
Thursday 5/19

Art Journaling for Better Sleep: Six session free series to learn how art journaling can be your path to better sleep. Bring your journal and art pencils. 1:15 p.m. Free. Forbes Library, 20 West St., Northampton. (413) 587-1011, info@forbeslibrary.org.

Artist Reception: For master woodworker Scott Nehring. 5 p.m. Stamell Stringed Instruments, 18 Kellogg Ave., Amherst.

Estate Jewelry Show: A collection of estate treasures from around the globe. Thursday-Saturday. 10 a.m. Free. dmg (Don Muller Gallery Inc.), 40 Main St., Northampton. (413) 586-1119, info@dmgnoho.com, dmgnoho.com/estate-jewelry.

Franklin County Beekeeper Meeting: Taking your beekeeping to the next level. 7 p.m. Free. Frontier Senior Center, 67 North Main St., Deerfield. president@franklinmabeekeepers.org, franklinmabeekeepers.org.

Knitting: 6 p.m. Dickinson Memorial Library, 115 Main St., Northfield.

Making Sense of Nonsense in Shakespeare’s First Folio: UMass Amherst professor Adam Zucker presents an exploration of the quirks and nonsense found in the First Folio. 7 p.m. Free. Jones Library, 43 Amity St., Amherst. (413) 259-3223, ryanj@joneslibrary.org.

Outlooks and Opportunities — Prepping Your Portfolio: Workshop with financial advisor Helen Blatz. 1 p.m. Northampton Senior Center, 67 Conz St., Northampton. (413) 587-1228 to register.

Springtime at Skinner Birding Walk: Dept. of Conservation and Recreation sponsors a two-hour, three-mile walk up the Mount Holyoke Road. 8 a.m. Free. Skinner State Park, Rte. 47, Hadley. (413) 586-0350.

Whately Ham and Asparagus Supper: 6 p.m. Whately Congregational Church, Whately. (413) 665-2653 for reservations.

Friday 5/20

A Fungal Feast for the Eye: 7 p.m. Free. Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary, Easthampton.

Adult Craft — Bead Weaving: 6:30 p.m. Dickinson Memorial Library, 115 Main St., Northfield.

Afternoon Book Discussion Group: Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. 1 p.m. Forbes Library, 20 West St., Northampton. (413) 587-1011.

Emily Dickinson Museum Poetry Discussion Group: Noon. $15. Amherst College, 103 Converse Hall, Amherst.

Estate Jewelry Show: See Thursday’s listing.

Friday Night Dance Party: 7 p.m. Pulaski Club, 79 Maple St., Easthampton. thepulaskiclub.com/calendar.html.

Hilltown Arts Alive: 7 p.m. Worthington Historical Society, 6 Williamsburg Road, Worthington.

Huge Book Sale at the Holyoke Public Library: The Friends of the Holyoke Public Library is hosting a gigantic book sale to benefit services at the library. Holyoke Public Library. Noon. Holyoke Public Library, 250 Chestnut St., Holyoke. (413) 420-8110, friendsofthehpl@gmail.com.

Old Colony Marathon: 6 a.m., Stanley Park, Westfield.

Southampton Annual Book and Bake Sale: Friday, 1-4 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bake sale Saturday only. Edwards Public Library, 30 East St., Southampton.

Third Friday Open Prose and Poetry Reading: Arrive before 7 p.m. to sign up for five minute open mic slot. One 10 minute slot. Listeners welcome. Refreshments. 7 p.m. Free. Arms Library, Bridge and Main streets, Shelburne Falls. (413) 625-0306.

Saturday 5/21

13th Annual West Region Self Advocacy Conference: 9 a.m. Sheraton Springfield, 1 Monarch Place, Springfield.

2nd Central Mass Lyme Conference: 9 a.m. Worcester Technical High School, 1 Skyline Dr., Worcester.

A World of Slime: Slugs and Snails of Massachusetts: 10 a.m. Free. Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary, Easthampton.

Agawam Garden Club Plant Sale: 9 a.m. Free. Sacred Heart Church, 1059 Springfield St., Agawam. (413) 348-5112, cindyagawam@comcast.net.

Back Pain — Massage, Self-care and Other Options: Workshop with Karen Michaels, licensed massage therapist and certified Embodyoga teacher. 10:30 a.m. Free. Sunderland Public Library, Sunderland. (413) 665 -4977.

Bird Walk at Fitzgerald Lake Conservation Area: 7 a.m. Free. Fitzgerald Lake Conservation Area, Cooke Avenue entrance, Northampton.

Book Sale: Thousands of books, movies and music will be available for sale outside on the lawn. 9 a.m. Free. Forbes Library, 20 West St., Northampton. (413) 587-1017. info@forbeslibrary.org.

Book to Movie Club: Melville’s novella Billy Budd discussion. Ustinov’s Billy Budd screening and discussion. 2 p.m. Goodwin Memorial Library, 50 Middle St., Hadley. (413) 584-7451, karen.hadleylibrary@gmail.com.

Chess Club Casual, Drop In: 1 p.m. Lilly Library, 19 Meadow St., Northampton.

Chester on Track: 9 a.m. Grounds of Chesterfield Railway Museum, Chester. chesterrailwaystation.net.

Day of Remembrance, Commemoration of the 340th Anniversary of the Massacre: Great Hall opens at 10 a.m., ceremony at 1 p.m., Native American teachings and music, and the 12th anniversary of Reconciliation Ceremony with Narragansett Tribe and Montague. 10 a.m. Free. Great Falls Discovery Center, 2 Avenue A, Turners Falls. (413) 773-9818, nolumbekaproject@gmail.com, nolumbekaproject.org.

Edible Wild Plant Walk: Greenfield Recreation and Swim Area. 1:30 p.m. Greenfield Recreation and Swim Area, Nash’s Mill Road, Greenfield.

Estate Jewelry Show: See Thursday for listing.

Fly Through the Air: 11 a.m. $5. NECCA Flying Trapeze Rig, 10 Town Crier Dr., Brattleboro. (802) 254-9780, communications@necenterforcircusarts.com, necenterforcircusarts.com.

Grown in Westhampton Permaculture Plant Sale: Permaculture plants, perennials, edibles, herbs, and compost will all be available. 10 a.m. Westhampton Public Library, 1 North Road, Westhampton. growninwesthampton@gmail.com.

Hadley Asparagus Supper: 5 p.m. Free. First Congregational Church of Hadley, Hadley.

Happier Family Improv Show: 4 p.m. $5-$20. 121 Club at Eastworks, 116 Pleasant St., Easthampton. courtney.tdunham@gmail.com.

Huge Book Sale at the Holyoke Public Library: 8:30 a.m. Holyoke Public Library, 250 Chestnut St., Holyoke. (413) 420-8110, friendsofthehpl@gmail.com.

Lefty’s Spring Fever Brew Festival: 3 p.m. Franklin County Fair, 87 Wisdom Way, Greenfield.

Northampton Household Hazardous Waste Collection: Preregistration required. Smith Vocational School, Locust Street, Northampton. (413) 587-1570.

Opening to the World of Birds: Center sponsors birding with Pete McLean. $20. 7 a.m. Book & Plow Farm, 425 South East St., Amherst. (413) 256-6006 to register.

Paper Cutting Craft for Adults: Learn the art of paper-cutting and create a literary scene by layering images and shapes. Registration required. 10 a.m. Jones Library, 43 Amity St., Amherst.

South Deerfield Book Sale: Sale to benefit the Tilton Library. $5 per bag for last hour. 9 a.m. Deerfield Town Hall, 8 Conway St., South Deerfield.

Southampton Plant Sale: 8 a.m. Conant Park, Rte. 10, Southampton.

Springfest 2016: An annual music event in downtown Northampton. Free and open to the public — a celebration of music and warmer weather. 10:30 a.m. Free. Downtown Northampton. (413) 585-0001, adriana@ncmc.net.

Sunderland Roast Pork Supper: 5:30 p.m. Free. Sunderland Congregational Church, Sunderland.

Swords through the Ages: This presentation by Jeff Lord will cover the history of the sword in Western Europe and its use, with some audience participation as well. 2:30 p.m. Free. Jones Library, 43 Amity St., Amherst. (413) 259-3223, ryanj@joneslibrary.org, joneslibrary.org.

Valley Home & Garden Expo: Vendors, workshops, Green Aisle, and more. Food and ice cream available. Saturday at 10 a.m. and Sunday at 11 a.m. $6-$8. Three County Fairgrounds, 54 Fair St., Northampton. (413) 585-5207, ldintino@gazettenet.com, homegarden.gazettenet.com.

Valley Women’s Martial Arts 39th Annual Celebration Event: Performances, presentations, refreshments. 11 a.m. Valley Women’s Martial Arts, One Cottage Street, #319, Easthampton. (413) 527-0101, vwma.org.

Westhampton Plant Sale: 10 a.m. Westhampton Public Library, Westhampton.

World Fish Migration Day: 11 a.m. Holyoke Fish Lift (Robert E. Barrett Fishway), 1 Bridge St., Holyoke.

Yoga for Gardeners: 10 a.m. Free. Gaylord Library, 47 College St., South Hadley. (413) 538-5047, gaylordlibrary.org.

Sunday 5/22

3rd Annual The Integrative Health Festival at Better Life Whole Foods: 10 a.m. Free. Better Life Whole Foods, 1500 Allen St., Springfield. (413) 783-9424, bcouture@betterlifewholefoods.com, betterlifewholefoods.com.

40 Years of Wonder: 2 p.m. Free. Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary, Easthampton.

A Remedy for Craziness: 10 a.m. Free. Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary, Easthampton.

Active Citizens Book Group: People Get Ready: The Fight Against a Jobless Economy and a Citizenless Democracy by Robert McChesney and John Nichols. 4 p.m. Odyssey Bookshop, 9 College St., South Hadley. (413) 534-7307.

Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary Walk: 10 a.m. $25-$30. Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary, 127 Combs Road, Easthampton. (508) 877-7630, dmcwalters@newenglandwild.org.

Exploring Larch Hill: Center sponsors walk with John Green. 1 p.m. Free. Larch Hill Conservation Area, Amherst. (413) 256-6006.

Kripalu Yoga: 10 a.m. $10. Flywheel, 43 Main St., Easthampton. flywheelarts.org/calendar.php.

Northampton Insight Meditation: 7 p.m. Karuna Yoga Studio, 25 Main St., Northampton. (413) 584-2515.

Opening to the World of Birds: Sponsored walk with John Green. 7 a.m. Book & Plow Farm, 425 South East St., Amherst. (413) 256-6006 to register.

The Poet and The Bard: This new tour explores Emily Dickinson’s lifelong relationship with Shakespeare’s works and his impact on her own writing. 10 a.m. $5-$15. The Emily Dickinson Museum, 280 Main St., Amherst. mmedeiros@EmilyDickinsonMuseum.org, emilydickinsonmuseum.org/thepoetandthebard.

Sunshine Market Craft and Vendor Fair: 60 fun and interesting vendor booths, a large raffle, live demonstrations, and the Nom Nom Hut food truck. 10 a.m. Free. Hadley Farms Meeting House, 41 Russell St., Hadley. sunshinemarket@threadsmitharts.com.

Valley Home & Garden Expo: See Saturday’s listing.

Monday 5/23

Free Culinary Arts and Hospitality Classes: 8 p.m. Free. Holyoke Community College, Ware, Northampton, Springfield, and Holyoke. (413) 552-2042, mdaniels@hcc.edu.

Knitting Circle: 10 a.m. Free. Sunderland Public Library, 20 School St., Sunderland. (413) 6652642, director@sunderlandpubliclibrary.org, sunderlandpubliclibrary.org.

Laugh for the Health of It: 7:30 p.m. Forbes Library, 20 West St., Northampton.

Monday Evening Book Club: 6:30 p.m. Emily Williston Memorial Library, 9 Park St., Easthampton.

Qigong: 10 a.m. Free. Sunderland Public Library, 20 School St., Sunderland. (413) 665-2642, director@sunderlandpubliclibrary.org, sunderlandpubliclibrary.org.

Thich Nhat Hanh Sangha: 6 p.m. The Edwards Church, 297 Main St., Northampton. (207) 841-5419.

Tuesday 5/24

Astronomy Club Meeting: Jason Young of Amherst College will talk about “low surface brightness galaxies” or “The Life Story of the Milky Way’s Dark Counterparts.” 7 p.m. $2. Springfield Science Museum, 21 Edwards St., Springfield. (800) 336-9054, alan@rifkin.com.

Cycling for Seniors: 9:30 a.m. Norwottuck Rail Trail, Hadley. alloutadventures.org, (413) 584-2052.

Environmental Awareness Discussion Group: 6:30 p.m. Dickinson Memorial Library, 115 Main St., Northfield.

Find the Perfect Summer Job: 5 p.m. Free. Sunderland Public Library, 20 School St., Sunderland. (413) 665-2642, director@sunderlandpubliclibrary.org, sunderlandpubliclibrary.org.

Learn a Language of the Heart, the Universal Language of Drumming: Universal Language of Drumming with Ellen Clegg: We’ll create community and live music exploring global rhythms to empower and heal. 6:15 p.m. $12-$16. St. John’s Episcopal Church, 48 Elm St., Northampton. (413) 824-8813, ellen@ellenclegg.com, ellenclegg.com.

Montague Chair Yoga: 10:30 a.m. Montague Senior Center, 62 5th St., Turners Falls. (413) 863-4500.

Northampton Poetry Open Mic: Poetry slam semi-final to choose 2016 slam team. 8 p.m. World War II Club, 50 Conz St., Northampton.

UMass Press Reads — Rud Platt: Tonight’s reading features Platt, author of Reclaiming American Cities: The Struggle for People, Place, and Nature since 1900. 7 p.m. Free. Jones Library, 43 Amity St., Amherst. (413) 259-3223, ryanj@joneslibrary.org.

Wednesday 5/25

All-Ages Open Mic Hosted By F. Alex Johnson: Colorway frontman Johnson hosts weekly all-ages open mic. Signup 6:45 p.m.. Music 7-10 p.m. Free. Brew Practitioners Brewery and Taproom, 36 Main St., Florence. (413) 268-7757, info@colorwaymusic.com, brewpractitioners.com.

Author Presentation: 6:30 p.m. Gaylord Library, 47 College St., South Hadley.

Chess Club: 5:30 p.m. Greenfield Public Library, 402 Main St., Greenfield. Greenfieldpubliclibrary.org.

Dharma Gentle Yoga: 10 a.m. Forbes Library, 20 West St., Northampton.

Free Cooking Classes: 5:30 p.m. First Universalist Church, 31 North Main St. in, Orange.

Tong Ren Energy Healing Class: Come prepared to relax your mind and calm your emotions. Noon. Donations appreciated. Forbes Library, 20 West St., Northampton. (413) 5703367, kahadden@aol.com, amazinghealings.org.

Parent-Friendly Events for Kids

THURSDAY: Music and Movement: 10 a.m. Carnegie Library, 201 Avenue A, Turners Falls. montaguepubliclibraries.org/calendar

Playgroup At Trinity In Shelburne Falls: 9:30 a.m. Trinity Church, 17 Severance St., Shelburne.

Story Hour: 10:30 a.m. Emily Williston Memorial Library, 9 Park St., Easthampton.

Westhampton Evening Storytime: 5:30 p.m. Westhampton Public Library, Westhampton.

FRIDAY: Eric Carle Toddler and Preschooler Play Series: 10 a.m. The Eric Carle Museum, 125 W. Bay Road, Amherst.

Mother Goose on the Loose: 10 a.m. Greenfield Public Library, 402 Main St., Greenfield. greenfieldpubliclibrary.org.

Sunderland Preschool Story/Craft Time: 11 a.m. Sunderland Public Library, 20 School St., Sunderland.

Toddler and Preschooler Play Series — Materials Play: 10 a.m. The Eric Carle Museum, 125 W. Bay Road, Amherst. carlemuseum.org/content/upcoming-events.

SATURDAY: First Child in the Woods: Caregiver and Infant/Toddler Walk: 10 a.m. Free. Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary, Easthampton.

SUNDAY: Kidz Bop Kids — Life of the Party 2016 Tour: 3 p.m. $50. Calvin Theatre, 19 King St., Northampton.

Wild Goose Chase 5K and Family Fun Run: Whole Children sponsors runs and kids’ carnival. 10 a.m. Look Park, Florence. runreg.com/wildgoose.

MONDAY: After School Read-Aloud: 4 p.m. Greenfield Public Library, 402 Main St., Greenfield. greenfieldpubliclibrary.org.

TUESDAY: Craft Time: 3:30 p.m. Carnegie Library, 201 Avenue A, Turners Falls. montaguepubliclibraries.org/calendar.

Mother Goose on the Loose: 10 a.m. Greenfield Public Library, 402 Main St., Greenfield.

Play Group: 10 a.m. Carnegie Library, 201 Avenue A, Turners Falls. montaguepubliclibraries.org/calendar.

WEDNESDAY: Story Time: 10:15 a.m. Carnegie Library, 201 Avenue A, Turners Falls. montaguepubliclibraries.org/calendar.

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