
Leonard Cohen sang in Everybody Knows “the poor stay poor, the rich get rich.” A commentator recently put “where money talks, the poor walks.”

Unfortunately, not everybody knows yet what more and more people are beginning to realise when you follow the money trail:

The Global Elite’s Crimes Against Humanity: The Subversion of Happiness and Truth

World Bank Whistleblower Reveals How The Global Elite Rules The World

Τhe Transnational Elite and the New World Order (NWO)

and the path of public opinion shaping:

Conspiracy Theories? No One Does it Better than the Western Elite

The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order

or when you follow the power trail closer to home:

Filthy Britain’s Satanic Secrets

Who Knows the Truth about Britain’s Dirty Secrets?

#Whistleblower Kids are telling the truth: Britain is run by Satanists.

Does it come as a surprise to read these detailed comments about the Rigged Election?

2015 UK General Election – thoughts from the dissident fringe

by William Shepherd

According to the pollsters their ‘mistake’ was to underestimate the Labour vote…by five percent. Another possibility is that there was no mistake, but five percent of the Labour vote in English marginal constituencies were ‘mislaid’. The Scottish poll, however, was accurate, because Scottish suspicions of ballot rigging were aroused by the Referendum count in 2014. So the Scottish people…not the authorities…took measures in the 2015 General Election to ensure a clean tally of votes. Here are the number of parliamentary seats by opinion/exit polls & voting system.

First Past the Post

Exit polls showed: The Conservatives were expected to get 316 Members of Parliament, just short of a majority. A party needs 326 MPs to have a majority. Labour was expected to get 239 MPs. The Liberal Democrats were expected to get only 10 MPs. The Scottish Nationalists were expected to get 58 MPs. Plaid Cymru 4, UKIP 2 and the Greens 2. The Exit Polls conflict with the earlier Opinion Polls which showed Conservatives and Labour neck and neck. The final YouGov poll suggested: Conservatives 284; Labour 263.

Proportional Representation

Seat distribution in the Westminster Parliament in a proportional representation system based on percent of the (officially announced counted) vote:

Conservative 242; Labour 199; Ukip 82; LibDems 51; SNP 31; Greens 24; Plaid Cymru 3.

The ‘small district’ proportional representation system, as used for the European Union elections, would have produced a different seat allocation to the system of first past the post in each constituency. The transferable vote system, where voters rank the candidates, would have produced yet another distribution of parliamentary seats…but there is no research available on voters’ second and third preferences.  The extent of tactical voting under the first past the post system is extensive but there is little research  to ascertain its implications.

There is no reason to assume that any of the parliamentary candidates…from the Wessex Regionalist, Colin Bex, to the Conservative Party’s David Cameron…knew anything about the vote rigging in the 2015 UK General Election.

UKIP supporters are convinced Nigel Farage’s defeat is a conspiracy

The Independent  FRIDAY 15 MAY 2015

Less than 48 hours after its leader conceded defeat, Ukip supporters have taken to Twitter to vent their frustration at their failure to capture the South Thanet seat – by declaring it was all a set-up. Angry kippers have used the hashtag #Thanetrigged to accuse the establishment of all sorts of electoral shenanigans to get Nigel Farage out – citing the unusually long time for the votes to be counted and their success in the local elections as evidence. Farage lost by 2,812 votes to the Conservative candidate Craig Macinklay despite the party gaining a 13 per cent vote share across the country. But despite this failure Ukip gained overall control of Thanet council in the local election results on Friday – its first in the country. They have jumped on a tweet sent by Spectator columnist Isabel Hardman tweeted at 12:30am on election night that Farage may have lost, six hours before the votes were counted, as “proof” the result was a foregone conclusion.

* * * * * * * * * *

Election Rigging: UK (North)

General election fix? Anti-rigging campaigners issue last-minute tips to save SNP

Published in Russia Today on: May 06, 2015


Anti-rigging campaigners have alerted Scottish election officials of a possible general election fix targeting the SNP. They are calling on voters to photograph their ballot papers for verification.

The pro-independence campaigners, who believe last year’s referendum was rigged, are eager to avoid any alleged repeat during the general election. Police and election officials categorized the allegations in the “context of conspiracy theories after the referendum.” The Scottish National Party (SNP) are “at high risk” of being victimized by an election fix, campaigners say.

The anti-rigging campaign, named Operation Scallop, is using its name as hashtag to teach people on social media how to vote “safely.” To prevent ballot papers from being tampered with, they have shared an image on Twitter containing a list of instructions for voters to abide by. Anti-rigging campaigners have alerted Scottish election officials of a possible general election fix targeting the SNP. They are calling on voters to photograph their ballot papers for verification.

#PeopleNOTpolls: Join the conversation

General election fix? Anti-rigging campaigners issue last-minute tips to save SNP

Published time: May 06, 2015 17:13 Get short URL

Anti-rigging campaigners have alerted Scottish election officials of a possible general election fix targeting the SNP. They are calling on voters to photograph their ballot papers for verification.

#PeopleNOTpolls: Join the conversation

The pro-independence campaigners, who believe last year’s referendum was rigged, are eager to avoid any alleged repeat during the general election. Police and election officials categorized the allegations in the “context of conspiracy theories after the referendum.”

The Scottish National Party (SNP) are “at high risk” of being victimized by an election fix, campaigners say. The anti-rigging campaign, named Operation Scallop, is using its name as hashtag to teach people on social media how to vote “safely.”

To prevent ballot papers from being tampered with, they have shared an image on Twitter containing a list of instructions for voters to abide by. The campaigners are asking the electorate to vote between 9pm and 10pm on election day, and to take pictures of their ballot papers with time stamps.

“After voting hang about outside, ideally near the car park BUT do not act suspicious, we want the police watching the polling station not distracted by us,” one of the instructions said.

People who are waiting outside should take pictures of anything which they think “looks strange” when the vans are being loaded with ballot papers once the poll station has closed.

Regardless of the organizers’ persistence to make sure the results are accurate, they claim their monitoring is “peaceful” and “within the law.” They are advising voters to not post any images before polling closes, and to remain “polite and courteous” at all times.

Brian Spanner, a member of Operation Scallop, told RT he is “extremely concerned that our votes will be tampered with as happened in the referendum.” “There is ample evidence that the British secret services tampered with votes in the Scottish referendum,” he said.

The SNP are “obviously” at higher risk of being targeted. If the SNP “take a majority of the voters,” it will “trigger another referendum” and leave Britain “in fear,” Spanner says. “Those assisting in Operation Scallop will ensure transport taking votes from ballot stations to counting stations are not tampered with,” he said.

​Mixed messages? Murdoch’s Sun backs Tories, while Scottish edition backs SNP

“We are also encouraging people to check their ballot papers and to photograph barcodes so they can be verified.”

Formal warnings were sent to Scotland’s electoral management board and to officers in all local authorities on Wednesday to watch out for large queues and any disruptive behaviour at polling stations. Scottish police have also distributed warnings to all divisional commanders, asking them to watch out for vans leaving after 10 with ballot boxes. The polling stations and police have been ordered to ban people from taking selfies or using phones in polling stations.A notice from the Electoral Commission says police should be alerted of any issues that “include threatening behaviour either within polling places, outside them or during transit to the count.”

* * * * * * * * * * * *

#ThanetRigged: Ukip Voters Think There Was A Conspiracy To Keep Nigel Farage Out Of Parliament

The Huffington Post UK    |  By Ryan Barrell

Posted: 09/05/2015 19:09 BST Updated: 13/05/2015 17:59 BST


Police are looking into an allegation of electoral fraud in Thanet South, the seat which Ukip’s Nigel Farage failed to win on Thursday night.

Mr Farage lost out in the General Election to the Conservatives’ Craig Mackinlay who racked up 18,838 votes to Mr Farage’s 16,026.

Claims of suspicious behaviour surfaced following a lengthy delay in declaring the seat’s results at Margate’s Winter Gardens. See https://mobile.twitter.com/HouseOfTraitors/status/597073388511834112


2015:  about 11:00am (8hrs LATE)

2010:  3:17am

2005:  4:44am

2001:  3:33am

1997:  3:12am

trouble is who do you complain to – electoral commission, council, plods, ??? all rotten to the core

@HouseOfTraitors @long46927755 certainly something not legit there. And where were the boxes for 6+ hours. Doesn’t take much to tamper…probably why @Nigel_Farage just went to bed after polls closed. Knew it was dodgy? Does Thanet normally have council elections on same day and potentially litigious candidates? Both can slow counts down.

@CatMcFarlane: I agree. Scrutinise every ballot cast. Doesn’t add up voting for UKIP council but a Con MP.

@The_Sarsen: maybe the Tory downfall will happen sooner than we’d hoped, if everybody kicks off about this

May 9 charlotte44 @donnaariner. Does anyone know what time the count started?

@HouseOfTraitors 2.38am Owen Bennett tweets Nigel has lost Thanet!  Why 8 hours delay for declaration?

@HouseOfTraitors. Correction. It was 2.30 am!

May 9 Liam Bones @LiamBones. They didn’t start counting until 8am.

May 9 Vincenzo H-F. @DagChaseBirde.  If this one was rigged, were there any others ?

Local Election Results 2015

The real reason for the local council/Westminster split, however, may be a lot more simple. The constituency turnout was 70% for the general election, but historically only sat at 40% in the locals.

So what’s really happened, it seems, is that Ukip voters were the only ones who actually bothered to turn in their ballots in the local elections while Tories and Labourites ignored the councils and just voted in the general election, letting the Conservative candidate cling to power.

For what it’s worth, with some results still to declare, Ukip has already returned 31 out of 56 councillors in Thanet, taking control of the authority.

Marathon election counts have ground on into the third day with Tories extending their run of council poll triumphs. With results in from 250 out of 279 authorities, Conservatives have made 490 net seat gains, Ukip 47 and Greens 11. Liberal Democrats have 322 net losses and Labour 160. There were 321 losses for others.

Tories gained control at Babergh, Basingstoke and Deane, Brentwood, East Lindsey, East Staffordshire, Eden, Gloucester, Herefordshire, High Peak, Mole Valley, Newark & Sherwood, Poole, St Albans, Scarborough, South Gloucestershire, Staffordshire Moorlands, Taunton Deane, Teignbridge, Torridge, Waveney, Winchester, Worcester and Wyre Forest. They captured Amber Valley, Gravesham and North Warwickshire from Labour, Hinckley & Bosworth from Lib Dems and Richmondshire from independents. But they lost overall control at Tendring.

Labour’s biggest prize so far was at Bradford where it won from no overall control (NOC). It also gained from NOC at Stockton-on-Tees and West Lancashire but lost Plymouth, Stoke-on-Trent and Telford and Wrekin.

Lib Dems lost to NOC at South Somerset, Three Rivers and Watford.

Six authorities – Bath and North East Somerset, Bournemouth, Broxtowe, Guildford, Middlesbrough and Redcar and Cleveland – are not expected to produce final results until Monday.

Liberal Democrats, who failed to hold Eastbourne’s parliamentary seat, easily retained control of the council.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Election Rigging: UK (South)


Rob Ford, senior lecturer in politics at the University of Manchester, noticed that the Conservatives succeeded in concentrating their votes “in the seats where it counted.”The Tory vote went up four points in the key marginals it was defending from Labour and in the marginals it was looking to win from the Liberal Democrats. “Conservative support was flat or falling” in many other areas. Were the votes switched?


Many people claim that someone rigged the vote in Thanet South, where UKIP’s Nigel Farage was defeated. Many people cite: 1. The unusually long time it took for the votes to be counted. Ballot papers going ‘missing’ for seven hours. 2. The UKIP success in the local elections in Thanet South, which were held at the same time. In the General Election vote, UKIP’s Farage lost by 2,812 votes to the Conservative candidate Craig Macinklay. In the local election, with counting completed Ukip has 33 seats, Conservatives have 18, Labour 4 and independents one.

James Harding

The media played its part. “The BBC’s sympathetic treatment of the Tories during Election 2015 shouldn’t surprise us, as the head of BBC News and Current Affairs is a man called James Harding, who was previously editor of Rupert Murdoch’s neocon newspaper The Times…” www.neilclark66.blogspot.com . Google appeared to be trying to hide material linking top Conservatives to child abuse rings, deregulation of the banks…

Stolen ballot papers could have been used to help the Conservatives win in certain key marginal seats.

On 29 April 2015, the BBC reported that a van containing more than 200,000 ballot papers had been stolen. The ballot papers had been printed in London and were heading for Hastings and Rye and Eastbourne – ahead of voting in the general election on 7 May. Police said it was believed the van was parked in Longbridge Road, Dagenham, at about 19:30. The theft was discovered at 06:25. See Stolen van held Hastings and Eastbourne ballot papers – BBC.

Labour had been expected to win in Hastings and Rye.

In Hastings and Rye, the Conservative candidate Amber Rudd surprisingly won with 22,686 votes with Sarah Owen, Labour’s candidate, receiving 17,890 votes.

1970 General Election

The 1970 general election was won, unexpectedly, by the Conservative Edward Heath, a frequent visitor to the island of Jersey. If there was vote rigging in the 2015 election, the main purpose was to give David Cameron a majority. Only in a limited number of marginal constituencies would the vote need to be rigged.

John Hemming

Hemming helped Leah McGrath Goodman, who has been investigating the Jersey child abuse and Haut de la Garenne. The Powers-That-Be would not have wanted to save Member of Parliament John Hemming. Hemming lost his seat.

Conservative Chloe Smith retains Norwich North seat..

Conservative candidate Chloe Smith in Norwich North. In the constituency of Norwich North, Lord Ashcroft’s opinion poll placed Labour ahead of the Conservatives. On polling day, “fears of defeat were initially thought to be growing” in the camp of the Conservative candidate Chloe Smith. During the vote count at Norwich North, the fire alarm went off, although there was apparently no evacuation. There was a turnout of 67.8pc – up almost 3pc on 2010. The Conservative Chloe Smith was announced as the winner with 19,052 votes, compared to second place Labour with 14,589 votes.

Vince Cable.

The Conservative Tania Mathias beat the Liberal-Democrat Vince Cable in Twickenham by 25,580 votes to 23,563. Vince Cable is an enemy of Rupert Murdoch. Rupert Murdoch supported the Scottish National Party (yellow) in Scotland and the Conservative Party (blue) in England.


The Powers-That-Be were angry with Labour for attacking Israel over its attack on Gaza. Jews turn away from Ed Miliband’s Labour Party. See  Aangirfan: Ed Miliband Hit by Top Jews  at http://Aangirfan.blogspot.co.uk . “At the recent Israeli general election, the polls got it wrong.” Elections can be rigged. Labour’s Foreign Affairs spokesman Douglas Alexander was defeated in Renfrewshite (Renfrewshire) South. Douglas Alexander has opposed Israel and the USA over Syria..


The Conservative’s Robert Halfon has almost doubled his majority to retain this previously marginal seat. Robert Halfon was born to a Jewish family living in Hampstead, London. His grandfather was an Italian Jew, living in Libya. Robert Halfon has been the Political Director for Conservative Friends of Israel.

Hampstead & Kilburn

Tulip Siddiq has worked for Philip Gould Associates, MP Harry Cohen and the Obama campaign in the USA. Tulip, the Labour candidate, is part of the Establishment. Tulip held on to this marginal seat, once held by the Conservatives. Siddiq: 44.4% share of the total vote. +11.6% change in share of the votes; Conservative, Simon Marcus: 42.3% share of the total vote. +9.6% change in share; Independent, Ronnie Carroll: 0.2% of the total vote.

Dumfries & Galloway

SNP gain from Labour. SNO, Richard Arkless: 41.4% share of the total vote +29.1% change in share of the votes; Conservative: 29.9% share of the total vote -1.7% change in share of the votes; Labour: 24.7% share of the total vote -21.2. Dumfries was once a relatively safe Conservative seat, with the vast majority opposing independence.

Sheffield Hallam

The Liberal Democrats’ Nick Clegg once worked for Sir Leon Brittan, who has been named as a child rapist. Nick Clegg has held onto his seat. Nick Clegg: 22,215 votes. -13.4% change in share of the votes; Labour: 19,862 votes.+19.7% change in share of the votes; Conservatives: 7,544 total votes. -9.9%

Was the 1992 election rigged?

John Major, who won the 1992 election, was involved in the 1991 Gulf War. In the 1992 general election, both the exit polls and the opinion polls suggested a Labour win, and yet the Conservatives under John Major were declared the winners. From the beginning of 1992 campaign, the parties were neck and neck in the opinion polls, with Labour fractionally ahead.  The commentators predicted a hung parliament. The exit polls suggested a hung parliament. The official result was: Conservatives 42.8 per cent of the vote, Labour 35.2 per cent. Was it rigged?

UK Election: Another Unexpected Triumph of the Far Right

The fire alarm went off at the Scottish Referendum count in Dundee. Election glitches leave some unable to vote

General Election 2015: ‘missing’ Wirral postal vote forms

Postal vote blunder will leave some “unable to vote”

General Election 2015: Election fraud fears


James R 07 May 2015 at 23:53

Tories set to win majority in own right! Projected to win 329. This completely beggars belief. Yes, Labour’s campaign was utter crap and so was Milliband, but so was DC, this is the new normal apparently. There was a real stench over the Scottish independence ballot and also the recent Israeli elections, along with the obvious massive problems of many US Presidential elections.

How could all the polls be so wrong so consistently in one direction? A Tory majority was not even contemplated two days ago.

Anonymous 10 May 2015 at 12:00

In Scottish Referendum van with ballot papers went missing for several hours, fire alarm went off 3 times in Dundee, extra 750k ballot papers were printed (why), postal votes were rigged (people who hadn’t returned their postal vote mysteriously had it inserted for them. Who had access to that database to know who hadn’t returned? People turned up to vote in Glasgow to be told they’d already voted. Ruth Davidson Tory leader and John McTernan both said they knew the postal vote trend was No before they could have. Postal votes in Argyll showed 70 – 30 No, but vote at polling station showed opposite, supported by local canvassing stats. Fraud. I see similarities here. However, they couldn’t have extra ballots printed only for their target seats in GE because it wd have looked suspicious, so they arranged to steal them so council would have to print more, looking legitimate. You guys need to wake up and learn from what they did to the Scots, instead of believing all the b’s**t you are fed about Scotland and SNP.

Anonymous 08 May 2015 at 00:36

The conflict between exit and opinion polls, particularly averaged reliable opinion polls, indicates that there was manipulation of the exits or opinion polls but not both. Statistically, you can’t have it both ways unless some event occurred at the very end of the campaign. The conflict between the two polling types indicates fraud but you’ll never hear that from the opinion folks. They’ll just suck it up and look like fools for the “larger good.” As for who governs, pardon my naive stance but what’s wrong with this: 249 Labour; 58 SNP; 10 Lib Dems; 4 Plaid Cymru; 2 Greens; Total 323 – 3 short of an absolute majority.The British elite will be sorry that their boy won when the vote on EU membership goes against their wishes.

wiggins 08 May 2015 at 13:47

Dream on…..

Men Scryfa 09 May 2015 at 03:26

Agreed. That one is the third major vote in the UK that they will be rigging in as many years. In fact they are planning it right now. And the UK people will do nowt about it because most of them are weak and defeated. So it is the weakness and dishonour of the majority that will condemn the honourable few who would fight.

Anonymous 08 May 2015 at 00:48

But of course…just checked out the patrons of the exit polls – BBC, ITV, and Sky News. To believe the exit polls, you have to believe that BBC and Sky News are objective and not at all inclined to “fix it” (just like Jimmy) for the Conservatives. To believe the exit polls, you have to believe that either Cameron’s charisma materialized at the very last moment or that people woke up on election day and suddenly realized Miliband was a total nerd.  Exit polls consist of raw polling data and weighted data. The raw data is converted into the final result through weighting, a quasi scientific process that is open to abuse or incompetence. If you’re running the exits, you’ve hired the statistical consultants who aim to please their patrons. You can produce any results you want with the right weights.Oh, what a glorious victory for the intensely popular and magnetic Cameron. We all know it was coming … not!

Anonymous 09 May 2015 at 10:36


Richard Green: May 8 at 2:30pm

And dont forget the fact that the postal vote was rife with rumours of being rigged.

May 8 at 1:35pm

Ana Manoel: May 8 at 2:30pm

It was definitely fixed, votes were never going to count. The biggest scam in human history. How could people vote for this is beyond me.

Daryl Major: May 8 at 3:05pm

Not only that but Murdoch had a say http://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/may/05/sun-criticised-offer-to-pay-tory-good-news-stories

I would love to see the figures of how many people actually voted, against the votes cast. Then work it out and prove that it was the biggest scam ever.

Kirsty O’Mara: May 8 at 3:57pm

I thought similar myself because all I can see is people upset that the Tories got in, my only explanation is I mustn’t mix in social circles with lots of Tory voters, but still I’m find it hard to find a single person pleased with the result

Eve Morter:  May 8 at 3:57pm

Why did we have to vote using a PENCIL?

Mike Robert Lee: May 8 at 3:59pm

Pencils at polling stations…

Fighting together against Tory policy

Cons had to get in. There is no way the elite in Westminster would have a Scottish party dictating policies in Westminster…esp an anti austerity party. How would they get away plundering this country then.

May 8 at 4:27pm

Daryl Major:

Even a top judge said that the risk of postal rigging was inevitable, that was back last year. I posted a link to the wall. Fighting together against Tory policy I posted on the other page a video of it being admitted!

Wendy Graham:

I voted in ink and was told it was ok

Feargal Thom:

Yes definitely.

Dai Frogger Thomas:

Take a pen to vote pencils are what are provided

Janice Hobby-ford:

YES its A FIX! He hardly was shown last night ? Maybe he would of gave it away with body gestures ? Then wouldn’t show him with his people today ? Would they All be laughing how ? They’d pulled it Off..???? Jan..X

Josephine Mackenzie:

I had a friend vote for me by proxy. She had to go to 3 different polling stations to find me on the voters’ register, & they had “mixed up” where the proxy votes were supposed to be. She was told I must have applied late for my proxy vote. No, I applied in Feb. She also said everything was very casual, no observers, all very slapdash. Makes you wonder.

Tommy Gourlay:

As much as I would like to believe this, its not the case. Milliband blew it and lost key seats.also UKIP won areas and factor in LibDems demise and u can see why they won…even if Labour had won every Scottish seat the Tories would still have won…weak labour leaders and poor decisions by Milliband cost then and us big time. Labour should have won easy against a shite gov. Millliband refusing deals and Cameron using SNP to frighten voters in England was another fear tactic.and it worked again…

Linda Irvine:

A UKIP fix by Tories

Tommy Gourlay:

Unions a farce..corrupt from top to bottom….

Sharon Cole:

I will never vote again all fixed.

Jules Wallis:

I dont knpw anyone that voted con. A lot of people saying the same. Just gota hope a whistle blower will accept a huge payoff which it will be as this will be the biggest crime in recent history against england nit including all the deaths and misery these evil creatures have caused.

Marek Obtułowicz:

Just a little something I posted on May 7th re: Photo of Cameron:

Why is it that whenever I see this smug, smarmy face I am reminded of George W. Bush who twice entered the White House unelected? Could it be that he knows something the electorate doesn’t …?

Christinne:  08 May 2015 at 01:15


Anonymous 08 May 2015 at 01:34

It really doesn’t matter who “wins” elections or how, because the politicians are all puppets controlled by the elite, THEY will always be the winners. By hook or by crook. Unless the whole world suddenly wakes up and realises that they have been shafted by these paedos for a very, very long time. But you know what will happen, I can see it now: “oh shit the Tories won. Never mind put the football on and when it’s finished we can watch Eastenders.” So sad….

James R 08 May 2015 at 02:03

Another “happy” yet inexplicable shock result!


Anonymous 08 May 2015 at 02:07

Does it matter who you vote for? Not really. Labour or Conservative? It’s all bullshit. Glad to see the Scots giving them both a big ‘Fuck you’ however! Long live the Picts,

Anonymous 08 May 2015 at 02:31

Whos’ involved in the Hampstead Cover-Up?


Anonymous 08 May 2015 at 02:49

Does anyone still believe that his vote counts, that elections are fair or political leaders care about ppl’s well being?

sovereigntea 08 May 2015 at 03:09

The public are fed on bullshit & lies via the media and presented with a false perspective on the world hence the election is rigged. The public are presented with so called choices of puppets delinquents and perverts none of whom will represent their interests – hence the election is rigged. Political parties and candidates are sponsored by third parties who want their pound of flesh – hence the election is rigged. Independents face a large financial penalty and media blackout / bias to overcome which limits the choices of the electorate – hence the election is rigged. There is no democracy you live in a dictatorship – your electoral choice consists of who will pretend to run the slave farm.  Political leaders are there to distract your attention from who really runs the show. Morons to shout at and deflect public anger. Oh and don’t exclude the possibility of electoral fraud.

Anonymous 08 May 2015 at 06:32

If people knew the truth the Conservatives, New Labour, or Orange Book Liberals would never get in. This is the reason why the truth has to be totally suppressed.

wiggins 08 May 2015 at 13:52

George had them sussed…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsL6mKxtOlQ

Anonymous 09 May 2015 at 00:01

I suspected I knew what the link was going to take me to. Yes, it was George Carlin. I love that clip. It looked like I have found the right place here, where many people think like me. Paul Craig Roberts had that clip on his site too. He used to be a libertarian but then he saw the light and the con that it is. He’s now on our side. I love that guy.

Dublinmick 10 May 2015 at 11:34

And Paul Craig “Washington” Roberts thinks it is all cooked up in Washington. I guess he doesn’t know about the Rothschild banking families who print US money and are also bankers for the City of London and the Vatican.

Anonymous 08 May 2015 at 04:41

Any doubt on who’s actually ruling Britain?

Anonymous 08 May 2015 at 05:40

Most people are not very political and so they don’t make any effort to find the facts and just read the papers newspapers or watch mainstream TV instead. This is exactly what the ruling class wants, and in fact, they hold nothing but contempt for ordinary people because they see them as plain stupid to believe all of the crap the ruling class puts out and all of their outright lies. So the ruling class believe that democracy should be curtailed and our society run by them because they believe that ordinary people are too stupid to get it right when they don’t check out the facts, and so they must be pretty dumb to be so foolish to fall for the ruling class’s propaganda. And getting it right means the rest of us buying more nuclear weapons that we don’t need because they manufactured a bogeyman call Putin, or in the past, the Soviet Union. And getting it right means more neoliberalism which a makes a few rich people even more rich indeed while everyone else gets a lot poorer. And getting us into more wars is getting it right for the ruling class too, but they won’t ever be fighting in any of them, because that’s always left for ordinary people to do instead. And the gutter press blames mass immigration on Labour, when it is ruling class policy all along to bring wages down and whack up house prices even more. New Labour was controlled and run by the ruling class for the ruling class, that party had nothing to do with the grassroots Labour movement. The banks, which the ruling class own, can print money as much money as they like out of nothing and so people get landed with higher and higher mortgages because the money supply can never run out, which is a force outside of market forces, but there is only a finite supply of houses, and so house prices keep on getting bided further up higher and higher. The rich bankers then cream it in while lecturing us about market forces and how we can’t buck the market. While millions of immigrants keep the house prices up even higher, while London is buckling at the seems, and yet they want even more people in, so landlords can make a packet cramming 10 to 20 people into one derelict house. It’s a rich man’s world. People have no idea that the enemy within is not the unions, but the ruling class. They are traitors. They make their money not by hard work, but by insider dealing, knowing the right people, corruption and bribes, money laundering, tax evasion scams, financial crime, illegal gun running, starting wars to grab some else’s resources, and starting phoney arms races because they own the armaments industries and want to sell us lots of arms we don’t need. Throughout the centuries needless millions have lost their lives in wars that served no purpose other than to make the rich even more rich. If only these people had made the effort to get better informed, then we would have all been far wealthier today, with less boring hours spent at work, and with more of us still alive because they wouldn’t have perished in the rich man’s endless wars.

Anonymous 08 May 2015 at 13:25

The German ruling class probably get backhanders and rake offs. It’s all about corruption. There’s a case for Angela Merkel to be put on trial for treason. Is Merkel a CIA Asset? By Finian Cunningham:

http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article41728.htm . Extract April 30, 2015 “Information Clearing House” – “Sputnik” – He claims that Merkel’s government knew about German state intelligence spying on behalf of the Americans against the country’s own industrial interests raise disturbing questions about the integrity of German government leaders. The apparent betrayal of German national interests by Chancellor Angela Merkel is not only evident over the recent industrial spying scandal on behalf of America. The slavish pursuit by Merkel of Washington’s anti-Russian policy over Ukraine – in contradistinction to her country’s national interests – also cogently suggests that the chancellor is serving a foreign master. Recent reports that German state intelligence was spying on behalf of the Americans against the country’s own industrial interests are bad enough. But then added to that are claims that the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel knew about the espionage – and turned a blind eye.

Anonymous 08 May 2015 at 16:01

You got it mate. Mass alien immigration is a Ponzi scheme and like all Ponzi schemes it is not sustainable….and it will eventually blow up. As is the case with all such schemes the great mass of people are the ones who are left with the outcome…while a few benefit greatly…..the country as a whole is damaged. If only the mob would direct its attention to the propaganda wing…it would hardly be an exaggeration to describe the Daily Mail as just bloody evil staffed by filth of the finest quality. Naturally the mobs first port of call should be the worlds most sophisticated secret police apparatus MI5…not surprising since they have had centuries to perfect their “work”…from Shakespeare’s time in fact.

Anonymous 09 May 2015 at 01:16

During the 2008 crash house prices slumped and bankers feared that they might never get their money back, although they had created it out of nothing. The house price slump threatened the already smashed banking system even more. Mass immigration was their answer to push house prices right up again. Even if it was really bad for ordinary people. The bankers are traitors to this country. But as usual the ordinary Brit is left with the bill as house prices become too expensive. Plus the environment can’t cope with it as the water supplies get used up. Britain is overcrowded and it is unpleasant. I’m a socialist, I’m not in the slightest but racist.


Anonymous 09 May 2015 at 13:07

Sorry Aang, Hemming was beaten fairly. Labour’s Jess Phillips is the new MP for Yardley. She won the seat after ousting Birmingham’s only Liberal Democrat MP John Hemming. Ms Phillips polled 17,129 votes to Mr Hemming’s 10,534. Here are a few facts about your new parliamentary representative: 1. She has spent all her life working in the charity, community and public sectors; 2. She is marred to lift engineer Tom and the pair have two young sons; 3. Jess, who ousted Lib-Dem John Hemming, was elected to Birmingham City Council in 2011 representing Longbridge ward and was selected to be the Victims’ Champion for Birmingham in June that year, where she worked closely with police and support groups. Before she became a councillor, she launched a residents’ group after a series of arson attacks in her Birmingham neighbourhood. She raised funds for street activities including safety improvements, gardening and local events; 4. Jess is a long-time Labour activist and lives in Birmingham. She said: “I have been involved with the Labour Party for as long as I can remember but before I became active in my community had never considered becoming a representative. I think that politics needs to get back to being in our communities and politicians need to earn back the trust of people by taking politics and activism to their neighbourhoods, down their streets, and ultimately in their homes.”

Anonymous 09 May 2015 at 14:01

Here is how the election in the UK was rigged! 200,000 + Voting papers were reported missing from a van that was stolen in London bound for Hastings/Eastbourne, East Sussex, Then the Tories gain seats and the number of votes total the same amount of missing votes in 30+ of those seats, giving them the majority rule, it was rigged.


Anonymous 09 May 2015 at 14:48

There is one name that is outstanding throughout many of the issues we have raised and that is of that notorious “Scumbag” – Sir Mark Thatcher…the precious son of our dear “Iron Lady” Baroness Margaret Thatcher who raped our country of its identity by implementing “Neo Liberalism” from her dear friends in the US. It is of my opinion that she, her son Mark and her apron string protégé David Cameron, our current PM, should all be behind bars for the damage they have done to this country and in particular for David Cameron’s involvement in the illegal purchase of three nuclear weapons that then went missing and provided £17.8 million pounds of taxpayers money into the Tory Party Election Funds (Re Lord Hoyle/Margaret Beckett – Hansard June 22 1993 From Column 197).

wiggins 09 May 2015 at 15:17

Wow ! it appears to be kicking off in London already…..Protesters angry at the Tory Election result, chants of “why don’t you f**k off to Israel” Cameron…..major police presence.

Anonymous 10 May 2015 at 03:34

The truth is hidden from the electorate, we have programmes about Benefit. Street, but nothing about the scum and criminals, that work in The City of London and Wall Street. In the book, Economics and the Powerful, Norbert Haring and Nial Douglas, describe how hedge funds managers work with pension fund managers to rob the pension funds. Hedge fund managers get to know the books of companies they want to invest in and in this way they get insider knowledge. Because they have so much money and clout, they can demand this. If it looks like a company that the hedge funds have invested in might lose value the hedge fund managers will get their pension fund manager friends to buy their shares off them so the pension funds lose money instead. But the opposite can also occur, if a company that pension funds have investments in are going to make a lot of money, then the pension funds sell the shares to the hedge funds so that they make the big profits instead. It is estimated that pension funds underperform by 10 to 20% because of this. That’s worth billions to only a few elite people. And with all that extra wealth they have,even more money to corrupt others so they can make even more money still. None of this ever gets reported in the MSM, and so people keep voting for the bankers party, the party backed by financial criminals, because they have been told that Labour will mess up the recovery by a right wing press that the megarich own. Our retirement age is increasing not because we are living longer, ordinary people don’t, but the wealthy do, which alters the statistics, but because our economy has been scammed by the bankers, hedge fund managers, and private equity firms so that it is always on its knees. Everyday we get ripped off by the aristocracy but people unwittingly keep on voting for the bankers party oblivious to the scam.

Anonymous 10 May 2015 at 03:59

Scrap postal votes or elections will be fixed, says judge who warns ballot-rigging is now a ‘probability’ in parts of Britain. Postal voting is ‘wide open to fraud’ and should be scrapped in its current form. Judge Richard Mawrey, who sits in judgment on election fraud cases, said ballot-rigging was now a ‘probability’ in some parts of Britain due to the extension of postal voting. Mr Mawrey, a deputy high court judge, said the introduction of ‘on demand’ postal voting had failed to boost turnout. But he warned it had made Britain’s electoral system vulnerable to fraud on ‘an industrial scale’. He told Radio 4’s File on 4 programme that in one case last year he had come across 14 different ways in which postal votes can be manipulated.

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