
Looking for the best serif font collection for your text contents? Here is a list of the top 30 most used and popular serif fonts that you should check out:

Droid Serif Pro

This font is beautiful serif font collection specifically design for clear and comfortable on-screen reading. It has 4 font weights available, namely serif pro, serif pro italic, serif pro italic and serif pro bold italic; all of these font weights are beautifully design with a touch of perfection. This font is designed by Steve Matteson in 2009.

Download Droid Serif Pro


This font is a fine and contemporary serif font with a touch of elegance in each letterform. It has numerous font weights to offer including light, medium, black, old italic, bold italic and many more other beautiful options to choose from. This font has thin letterforms and with fairly generous spacing perfect for on-screen display. This font is designed by Hermann Zapf in 1986.

Download Palatino


This font is a smooth and fabulous serif font which is also considered as one of the most used serif fonts of today. It was design based from the brilliant ideas of John Baskerville to fully come up with this font package with calligraphy and stonecutting touch. This font is designed by John Baskerville and George William Jones in 1929.

Download Baskerville


This font is a beautiful serif font family that focuses in giving you a classic but fully entertaining font style. It has many font weights available ranging from roman, semi bold, extrabold, infant to infant bold italics, all beautifully design to suit your layouts. This font is designed by Aldus Manutius, Francesco Griffo and Frank Hinman Pierpont in 1929.

Download Bembo


This font is one of the simplest, most used and one of the oldest font family created way back in 1725 which is known to be the script fonts of kings and political spectrum during this era. It has a fine and simple layout which is perfect for distance reading and with a lot of elegant features to offer any designs. This font was redesigned by Carol Twombly in 1990 and became Adobe Caslon.

Download Caslon


This font is a beautiful serif font created purposely for large printings as it offers a purely fine and attractive font which is carefully designed by the so called king of printers, Giambattista Bodoni way back in 17th century. His masterful cutting techniques become the strength to fully create Bodoni font and was later redesigned by Morris Fuller Benton with more font weights available.

Download Bodoni

Bookman Old Style

This font is a beautiful serif font style and one of the most used serif fonts of all time. It has lots of available font weights to offer your designs; it has fabulous ends and beautiful curves that will surely give an attractive text effect for your artworks. This font is designed by two expert designers, Ong Chong Wah and Morris Fuller Benton.

Download Bookman Old Style


This font is a beautiful serif font that offers a flexible and legible font style for corporate and personal uses. The aim is to combine identical letterforms for both Monotype and Linotype machines and it was created with style. This serif font offers numerous font weights bold and italics. This font is designed by Claude Garamond, Jan Tschichold, Alexei Chekulayev and Hector Haralambous.

Download Sabon

Mrs Eaves

This font is a fine and stonecutting serif font that offers a collection of font weights which are all elegant and a bit playful to the eyes. It looks fairly attractive and has a very interesting serif curves. This font was named after John Baskerville’s wife, who is also a famous font designer and she has taken part on other font designs as well together with Baskerville.

Download Mrs Eaves

Arno Pro

This font is a beautiful and fabulous font style that offers a warmth and eye catching approach to readers. It has numerous font weights to offer including semi bold, small text italic, pro caption, semi bold display, subhead bold and many more other options to choose from. this font is meticulously designed by Robert Slimbach in 2007,

Download Arno Pro


This font is a classic font that looks fabulous and very attractive specifically design for on-screen display. It has numerous font weights to offer including light, heavy, black, bold, condensed and bold condensed which are all distinctive at far distance. This font is designed by Edouard Hoffmann and Hermann Eidenbenz in 1953.

Download Clarendon


This font is a font with steady edges and with equally distributed curves and lines. It has numerous font weights to offer including italic, bold, condensed, regular, bold and many more others to choose from. it looks fabulous and stylish and also considered as one of the most used fonts of all time from the day it was released. This font is designed by Frank Hinman Pierpont in 1934.

Download Rockwell


This font is a beautiful and stylish serif font that offers a friendly and attractive approach like no other. It was designed to provide the need of fonts that looks clear at low screen resolution even on small size display. It has 4 available font weights to choose from, choose between regular, bold, italic and bold italic. This font is designed by Tom Rickner and Matthew Carter.

Download Georgia


This font is a stylish and very professional looking font that is widely used for many corporate businesses. It has been very famous due to its very friendly design that could fit for general uses and very effective as newspaper and magazine fonts as well. This font is a result of father and son collaboration, Linn Boyd Benton and Morris Fuller Benton in 1900-1904.

Download Century


This font is a fine and friendly looking font with generous spacing and openly clear edges that offer great optimal quality especially for on-screen display. It has numerous font weights to offer that provides you a wider option on what could perfectly fit your designs. This font is designed by 3 of the finest font designers, Claude Garamond, Robert Slimbach and Robert Granjon.

Download Garamond


This font is said to be the standard font style for almost all types of designs especially if it involves publishing, newspaper and other paper related businesses. Times is considered to be one of the most used serif fonts of all time from 1931 up to 21st century. This font offers a wide selection of font weights for you to choose from, designed by Walter Tracy and Stanley Morison.

Download Times


This font is a fine and stylish serif font style that offers you a classic but very sophisticated font look. It has a lot of font weights available ranging from regular, light, old style figures, bold, semi bold, bold expert, black, black experts, condensed, subhead and many more others to choose from. this font is designed by Robert Slimbach in 1992.

Download Minion


This font is a simple looking font but provides a very professional approach which made it a top option as fonts for newspapers especially for news prints that has wide columns. It has 5 available font weights to choose from, you can choose between pro insertio, regular, italic, bold and insertio. This font is designed by Chauncey H. Griffith in 1931.

Download Excelsior


This is font is a very stylish serif font and was also considered to be one of the most distinctive fonts of all time as it is one of the top well-recognized font style ever created. Courier font is known to be the font style for typewriters which is well associated for telegram and office text which equally distributes spaces on all letters. This font is designed by Howard Kettler in 1955.

Download Courier

Stempel Schneidler

This font is a stylish and fabulous serif font perfect for wide range applications. It could be used for business names, newspapers, magazines and many more others, it also has numerous font weights to choose from, you can choose between light, medium, roman, bold, black and a lot more. This font is designed by F.H. Ernst Schneidler in 1982.

Download Stempel Schneidler


This font is a famous serif font that offers great font styles perfect for corporate and business uses. It is known to be the font that offers simplicity and clarity on both small and capital caps. This font also offers numerous font weights available, has beautiful collection of symbols and attractive icons where you can use for your layouts. This font is designed by Charles Bigelow and Kris Holmes.

Download Lucida

Times New Roman

This font is a classic and standard serif font and one of the most popular fonts of all time. Times New Roman is usually used for telegram and office text, it gives you a professional approach and one of the basic fonts used for business letters. This font is designed by Stanley Morison and Victor Lardent in 1932 and still widely used by many till today.

Download Times New Roman


This font is a classic and yet still very elegant font style that focuses in giving your designs a stonecutting layout like no other. It has 2 font weights to offer, choose between Trajan Pro and Trajan Pro Bold. Trajan Pro is believed to be created way back in first century A.D. and was later adopted by present font designers. This font is designed by Carol Twombly in 1989.

Download Trajan


This font is a beautiful and stylish font style that fully supports the need for fine and clear font even from distant reading. Walbaum is a great example of a German Modern Face which looks very distinctive and easy to recognize font style. This font is designed by Justus Erich Walbaum and has numerous font weights to available as well.

Download Walbaum



This font is a beautiful and stylish font family that offers many elegant serif letterforms. Didot is a popular font family named after its designer, Firmin Didot in 1783. This font has 4 font weights to offer, choose between roman, italic, headline, bold and with beautiful ornaments to offer too. In 1992, Adrian Frutiger redesigned Didot for digital technology.

Download Didot


This font is a state-of-the-art serif font with full packed features to offer your designs. Warnock was named after co-founder of Adobe Systems, John Warnock. This font is a font family composed for Adobe Originals which had helped graphic arts and desktop publishing made even more beautiful and easy. This font is designed by Robert Slimbach in 2000.

Download Warnock


This font is a beautiful and elegant serif font perfect for wide range applications. It has 5 font weights available, you can choose between Goudy, Goudy Italic, Goudy Bold, Goudy Bold Italic and Goudy Extra Bold for your text layouts. Goudy Old Style will surely give your layout an attractive text contents.

Download Goudy

Stone Serif

This font is simple and stylish font style that offers a modern and legible approach. It has numerous font weights to offer ranging from medium, bold, italic, semibold, extra bold up to beautiful phonetic alternates. This font is a result of two brilliant minds that collaborated to create Stone serif with dynamic impression, namely Sumner Stone and John Renner in 1987.

Download Stone Serif

Meta Serif

This font is a beautiful serif font that shows very articulate and artistic serifs. It has 12 font weights to offer including light italic, book italic, medium, pro bold, extrabold and many more others. This font is one of the most stylish font packages available perfect for corporate and personal layout uses. This font is designed by Erik Spiekermann, Christian Schwartz and Kris Sowersby in 2007.

Download Meta Serif

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