
We are once again proud to offer runners the opportunity to run with pace leaders.  In 2015 we will offer pace leaders for the following times:

3:15 (7:26/mile)

3:30 (8:00/mile)

3:45 (8:35/mile)

4:00 (9:09/mile)

4:15 (9:44/mile)

4:30 (10:18/mile)

4:45 (10:52/mile)

5:00 (11:27/mile)

5:30 (12:35/mile)

This program is generously supported by The Run Center at SKIRACK and Mizuno. Each pace group will be led by two pace leaders.  Pacers will be identified at the start with signs indicating the goal time and pace.  All pace leaders will wear the official Pace Leader jersey.

Get to know your pace leader(s)!  Bios of the pace leaders will be featured on our blog, The RunDown – VCM leading up to the race and you can also meet our pacers in person at one of several runs in Burlington. Check our website for details. All events are open to all paces/abilities. Although sign up for pace teams is not mandatory, it is helpful. E-mail Jack Pilla at paceteam@runvermont.org to register and for more info.

2015 PUBVCM Pace Group Leaders

Pace Time     Leader                        Email Address                                  Home Town

3:15                Ludo Bruyere            ludo242@netzero.net                     Montreal, Canada

3:15                Tim Shea                   TShea@nationallifegroup.com     Montpelier,VT

3:30                Jason Wulff              JWulff@Sentinelinvestments.com Waterbury, VT

3:30                Todd Smith                todsmith220@gmail.com                Bristol, VT

3:45                Rowly Brucken         rbrucken@norwich.edu                  Northfield, VT

3:45                Todd Archambault   sendtoddmail@gmail.com               Essex, VT

4:00                Rich Bundy               orbundy@gmail.com                       So Burlington, VT

4:00                Tom Nuovo               TNuovo@aol.com                            Burlington, VT

4:15                Bob Ayers                  bayers62031@comcast.net           Colchester, VT

4:15                Rick Morris                rwm802@gmail.com                        Salisbury, VT

4:30                Jen Sorrell                 jmsorrell@hotmail.com                   Essex, VT

4:30                Kristin Lundy            queenkel13@aol.com                     Charlotte, VT

4:45                Marie Bartoletti         mariebartoletti@hotmail.com         Bethel Park, PA

4:45                Karen Morris             eflectspa@yahoo.com                    Salisbury, VT

5:00                Michelle Perlee        MPerlee@langrock.com                 Bristol, VT

5:00                Nicole Bruyere         ludo242@netzero.net                     Montreal, Canada

5:30                Vic Tirrito                   vtirrito@comcast.net                        So Hero, VT

5:30                Deb Tirrito                  debbietirrito@yahoo.com               So Hero, VT

Team Coordinator: Jack Pilla         jackpilla@yahoo.com                      Charlotte, VT

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