are suggested to be the “will of God”.

Zionists claim it is “God’s Will” that has made them the “natural” leaders of humanity and that same ‘God’ has given them rights to own humanity and our whole planet. They also claim that God gave them Palestine and the right to rule over all Jewish and Christian people too.

It is important to note however, that many ‘Zionists’ and Zionist-Agenda-Supporters, truly have little or no idea of the scale of the crimes they are participating in, or even, that they ARE ‘Zionist’ agendas. They genuinely believe they work for the good of humanity. Many more are purely, in-it-for-the-money.

Suffice to say, we sincerely hope all such people will accept the truth that Zionist agendas are ONLY for the benefit of Zionists. Jews themselves are also victims in the impact of Zionism and actually, the Zionist ambitions and agendas threaten extinction of humanity or at the very least, a total oppression of everything that make us human i.e. freedom of expression, self autonomy, law, compassion, diversity, culture – basically, our HUMAN RIGHTS: Crime can bring no long-term rewards to humanity; the future will always be forced to pay for the crimes of the present.

International Jewish network condemns Israel and Zionism


Jews Against Zionism And Rothschilds


The Zionist philosophy is written out very clearly in the Protocols of Zion first published around the end of the 19th century. It was long proposed to be a hoax and if so, it is a hoax which nonetheless, has come to pass:

Protocols of Zion


Without doubt, Zionist-Israeli and dual Israeli international citizens, both operate and control the World Bank. UK & USA national banks are equally controlled by Zionist forces of interest. David Cameron has himself publicly declared “I am a Zionist” and the Israel Lobby remains a powerful influence at the very heart of British politics with many MP’s receiving ‘gifts’ and funding from Israel.

Dispatches – inside Britain’s Israel Lobby


Cameron declares himself a Zionist


List of Banks owned by the Zionist Rothschild family


“It can no longer be called a conspiracy theory, when you look at the cold hard facts.“

The cold hard facts amount to grand scale, global fraud and theft and with politicians like David Cameron suspected to be directly involved in draining British Pension funds into offshore Tax Havens via fake investment companies given false triple-A ratings by high ranking financiers also involved in the fraud/robbery (the more trustworthy and most lucrative pension funds were forbidden from investing in any company with less than triple-A-rating).

Gordon Bowden an ex RAF Officer, has undertaken extensive investigative research into the case specifically against Cameron and others in relation to the above crimes and his accumulated wealth of evidence for some strange reason, has yet to be investigated by British authorities even though the crimes have been reported to Police:

‘The evidence that he is witnessed and recorded handing into the BBC to do their own full investigation, is set to reveal the biggest political corruption scandal in British history, that included the setup of a colossal 250,000 “shell virtual oil and gas companies” registered from a few house addresses in Finchley Rd London, and linked to the most prominent people at the core of the British establishment. These companies were deliberately set up to steal and rob BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of pounds from the public and asset strip the whole country!‘



Again, the very fact that the BBC and British police have shown little or no interest in reporting or investigating aforementioned crimes is yet further proof of conspiracy to silence questions and deny evidence against criminal authorities and professionals.

While we do not assume all parties within every UK authority are knowingly involved or else, willingly complicit, we are aware that many who know and who loathe what they see are essentially bound and gagged by fear and threat; we recognize that the corruption within one rotten apple can infect a whole batch and because of this we cannot presently trust any British Authority whose members are not prepared to address this issue of Internal Tyranny and all the crimes that constitute its reality as a force of social, political and economic oppression.


Austerity is the reality of economic-terrorism and it has changed the face of Britain from a compassionate caring society to one where disabled people suffer verbal abuse and attack; unemployment Benefit is suddenly a ‘wage’ for full time work while “training” for a business.

The economic & social impact of ‘Workfare’ is that it has reduced the number of real jobs on the market as employers rush to take advantage of DWP-slaves they are paid to employ.

The economic & social impact of assuming ALL Benefit claimants to be guilty of ‘fraud’ and forcing them through reassessment and/or punishing them with sanctions/loss of income in order to prove their eligibility again, is that an estimated 60,000 people are dead and with a large number, through suicide and despicably (considering British people have died through lack of public funding), at a huge expense to the public purse.

DWP urged to publish inquiries on benefit claimant suicides


The economic impact of forcing the sick and disabled onto the job market via degrading and unfair “reassessments”(most of whom are genuinely too sick/disabled to work), means less jobs for the able bodied in an economy where jobs are scarce.

The economic impact of cutting 30% from ALL British citizens Benefits via ‘sanctions’ etc. has left many British local economies 30% poorer as Benefits are almost entirely spent within local economies. This has led to bankruptcy for small businesses and added to unemployment.

The economic impact of cutting 50% of all Public service jobs has again, cut the amount of money circulating in local economies via loss of wages and this in turn, has led to even more local and national business closures and more unemployment.

The economic impact of privatising Britain’s Post Office & NHS etc., is to decrease wages, cut jobs, increase working hours and to provide less of a service.

A new return to Victorian values


In their drive to return to “Victorian Britain” this present Government, the worst among a succession of many, wishes to claim that two World Wars never happened and the Human rights and Welfare State we established as citizens of this nation and on the STRENGTH of our united efforts and sacrifice, were in fact, a “SOCIAL EXPERIMENT” http://winteryknight.com/2014/08/20/uk-social-policies-undermine-work-and-family-while-rewarding-hedonism-and-sloth/

The inevitable social degeneration as millions are trapped in poverty, with no hope, no voice, no say and treated like 2nd and 3rd class citizens on deprived housing estates and educated in run-down schools, is all blamed on the Benefit System. It is NEVER blamed on LACK of living-wage jobs, lack of opportunity or lack of equality.

It is NEVER blamed on the fact that children in poverty are more likely to grow up damaged from abuse: Economically-imposed poverty = abuse.

The point is, if we want a silk-purse then provide SILK to make it instead of JUTE.

We can see that under Austerity nothing is ever going to get any better for most British people the majority of whom, live on less than £25,000 a year: Mr Cameron PM has explained that Austerity is to be forever.

David Cameron gave a speech about his commitment to the cause of permanent austerity:


Is Austerity-Forever a fair economic policy? Is it a lawful policy to impose on a nation? We feel that it is not a fair economic policy and that it is actually an unlawful economic policy and precisely because; the very need for austerity is itself, directly related to crimes committed by the very same individuals now hoping to profit even more on imposing the resulting austerity and indeed, it is only because of their crimes and conspiracy, they are collectively, in a position of power to impose it.

Banking Bailouts

It appears that the most insane reasoning makes perfect sense so long as it has the BBC and SKY News to support it. What Iceland immediately stood up and said a resounding “NO” to, Britain was persuaded into accepting by a complicit and therefore, criminal media who unquestioningly supported the proposals for a “bailout”. A bailout given WITHOUT the democratic consent of the British public.

The bailout entailed borrowing £1.27 trillion (that we know of) from the World Bank which was then loaned indefinitely and INTEREST-FREE to the failed private banks. The British public were not consulted about this decision and yet, it is now down to the British public of this generation and of every future generation, to pay off the INTEREST on the bailout loan that was given interest-free to the failed banks; national interest payments on the bailout-loans are costing British people £1 Billion a week and they are the reason that many British families working full time, are queuing up outside foodbanks and/or being evicted from their homes via the ‘bedroom-tax’.

Interest bill on UK’s £1.27 trillion debt to hit £1bn a week


One of Britain’s bailed-out banks has recently been sold at a huge loss to the public and for a fraction of its bailout fee on which the UK public is still paying interest.

RBS sell-off: George Osborne defends £1bn loss


Worse still, besides borrowing to bail out the banks, the British public are still expected to pay their own debts to the failed and actually criminal banks. Iceland meanwhile, has not only refused to bail out the banks, they are not suffering austerity, they are successfully prosecuting bankers for fraud & theft and all their debts are forgiven.

British people are informed that the bankers are “too big to prosecute“.

HSBC, too big to jail, is the new poster child for US two-tiered justice system.


We have evidence to prove that the banks are involved in money laundering from; drugs crimes, crimes against children, slavery, theft, illegal arms trade, human trafficking, sweat-shop-labour, mercenary ‘wars’ & conflicts, fake investment companies and private businesses, fraudulent property developers and criminal corporations.

Besides all of the above, they manipulate shares, stocks, bonds and investments and raise or lower prices of commodities like gold and silver according to their daily whims, as well as exchange inside-information.

‘Banking Is a Criminal Industry Because Its Crimes Go Unpunished’


The only difference between Britain and Iceland is that Icelanders were well informed and aware, the British people were not and that is directly because our media (like our Government) is largely controlled by the same powers connected to the banks.

‘Almost 78 per cent of our press is owned by a handful of mostly foreign-based billionaires.’


Banking Collapse & 9/11

We have every reason to suspect the banking collapse was orchestrated and known well in advance: In 1995, Gordon brown was approached by Goldman Sachs who expressed deep concern about a huge shortfall in gold to back the USA banks. Gordon Brown was persuaded to dump half Britain’s gold (400 tonnes) onto the global market and thereby bring gold prices plummeting and thus permitting, USA financiers a chance to quickly buy in stocks before prices rapidly rose again; by 2011, at the depths of the collapse, gold prices stood at $1800 per oz against the $400 an oz British gold was sold for.

Who has paid for the sudden rise in gold? It is the working people of every nation who have paid and many with their lives.

Revealed: why Gordon Brown sold Britain’s gold at a knock-down price


Much as Gordon Brown at the time thought he’d prevented an international banking collapse, the reality was, all parties in the ‘know’ were aware of the coming collapse and Britain’s gold was appropriated only for purpose of hedging their own bets and preparing for the collapse. All who had invested in Britain’s cheap gold, grew hugely rich overnight as gold prices soared.

The evidence suggests that 9/11 conspirators ‘killed two birds with one stone’ i.e. eliminating immediate evidence of financial crime, halting investigations into those crimes and simultaneously, creating a ‘monster’ as justification for invading and occupying/looting Middle Eastern nations under the guise of ‘liberation’.

We cannot deny the financial connection:

Twin Towers housed sensitive information about suspicious/corrupt transactions from Wall St.

All evidence destroyed.

Building 7 housed information and evidence gathered by CIA who were investigating banking crime in transactions between Wall St and the Trade Centres.

All evidence destroyed.

The Pentagon Accounts department that got struck on 9/11, were investigating the disappearance of $2+ Trillion that was announced “missing” the day before.

All evidence destroyed.

The above 3 FACTS alone, are enough to alert the suspicions of even the most simple detective. When we add those facts to Gordon Duff’s “solid evidence” as disclosed to Middle Eastern & Russian leaders, we are left with a very strong case – enough to warrant an investigation.

We therefore, can only conclude that Britain’s present alliance with America is established via the various political, intelligence and corporate networks among those who plotted, planned and implemented, the atrocity and horror 9/11.

The Banking-Bail-In

Lack of media interest in discussing all of the points raised above, leaves the public unaware and complacent, many have no idea about how quickly and how severely their rights are being eroded, many in Britain will have no idea until the bankers decide it’s time for their ‘bail-IN’ and steal the rest of what people have.

If the banking bail-outs cost £1.27 Trillion – how much will the bail-IN cost? Do the british people collectively own £1.27 TRILLION? How many homes will ‘need’ to be repossessed and sold for a song to foreign corporations to pay it?

The British Government has signed new legislation permitting banks and building societies to seize funds from the accounts of their customers, this could eventually lead to seizure of assets like land, shares and property too:

‘Bail-in will help to ensure that shareholders and creditors of the failed institution, rather than the taxpayer, meet the costs of the failure. Bail-in will also ensure that the failed institution can continue to operate and provide essential services to its customers, by recapitalising it so that restructuring measures can then be implemented that address the cause of the failure. This will help to limit disruption to the institution’s customers and maintains public confidence in the banking system.‘


They neglect to explain that British banking customers ARE the tax-payers expected to pay the never-ending interest on the Bail-OUTS.

There is no doubt that when Iceland said “NO” to the bankers they won both ways; no debt and previous debts forgiven. For saying NOTHING while our Government said “YES”, British people are paying DOUBLE – paying for the bail-out as a ‘national-debt’ that’s robbing people of jobs, services and depleting local economies and simultaneously, struggling to pay personal debts and mortgages, which actually, were covered by the bail-out! And now, the people must risk everything they have to finance a bail-IN?

The very fact that a British Government has agreed to leave every UK citizen at the mercy of ruthless bankers who are known criminals and who have supported every kind of crime and criminal, is further evidence that Britain is suffering the results of an Internal Tyranny which has corrupted other nations too – hence, Gordon Duff’s identification of an International, Criminal-Cabal.



Scrapping Human Rights

That the British Government and every UK authority continues to support the followers of the Zionists racist and inhuman philosophy is itself, evidence enough that British authorities do not have the people’s best interests at heart, for certainly, how could they, considering they are aligned with an ‘elite’ who do not agree that the majority of British people are actually entitled to Human Rights being as they do not recognize us as ‘Human’?

Iain Duncan Smith in his capacity as Minister for DWP, referred to British people as “stock” on national TV during a tribunal in which he was asked to account for his policies on Benefits that have left over an estimated 60,000 British people dead as a direct result. Again, the BBC has declined to comment on his outrageous remark.

In light of the above, we feel that David Cameron PM’s plan to “scrap” Human Rights for British people (which the BBC describe as a “pledge” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-32683869 ), is again more evidence of his own personal involvement with the aforementioned Criminal Cabal.

Simply by stating his intent to “scrap” Human rights, David Cameron is issuing a threat against the people of Britain:

Article 17: Prohibition of abuse of rights

‘Nothing in this Convention may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein or at their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for in the Convention.

as no nation once signed to supporting them, is permitted to change or alter the Human rights granted….‘



Furthermore, Cameron has recently stated to the British public:

““For too long, we [British Authorities] have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens ‘as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone‘…”


What kind of a statement is that from the Prime Minister of a supposedly ‘free’ and ‘lawful’ nation?

Britain’s proposal to scrap Human Rights represents a threat to other nation’s commitment to those rights because Britain is an influential power within world politics. If Britain is no longer to uphold the Human Rights they told our forebears we fought two World wars for, then what will Britain now stand for i.e. a Zionist Caste-System whereby money = rights and no money = no rights?

When we consider the implications of Cameron’s proposed ‘Bill of Rights’ there is little to provide any assurance that his alterations are to be in any way advantageous to the British general public.

Once our human rights our removed, there is equally little prospect of any future generations reclaiming them; all will be in servitude to debt-slavery and every aspect of their lives controlled by corporate interests.

Due to their collective present and past records, we do not trust these corporations as ‘sane’, they present a serious risk because they are inherently lawless and the debt they impose is the PROFIT from their lawlessness. Is that the new lesson for the child of humanity; the greater the crime the greater the rewards?

We cannot ignore the reality of what’s happened and is now happening i.e. the many valid reasons which highlight the need for prompt action in upholding the Law and investigating crime regardless of the social status of suspects.

The need for addressing the crimes of those now unlawfully judged “too big to prosecute” is paramount when we consider David Cameron’s proposals for new laws which identify otherwise law-abiding British citizens as “non violent terrorists” who are “dangerous as ISIS” simply because they share accurate information exposing corporate and government crimes.

The people of Britain are in an ‘us-or-them’ situation; either the innocent will pay for the crimes of the guilty for the sake of the guilty or else, the guilty will be arrested so as to spare the innocent and for the sake of child protection and justice.

The facts and evidence are clear for all to understand; according to the United Nations Patriot Act, it appears that Israel, USA, Saudi and British Governments are encouraging terrorism.


“Reaffirming that Member States must ensure that any measures taken to counter terrorism comply with all their obligations under international law, in particular international human rights law, international refugee law, and international humanitarian law, underscoring that respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law are complementary and mutually reinforcing with effective counter-terrorism measures, and are an essential part of a successful counter-terrorism effort and notes the importance of respect for the rule of law so as to effectively prevent and combat terrorism, and noting that failure to comply with these and other international obligations, including under the Charter of the United Nations, is one of the factors contributing to increased radicalization and fosters a sense of impunity.”

The aforementioned EU Study on Youth radicalization is hereby, fully supported by the above conclusions of the UN in relation to the dangers associated with Government denial of Human Rights. There can be no doubt as to the intellectual and lawful validity of the understanding that if multiple individuals are repeatedly punched in the face, then at some point, a fair portion of them will retaliate, regardless of their losses.

The result of this type of State-Nurtured ‘terrorism’ is inevitably, social breakdown amid riots and chaos; since the EU Study and UN Patriot Act have publicly identified loss of Human Rights as a prime and in fact righteous, influence in mass protests and/or connected terrorist type/radical actions, we have no choice but to accept the possibility that bringing about social breakdown and instigating riots is actually part of the criminal cabal’s plan for Britain and obviously, to thereby impose a Police State and take control of every citizen.

This is NOT an idle threat and certainly, there is more evidence to support concerns about that threat than there is to support any threats issued by ‘Islamic’ Extremists; the enemy-within relies on the distractions of an external enemy and uses associated fears to justify denial of citizen’s rights.

Eradicating the ‘Benefits Culture’

Welfare provision, originally via Social Security funded through National Insurance contributions of the workforce, is an economic obligation toward fulfilling and supporting the Human Rights Act.

In a world where people are denied any hope or chance of self-sustainability as is their natural and universal right and are fundamentally, forced to survive on money as a means to satisfy their daily and basic human needs for food, fuel and shelter, denial of economic-provision in times of unemployment and/or disability or sickness, is in reality, to deny those people’s Human Rights.

The savage cuts against British citizens Benefits have drawn blood and killed people; law abiding and vulnerable people, many of whom have fully contributed to Britain’s economy during their working lives, were left with no income, facing eviction from their homes, invasive and degrading interrogations by Atos, DWP tribunals that leave them existing on minimal payments of £40 a week for 6-months+ and prior to that, weeks and even months, with no income whatsoever.

Most punitive of all are the cruel sanctions against job-seekers i.e. 5 minutes late for ‘signing-on’ earns a ‘sanction’ of no Benefit for 3 months or more. The evidence strongly suggests that Job Centre staff are compelled to issue a minimum number of sanctions per week as part of fulfilling their job-performance and regardless of whether or not claimants have done anything to deserve the sanction; reports from JSA claimants show that most of the sanctions are wrongly issued and/or on flimsy excuses.

Evidence of benefit sanction targets has been uncovered by the Public and Commercial Services Union


Britain’s Benefit system is no longer performing the function it was designed for i.e. to deliver public funding to those in need. Instead, the people in need are forced to attend the job centre in order to deliver public funding and unpaid labour to private, international corporations.

The same too applies to the low-waged, rather than insist on a higher minimum wage, British Government has for years, been subsidising private business profits via a more recently created ‘Benefit’ titled Working Tax Credit which uses public funds to top-up the excessively low wages of working British adults and thus, eradicating Human Rights to earn a LIVING wage that leaves them free to live independently from financial dependence on the State.

In order to minimise public empathy for the plight of Benefit claimants Government and media launched a hate-campaign: Newspaper headlines screamed “Scroungers” and “Fraudsters” against the State-Endorsed ‘enemy-within’ i.e. Benefit claimants became the distraction for negative public energy over austerity and the bankers joyously continued to give themselves huge bonuses amid the mass condemnation of the ‘Benefits-Culture’.

UK bloated on benefits: £91bn bill ‘encourages scroungers’


Private businesses and landlords reap in the bulk of the £91bn Benefit-Bill which includes payments toward WTC and also, pensions. Most of the above sum is spent on supporting working adults. This present government is now seeking to cut Working Tax Credit:

Budget 2015: George Osborne’s tax credit cuts will ‘affect more than seven million children’


It is difficult to see how the majority of British workers can avoid some form of financial dependency on the State since many are working for their JSA, many millions more forced to rely on WTC and more still, claiming Housing Benefit.

Who is really “scrounging” off who?

DWP and Atos investigations resulted in

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