
My new friend Mohit Jain has recently launched a line of all-vegan, super healthful sauces called Saucee! Each of their all-organic sauces is designed to take the guesswork out of what your meal should taste like. Just grab whatever ingredients you have on hand—veggies, bread, Megan Rascal’s favorite chickpea frittata recipe, rice, salad—add some Saucee, and suddenly it’s a spicy delicious time!

My partner in crime made Megan Rascal’s favorite chickpea frittata for us and I topped mine with the kale Saucee!

Saucee sauces are pretty spicy! Mohit sent me three flavors: capsaicin, turmeric, and kale. I loved them all! The kale is mild, but the capsaicin flavor almost made me wanna ask my landlord to turn off my heat! If you dig spicy it’ll be your new Sriracha. Each sauce is focused around ingredients that rock: capsaicin, turmeric, kale (did you know you can have kale sauce? Yes you can!) maitake mushroom, and flax. Bottom line: Mohit and his team are geniuses!

Each of the Saucee sauces is 100 percent organic, vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, with no crappy added colors (hello Sriracha!), fillers, or stabilizers. There are no additional sugars or oils, and they only use organic vinegar as a preservative. Just the good stuff.

The Saucee team just launched a Kickstarter campaign to get the word out about their delicious sauces and sell some bottles at the same time. Get involved so we can all buy their sauces everywhere and always! 

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