

by Amy Lignor 

Is it humanly possible to count the number of yards, touchdowns, Super Bowl trophies, wins, magazine covers, loyal fans and so on, when it comes to the stellar careers of Tom Brady and Peyton Manning? Perhaps it’s possible, but there’s really no need. Because when they hit the field last night every household had their TV tuned in just to see the most amazing players of their generation face-off.


Away from the gridiron you are talking about two respectful and respected men. They are friends who are respectful to each other, as well as highly respected by their teammates and peers. And, oddly enough, each one brings an elegance and class to the game of football every time they appear.


Peyton Manning is setting records left and right. Tom Brady is the love of New England, even though sometimes he looks as if he wishes he was in that new California mansion he purchased with his wife.


The game began. Broncos and Manning three and out. Brady on – perfect pass, then…fumble, and the Broncos had a touchdown. Quick and simple and it all seemed to take nothing more than five seconds, tops.


Back from commercial; Brady is basically whammed from the front and the back to force another fumble, giving the Broncos back the ball and adding another touchdown to the scoreboard. Funny part is…Peyton Manning had nothing to do with it.


Fans were at home wondering if this would be the first NFL game ever where a team posted over 100 points… But that’s why they play the entire game, and last night the Broncos versus the Patriots was one of the most compelling of the season.


The Bronco’s defense were the only players alive on the field in the first half. The clocks froze and Manning’s own hands froze, apparently, because the majority of his work was handing the ball to his running back. Brady and the Patriots seemed frozen in time, as if they were stuck in a dream that they decided not to be a part of. Then…halftime came. The Patriots had a huge goose-egg on the board when they walked off the field. But once they were gone, they either fell into a hot tub; the breath of life was given to them by the gods and goddesses of Massachusetts; or they perhaps sent bad vibes into the Broncos locker room. Whatever it was, Brady and his team came to life, walked back out on the extremely frigid field in the horrific wind and became…the Patriots.


The goose-egg was soon gone after two turnovers by the Broncos, and soon it was the Patriots lead and the Broncos were wondering what the heck had happened. Manning still couldn’t seem to unfreeze no matter what he did. And when he did attempt a throw, he threw it to the wrong team. His ‘go to’ man, Wes Welker (a beloved Patriot before leaving for Denver), was rarely even seen by Peyton. Then…he woke up.


With seven minutes left on the clock, it felt like it really didn’t matter who won anymore, because the fight had been so unbelievably odd that it was worth watching. With three minutes on the clock, the game was tied – as it should be, considering the teams we’re talking about.


You all know what happened at the end but, really, the score didn’t matter. Manning and Brady walked away, still holding the mantle of being the best QB’s of their generation. And as the book closed on this game, fans on both sides could only shake their heads in awe at the stunning sight they’d witnessed.


It’s a shame all NFL games can’t be this cool and this completely odd at the same time. Well Done Boys! A Happy Thanksgiving to Brady, Manning and their spectacular teams.


Until Next Time, Everybody,




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