
February 17, 2016

To the Attention of:

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

House of Commons

Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

Congratulations to you and the Liberal party on your success. We are delighted with this government’s commitment to providing a kinder and gentler world, to innovation, and to undoing some of the anti-science efforts of the previous government.

We are writing in response to your stated “willingness to listen” and an expectation that the work of the Canadian government “will be informed by performance measurement, evidence, and feedback from Canadians” as outlined in your recent Minister of Health Mandate Letter to Dr. Philpott, Minister of Health.

The ‘Minister of Health Mandate Letter’ also expresses your intention to promote health by “increasing vaccination rates”. While we appreciate your commitment to promoting health, we respectfully suggest that more information is needed to ascertain whether we can achieve this goal through the paradigm of artificial immunization.

In spite of the assurances of the medical/pharmaceutical industry that all vaccines are safe, there has never been an independent assessment of the risks and benefits to public health of ever increasing vaccination rates.

Vaccine Choice Canada is a membership of parents and concerned citizens, many of whom have experienced first hand the injury or death of a loved one from a vaccine. Through our lens at Vaccine Choice Canada we see a increasing decline in the health of Canadian children. This decline parallels the number of vaccines that have been added to the infant/young child schedule since the mid 1980’s.  While vaccination may not be the only environmental factor associated with this decline in children’s health, recent scientific research shows it to be contributory at the very least.

The amount of chronic childhood illness is increasing at a dramatic rate. According to the previous Prime Minister of Canada, in 2008 1 in 10 children had life threatening afflictions. In the last 25 years there have been huge increases in the following childhood illnesses: ADD, ADHD, allergies, asthma, autism, juvenile diabetes, learning disabilities, obesity and severe mood dysregulation.

At the same time Canadian children are among the most vaccinated children in the developed world. Since 1980 Canadian vaccine schedules have more than doubled the types of vaccines given. By the time a child is six years old he or she receives approximately 49 doses of vaccines in an attempt to artificially boost immunity.

What role does vaccinations play in the substantial increase in chronic illness in our children? Without properly designed clinical trials that compare a vaccinated population with a never vaccinated population we may never know the answer.

What can we do to bring this grim reality to the forefront – to help lift the veil of denial protecting the vaccination paradigm at the expense of human health? The answer is as you’ve listed in your Minister of Health Mandate Letter – performance measurement, evidence, and feedback from Canadians.

As the number of vaccines grows exponentially (over 271 under development), there is increasing pressure to eliminate a patient’s right to informed consent and a citizen’s rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. As parents and citizens we are deeply concerned by the efforts of the medical industry to undermine the medical ethic of informed consent for an invasive intervention with known side effects including death or  life-long neurological and immunological injury.

Many of us at VCC have spent a lifetime educating our self about vaccines and vaccine injury. We are aware that vaccines are not as safe and effective as they are purported to be. Unfortunately evidence-based decision-making is rare in the highly politicized vaccine discussion. It is common for anyone expressing concern about vaccine safety, whether doctors, researchers, or patients, to be immediately marginalized and silenced.

Witness the complete absence of government and media attention given to the recent disclosures of Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist with the Centre for Disease Control. Dr. Thompson has taken whistleblower status and revealed that the CDC has been fraudulently manipulating data for more than ten years to deny the vaccine-autism connection.

There is a different standard if a child becomes ill from a vaccine versus another cause. If a child develops a serious illness from a tainted food product government takes immediate action. Food processing facilities are closed, products are recalled, health inspectors test products and equipment, media makes public announcements warning of the tainted products, medical treatments are offered, and financial compensation is expected.

Compare this response to the response when a child is seriously injured or dies from a vaccine. No government inspectors are called. No vaccine manufacturing is suspended. No products are identified and recalled. No public announcements are made to warn the public. No medical treatment is offered to address the vaccine injury. No financial compensation is provided. Instead there is silence and denial.

There is callous disregard of Canadians injured by vaccines. There is greater investment in protecting the vaccine industry than in protecting our children. This quote evinces that attitude:

“Any possible doubts, whether or not well founded, about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist”.  ~ Federal Register. Vol. 49, No. 107 June 1, 1984

The medical establishment considers vaccines effective if they suppress a few targeted illnesses – but at what expense? An emerging body of evidence indicates that artificial immunization can and does damage a child’s developing immune system and brain, leading to life-threatening and debilitating disorders.  Judy Converse, who holds a Master’s Degree in Public Health, is a Licensed and Registered Dietitian states:

‘For the first time in history…children are sicker than the generation before them. They’re not just a little worse off, they are precipitously worse off, physically, emotionally, educationally and developmentally.’

~ Judy Converse, MPH, RD, LD  Why Do Pediatricians Deny the Obvious?

Prime Minister, you may not be aware of the following:

The safety of the current childhood vaccine schedule has never been proven in large, long-term clinical trials. Most safety trials are limited to a few weeks.

Most effectiveness trials are limited to the measurement of anti-bodies/titers in the blood rather than producing verifiable evidence that the vaccine actually prevented the targeted disease.

The current vaccine schedule has never been tested for safety in the real world way in which the schedule is implemented. Vaccines are approved and licensed individually, yet Health Canada recommends and doctors routinely give multiple vaccines at the same time. No safety trials exist that confirm the safety of giving multiple vaccinations together.

No large safety trials have been undertaken that use an unvaccinated population as the control group and demonstrate that the total health outcomes of a vaccinated population is greater than a never vaccinated population.

Vaccines have been given the credit for the decline in mortality from major infectious diseases. Historical epidemiological data, however, shows that major declines in disease mortality took place before the introduction and common use of specific vaccines.

There is a major epidemic amongst our children today. The epidemic is comprised of neurological and immune system disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, Attention Deficit Disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, learning disabilities, life threatening allergies, juvenile diabetes, and autoimmune diseases like arthritis and Parkinson’s, as well as Autoimmune Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (ASIA).

As Canada’s Prime Minister we request your assistance and support of the following:

Respect and protect the medical ethic of informed consent.

Demand verifiable evidence of the long-term safety of the current vaccine schedule by comparing the total health outcomes of a vaccinated population with a never vaccinated population.

Institute an accessible and transparent vaccine injury compensation plan for all Canadians injured by vaccines. A plan that places liability on the manufacturers of vaccines.

Allow full public access to vaccine injury data.

Make the reporting of vaccine injury a legal requirement.

Provide government funding for independent research on vaccine safety.

Standardized the informed consent process for vaccinations.

Require mandatory training of Physicians to diagnose and treat vaccine injury.

As a final note, the medical industry and the media continue to inappropriately label our efforts as “anti-vaccine”. The fact is our children would never have been vaccine injured if we were “anti-vaccine”. We consider our efforts pro-safety, pro-choice, and pro-honesty and transparency.

We would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and your senior staff at your earliest convenience. We believe the health and safety of our children is of utmost concern and wish to assist the government in developing strategies and practices to ensure the health and well being of all Canadian citizens.


The Board of Directors of Vaccine Choice Canada

Attachment:  Mandating Vaccines: A Cause for Concern, our Information Package for Members of Parliament

CC with attachment:  Dr. Philpott, Minister of Health

The above letter in PDF format here.

Please see Honorable Jane Philpott’s response here. (PDF)

July 13, 2016

Honorable Jane Philpott

Minister of Health

House of Commons

Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Dear Dr. Philpott

I am writing to acknowledge your reply to our letter of February 17, 2016. In our letter the Board of Directors of Vaccine Choice Canada requested an opportunity to meet with you to discuss our concerns with regard to your government’s stated intention to increase vaccination rates. Our purpose in requesting a meeting was to discuss our growing concern about the safety and effectiveness of the ever-expanding vaccine schedule.

Your unwillingness to make yourself available is, quite frankly, unacceptable and even irresponsible. It is unacceptable in your capacity as the Minister of Health. And it is irresponsible as a physician who undertook a vow to “first do no harm”.

Your lack of interest is especially surprising given you are a parent who has personally experienced the limitations of vaccines to protect one’s children.

“She had meningococcemia – one of the most rapidly fatal infections we know. Emily had been appropriately vaccinated against meningococcus but the old polysaccharide vaccines we used 20 years ago were not highly effective in young children. Clearly it did not help her.” 1

I trust you are aware that the early Hib vaccine was not only “not highly effective in young children”, there is evidence the polysaccharide vaccine actually increased susceptibility to infection. 2

What is most disconcerting to those of us who have experienced the harm vaccines can do to our children is the ‘callous disregard’ that permeates the various health ministries, both provincial and Federal, whose purpose is to protect the health of our children. Your unwillingness to make time in your schedule is evidence of this callous disregard.

We are experiencing a national epidemic of proportions never before seen in the modern era. The government and media deem a crisis when a few hundred children experience measles or chicken pox. Polio was considered a national crisis when one in ten thousand children showed symptoms of muscle weakness. Today, one in forty-five children will be diagnosed with autism, a statistic that is projected to increase to every second child by 2032. Yet, our government remains shockingly silent in acknowledging this epidemic and in investing the necessary resources to determine the underlying cause(s) and stop this epidemic.

To those of us who have read the research literature and are aware of the mounting evidence that shows a relationship between vaccine ingredients and neurodevelopmental disorders given an autism label, the callous disregard and willful blindness of the Ministry of Health indicates this ministry is more invested in protecting an industry and a medical paradigm than in protecting our children.

Autism is not the only epidemic affecting Canadian children today. The previous Prime Minister of Canada recognized that 1 in 10 Canadian children have life threatening afflictions. In the last 25 years, at the same time the number of vaccines more than doubled, there have been huge increases in Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, learning disabilities, severe mood dysregulation, allergies, asthma, obesity, and juvenile diabetes. Each of these conditions is recognized as a potential adverse event following vaccination.

As a group of concerned parents whose loved ones suffered serious health injuries and death following vaccination, our letter of February 17, 2016 requested your assistance and support with the following:

Respect and protect the medical ethic of informed consent.

Demand verifiable evidence of the long-term safety of the current vaccine schedule by comparing the overall long-term health of a vaccinated population with a never vaccinated population.

Institute an accessible and transparent vaccine injury compensation plan for all Canadians injured by vaccines. A plan that places liability on the manufacturers of vaccines.

Allow full public access to vaccine injury data kept behind closed doors by the Canadian government. 3

Make the reporting of vaccine adverse events a legal requirement.

Provide government funding for independent research on vaccine safety and effectiveness.

Standardize the informed consent process for vaccinations to ensure parents are truly informed on the risks before giving consent.

Require mandatory training of Physicians to diagnose and treat vaccine injury.

Your letter of May 4, 2016 is shockingly silent on all of these requests.

Dr. Philpott, we know your pain and heartache in losing a child because we too have lost children. You must know that we will not go away. We can’t. As long as children continue to be harmed and killed by vaccines our voices will only get louder and more plentiful.

Our voices will not be silenced by glib statements of “safety and effectiveness” and mantras of “vaccines are a miracle of modern medicine”. Vaccines were not “safe and effective” for your daughter, and they were not “safe and effective” for my son. We will continue to demand answers to our questions and actions that protect our children from this epidemic.

You will not achieve your goal of increased vaccination rates when questions and concerns about vaccine safety are summarily dismissed and the medical industry shows a willful blindness to vaccine injury.

We again request that you honour your commitments as the Minister of Health and as a physician, that you address the concerns of parents whose children have been vaccine injured, and take action to ensure the safety of all children.

We await your considered response.

Ted Kuntz, Parent of A Vaccine Injured Child

Board of Directors, Vaccine Choice Canada

cc: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau







The above letter in PDF format here.

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