Scott Sonnon (RMAX - CST) - FlowFit? II: Ground Engagement [AVI]
English | Size: 700.19 MB
Category: Health / Fitness / Massage
As one of our founding directors, I'd like to welcome you to RMAX International - a global peak performance community of teachers and students daring to "know, grow and flow" in our lives, individually and collectively. Our namesake reflects our mission: "Surpassing ouRMAXimum Potential Together." The RMAX mission evolved from my own personal development. As a child, I was burdened by physical and learning disabilities. In order to overcome those disabilities, I sought out mentors in alternative health education, forming the earliest incarnation of my "team" - a personal empowerment university, if you will, who helped me reframe my negative circumstances into positive opportunities, and transform my liabilities into talents. Without the aid of these critical allies, I would surely not have overcome my childhood obstacles, and without the very tall and broad shoulders I stand upon, I would never have tasted the incredible accomplishments with which I've been graced.