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Well, happy morning. Compassion Over Killing has a new undercover video showing the true cruelty of this “humane” hatchery. I watched the video, it’s not the worst I’ve seen, but it’s really sad. Poor baby chicks. From COK:

According to Bell & Evans’ website, its animal welfare standard “insures [sic] all of our chickens are humanely raised and compassionately handled, in a minimal-stress environment, throughout their lives.” A video posted on the company’s site further explains that in its hatcheries, the newly-hatched “peeps” are “carefully sorted from their shells,” then counted and “placed” in baskets headed for their new “home.”

Sadly, what our investigator witnessed and documented tells a different story. Inside this Bell & Evans facility, where an estimated 20 million baby birds are hatched each year, our video shows chicks being treated like mere inanimate objects:

Baby birds who are sick, injured, or otherwise deemed unfit for processing being dumped into a grinder while fully conscious

Hours-old chicks jostled from machine to machine in a highly mechanized process

Chicks with bloody, open wounds or other apparent injuries, deformities, or illnesses

Dead chicks, who did not survive this harsh process, left in baskets with live birds

Watch our video and you decide – does this look humane or compassionate to you?

If you want to donate to COK, go here. 

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