
Looking to pick up next week’s release Watch Dogs? No reason to line up at midnight in front of a GameStop if your platform of choice is either the Xbox One or the Xbox 360. Preorder by May 22nd at 5 P.M. Pacific and the Microsoft Store will give you free release day shipping! (Yep, only a little over 9 hours left as of writing.) In addition to that, you will also get a bonus $15 Xbox gift card, which is a code delivered via email and redeemable on Xbox LIVE.

> Watch Dogs Xbox One for $59.99 + $15 Xbox Gift Card + Free Release Day Shipping.
> Watch Dogs Xbox 360 for $59.99 + $15 Xbox Gift Card + Free Release Day Shipping.

If PC is your platform of choice, there are two coupon deals floating around, depending on your region. In North America, the best deal turns out to be at GameFly Digital. Yes, the gaming rental service also has a selection of PC downloads and a 20% off coupon code discounting the pre-order by a solid $12.

If you’re in Europe, the deals get even hotter (in terms of percentages). Digital retailer Green Man Gaming has the preorder instantly discounted by €10 (or £5 in the UK) and on top of that has a 25% off coupon code running. Both Europe and North America also get the “The Blume Agent Pack” pre-order bonus DLC.

North America

Use coupon code: MAY20OFF

> Watch Dogs Deluxe for $55.99 (normally $69.99)
> Watch Dogs Standard for $47.99 (normally $59.99)
> Watch Dogs Season Pass for $15.99 (normally $19.99)


Use voucher: PT7ELX-1WPWNT-7UAGQZ

> Watch Dogs Deluxe for €45 (normally €69.99)
> Watch Dogs Standard for €37.50 (normally €59.99)

The free release day shipping at the Microsoft Store will only run through May 22nd at 5pm Pacific. The coupon codes in Europe at Green Man Gaming expire on May 23rd at 9am Pacific. GameFly’s 20% off coupon for North American PC buyers will run through the month of May.

GamesBeat 2014 — VentureBeat’s sixth annual event on disruption in the video game market — is coming up on Sept 15-16 in San Francisco. Purchase one of the first 50 tickets and save $400!

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