
How Much is Enough?


LIAR LIAR Director Tom Shadyac gives us Life’s Operating Manual


by Johnny Punish


Just about everything today comes with an operating manual—from your computer to your car, from your cell phone to your iPad. Is it possible that Life comes with an operating manual, as well? That’s the simple, but powerful premise of Tom Shadyac’s inspiring and provocative first book “Life’s Operating Manual: With the Fear and Truth Dialogues“.

Written as a series of essays and dialogues, we are invited into a conversation that is both challenging and empowering. The question now is, can we discern what is written inside of this operating manual and garner the courage to live in accordance with its precepts.

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Tom Shadyac is the film director behind such blockbuster hits as Ace Venture: Pet Detective; The Nutty Professor; Liar, Liar; Patch Adams; and Bruce Almighty.

A recent brush with death compelled Tom to make his latest film, I AM, a documentary that asks some of today’s most profound thinkers two questions: “What’s wrong with the world?” and “What can we do about it?”

Tom Shadyac has written more than a book, but really a message that should be shared around the world!!!

Every chapter, even those that present points I do not completely agree with, provide a message that makes you think about how you go about your own life, and how you affect the ppl & world around you!

I am genuinely thankful for having the opportunity to read this book, and I think everyone should at least check it out!

Reading about the author, I am glad to see that he lives what he preaches, changing his life so drastically, and giving back to so many in so many ways on a regular basis! Not to mention the fact that he gets zero profit from this book and donates it all to charities from the Foundation for I Am, which I first heard about when I saw his documentary I Am.

Purchase Life’s Operating Manual: With the Fear and Truth Dialogues on Amazon.com >>>>“.

[There is a video that cannot be displayed in this feed. Visit the blog entry to see the video.]

[There is a video that cannot be displayed in this feed. Visit the blog entry to see the video.]


ABOUT AUTHOR: Johnny Punish is a musician, artist, entertainer, businessman, investor, life coach, and syndicated columnist. Educated at University of Nevada Las Vegas, his articles appear in Veterans Today, Money News Now and his Johnny Punish Blog. His art music is promoted by Peapolz Media Records and played on net radio at Last.fm and more.

Resources: Store – Music – Videos – Amazon – YouTube – Twitter – Facebook – LinkedIn – MySpace

2013 copyright – Johnny Punish

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