
I hereby declare the summer over! That's because we are home from New Hampshire and school starts tomorrow!

This is the ELEVENTH Labor Day that this blog has been in existence, so I guess I will leave off the details of the Lancaster Fair—go back and look at last year's summary if you want to read about all of the fried food and cute animals and such. (Yum, I'm getting hungry rereading it, and I was just there yesterday....) The big novelty this year was that Andy's sister Jo was stateside for the first Labor Day since 1994 or thereabouts, so she came with us!

I will also note that Polly's Pancake Parlor, which I mentioned just the other day in my post about Roadfood, is spending the winter tearing down and rebuilding the place. Come May, there will be a bigger restaurant, so no more achingly long waits for a table, AND—drumroll, please—it's going to be open year-round! Woo-hoo! Wait till I tell the Sterns. Also, for those who were asking, they do indeed offer gluten-free pancakes. And yes, their bacon is still just the best anywhere, hands down.

Finally, I would like to note that when you gather 3 teens,* 2 parents, 1 aunt, and 2 grandparents around a big table, the game Apples to Apples can be really fun. (Yes, there might have been cocktails involved for some of us, but even the kids were cracking up.)

*Julie will be 13 (gasp!) in 6 weeks, so I'm already calling her a teen.

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