
Save now with Easy Canvas Prints coupon codes! Canvas printing is simply a variation of still photos, turn slides, negatives, digital photos or someone else’s drawings. While canvas art is typically created by hand, there are printers that can do this job quite effectively. Canvas printing is a relatively new type of art that people favor because of its economical cost and artistic value.

While handmade paintings are still ideal, they are unfortunately too expensive most of the time. Canvas prints cost a fraction of the price compared to paintings.

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Do canvas prints differ on quality?

The answer is yes—depending on the quality of work of the printing company you choose. You have to be very careful when buying wall arts for your home.

If you are looking into a canvas print for your house or for your business, you must order it from an established print house. With canvas printing, you no longer have to wait for too long, which is usually the case with hand painted canvases.

So how do you choose a company for your canvas printing needs? They must be able to smoothly carry out the canvas printing. The entire process is not an exact science, but the following are a few factors you need to consider.

Custom Size

Customization allows freedom as to the size of your needed canvas prints. Having flexibility is a huge help in case you need to cover a huge wall or you have specific dimensions to follow.

Fast Turnaround

Canvas prints are usually processed using digital printers, which means that the production time is typically fast. Most online printing companies are able to offer same day or next day turnaround. Shipping time, however, may vary depending on your location.

Short Run Printing

When ordering canvas prints, an ideal printing company should be able to provide you with the orders you need and not the amount of prints the printer dictates. This is beneficial since you will not be obliged to pay for more than what you actually need. There should be no minimum order, as is usually the case with large format printing, including canvas printing.

Pre-Press Assessment

Large format printing allows good results in terms of printing quality. However, not every company follows the pre-press assessment rule, which should be standard in all printing companies as it would be a waste to go through the process with improper file specifications. During pre-press assessments, mistakes are detected prior to proceeding with the printing process.

Bottom Line

For the best quality printing, choose Easy Canvas Prints. With canvas prints, you can easily complement the theme you have for a room. Generally, the material used for canvas printing is cotton. An alternative is plastic-based poly canvas, which costs less. The quality of the materials they use are built for durability, which many people claim can last up to 75 years.

If you are considering a poster or a painting done for yourself, or as a gift for someone important to you, consider a canvas print instead. They are truly unique, and something you can cherish for the years to come.

For the best canvas prints, contact http://www.easycanvasprints.com/ and start decorating your home or office beautifully!

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