What inspired you to start your business?
Eight years ago, my boss Jo started Design Impact. She saw a gap in the web design market for high quality, affordable solutions for small to medium sized businesses.
I joined the team in 2013 and have loved being part of growing Design Impact further. It has been exciting and rewarding!
Our aim is to create unique custom, top-notch and contemporary website design solutions that best represent the client and the work they do at an affordable rate…we are ALL about options.
Tell us about your business.
Design impact is a design studio that specialises in websites, custom graphics and illustrations for websites and eDM’s (email direct marketing) and online advertising.
What do you love about running your own business?
Being part of Design Impact and the team environment has been great! Jo has been more of a mentor than a boss.
Being able to bring my illustrative skills to the business to grow that sector has been a privilege.
We have heaps of fun while managing to pump out top quality work… what more is there to love!
What have been some of your biggest challenges?
The creative industry can be very subjective. So learning to let go of your emotions when your work is rejected can be very tough.
What insights or lessons did you learn or how did you overcome these challenges?
You learn to understand that your design is not wrong, but in this situation, it is not the client’s cup of tea. One positive is that the client will share more of the look that they are wanting to achieve.
E.g. They may not have realised before seeing the concepts that they didn’t like that style of design.
At this point it brings the challenge of going back to the drawing board, defining more clearly the client’s style and ensuring that the design will get the best results for the client.
We are always trying our best to capture what they have envisioned along with bringing our advice and skills to the table.
Do you have a favourite quote?
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
I am thankful for the opportunities and growth we have undertaken.
Who inspires you and why?
I am inspired by our team. The personalities, attitudes and characteristics in that office building always inspire and encourage me.
Those ladies always have the best advice and when we work with a client, it is often a group effort of us collaborating to create a high impact design.
What growth have you experienced by being in Venus?
Venus has been INCREDIBLE. Just being able to build relationships with such an array of wonderful women has been worth it.
Developing business networking skills have brought a confidence to how I work with our clients.
The referrals and work that has come from it has just been the cherry on top!
Women are redefining success and growing businesses on our own terms. What does success look like to you?
Success to me looks nothing like work. Success is when you do something you absolutely love and make a career out of it.
Of course we have our moments where work is not so smooth and stress-free but sticking it out and overcoming obstacles is just another way of saying SUCCESS.
What advice would you give to yourself if you could go back to when you first started out?
It gets better! MUCH BETTER. Things most times aren’t as scary as they seem. Think positive always and know your worth!
Ashleigh Meyer
Design Impact
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