
The APA also gave committee approval to a subdivision on Rt. 73 near the road that leads into the eastern High Peaks past one of the most iconic views in the Park. APA staffer Milt Adams described that project, as including "a 17-lot subdivision of 590 acres."[/I] With as many as fifteen new luxury homes and another fifteen additional guest cottages, two environmental groups raised questions about forest fragmentation, light pollution and other issues. The APA's director of regulatory programs Rick Weber said those concerns have been addressed. "Our staff looked at that issue and didn't feel that [the subdivision was creating] a fragmentation issue," he said.Roughly 470 acres of the parcel will be set aside as protected land maintained by a homeowners association.


More about this project on APA website link below:


PS: This project is not on the side where everyone stops for the view but on the side with trees and where the motel used to be. Nevertheless the 146-acre open field along the Loj Road is privately own.

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