Meet Rob Thomas (The writer, not the singer) - Backers Exclusive Only:
To celebrate and count down the final couple of hours of the Kickstarter campaign, Rob Thomas invites the backers who donated to spend some time with him along with the documentary film crew and they’d love to put the fans on the camera too!
If you live in Austin, Texas, the final countdown gathering will be held next Friday, April 12th, from 8-11 pm, at the Dog and Duck Pub.
Naturally, because it’s a bar, it’s only for 21 and over. Please RSVP through his Kickstarter email address.
Kristen Bell and the rest of the cast won’t be there. Only Rob Thomas, the documentary film crew, the fans, and his laptop.
Note: I would love to receive submissions or pictures of you with the man himself. Tell me, in your own words, your experience with the gathering. I will only post submission with picture(s) of YOU and Rob Thomas (together).
HERE is a GREAT example for this particular submission and you can also check out the FANS page