In Perspective: Exemptions and Health by F. Edward Yazbak, MD FAAP
“…it seems unfair that in this Great and Free Nation some individuals or groups want to strip parents of their right to decide what is best for their children. Philosophic exemptions should remain available for the small number of parents who would prefer to use them.”
Mandatory vaccination is not the answer to measles by Dr. Bob Sears
“Let’s stop panicking over what measles might do and calmly examine what it is doing. It has a small and intermittent presence in our country. It makes people sick, then they get over it. It has complications, but rarely so. Vaccination is important and protective. But it cannot be forced; a parent must give consent.”
Measles, 2015: A Tempest in a Teapot by Janet Levatin, MD
“Get involved. I encourage everyone to take a deeper look at the issue of measles, other infections, and the vaccines for them. Become aware of your options and get legislatively involved to retain your rights to decline vaccines, an inherently elective procedure. Your family’s health and freedom depend on it.”
Vaccines Linked to Autism – Preserve Medical Freedom by Paul Thomas, MD
“We need to protect our children and preserve the right for freedom of choice, and the right to give informed consent when your child is about to get a vaccine.” In testimony before the Senate Committee, Dr. Paul stated that he does not give every vaccine to every child in his practice, and as a result, he has over 1000 children in his practice over the age of 3, and NONE of them have autism. The rest of the country is seeing a rate of about one out of 50 children on the autism spectrum. He states that the “science is not settled” linking too many vaccines to autism, and that doctors like himself should not be coerced by bills like this one proposed in Oregon to give up the right to informed consent in regards to vaccines.”
How vaccine hysteria could spark totalitarian nightmare – Exclusive: Lee Hieb, M.D., shares ‘dirty little secret’ immunization pushers don’t reveal by Lee Hieb, MD
“Medical ethics are clear: No one should be forced to undergo a medical treatment without informed consent and without their agreement to the treatment. We condemn the forced sterilization of the ’20s and ’30s, the Tuskegee medical experiments infecting black inmates and the Nazi medicine that included involuntary “Euthanasia,” experimentation and sterilization. How can we force vaccination without consent? Vaccination is a medical treatment with risks including death. It is totally antithetical to all ethics in medicine to mandate that risk to others.”
“At the end of the day, the issue here is one of freedom, and freedom is the freedom to choose – even if we make a bad choice. The argument that I must vaccinate my children for the good of the community is not only scientifically questionable, it is an unethical precept. It is the argument all dictators and totalitarians have used. ‘Comrade, you must work tirelessly for the good of the collective. You must give up your money and property for the good of the collective, and now … you must allow us to inject your children with what we deem is good for the collective.’ If American’s don’t stand up against this, then we are lost. Because we have lost ownership of ourselves. Our bodies are no longer solely ours – we and our children are able to be commandeered for the ‘greater good.’”
Do Not Remove Vaccine Exemptions – Some Children Die from Vaccines by Toni Bark MD
“After Nazi Germany, the Nuremberg laws were changed to forbid forced medical procedures. The Helsinki accord is very clear; all patients have the right to informed consent prior to medical procedures.”
SB277 (California) Statement by Lynne R. Mielke, MD – April 8, 2015 (3 minute video)
“In these situations where medical vulnerabilities exist it is critical that we are not forced to practice government mandated medicine. SB277 could increase the number of vaccine injured children and will eviscerate the doctor patient relationship and medical informed consent. …. Informed consent is a basic medical and ethical responsibility and it is at risk here today.”
The Vaccine Safety Myth by Jamie Deckoff-Jones, MD
“Whatever you think about vaccination, think hard before you endorse the idea that the government should be able to mandate a profitable but invasive medical procedure without informed consent. This is a very dangerous precedent to set and one you may not be happy about when vaccines are mandated for adults to protect our ‘herd immunity’. It is not about the measles. It is about your freedom to choose what goes into your body and your child’s body.”
Measles Matters by Michael W. Elice MD
“Does that justify USA Today publishing an article claiming that non-vaccinated parents should be jailed or sued or have their children removed from the home if they chose not to vaccinate their children against the measles? Does that justify the immediate vaccination of every child and adult in this country regardless of their immune status or overall medical health? Will the local pharmacies be hooking pedestrians into their stores for MMR vaccines as they have been doing for the less than effective flu vaccines?”
Neurosurgeon’s Shock Warning: Vaccines Can Cause Serious Problems – Russell Blaylock MD
“Childhood vaccinations for viruses like measles and chicken pox should not be mandatory and, in fact, may cause serious health problems, says board certified neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock, editor of The Blaylock Wellness Report. ‘Absolutely not. It takes away one of the fundamental rights of people, individuals and families and certainly parents — and that is the protection of their children,’ Blaylock said Tuesday on ‘The Steve Malzberg Show’ on Newsmax TV. ‘You should not have the right to force my child to receive a vaccine when I think that that could cause severe damage to my child. ‘There’s compelling scientific evidence that vaccines are not as safe as they’re being proposed. In fact, there [can be] significant, serious problems, including death, seizures, encephalitis and severe brain damage. This is well documented in medical literature. … ‘The parents, in the case of every vaccine, should have that choice. Nobody should be forcibly vaccinated,’ he said.
Vaccine controversy shows we need markets, not mandates by Ron Paul MD
“If I were still a practicing ob-gyn and one of my patients said she was not going to vaccinate her child, I might try to persuade her to change her mind. But, if I were unsuccessful, I would respect her decision. I certainly would not lobby the government to pass a law mandating that children be vaccinated even if the children’s parents object. Sadly, the recent panic over the outbreak of measles has led many Americans, including some self-styled libertarians, to call for giving government new powers to force all children to be vaccinated.”
Vaccine Comments Are Latest Chapter In 136-Year-Old Debate – Rand Paul MD
“I have heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines. I’m not arguing vaccines are a bad idea. I think they are a good thing, but I think the parent should have some input. The state doesn’t own your children. Parents own the children. And it is an issue of freedom and public health.”
The Case Against Immunizations – Richard Moskowitz MD
“For the past ten years or so, I have felt a deep and growing compunction against giving routine vaccinations to children. It began with the fundamental belief that people have the right to make that choice for themselves.”
Forced Vaccinations: For the Greater Good? by Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD
“The argument of forcing a parent to vaccinate their child in the name of the “greater good argument” is flawed both scientifically and ethically.” … “…medical ethics demand that vaccination should be carried out with the participant’s full and informed consent. This necessitates an objective disclosure of the known or foreseeable vaccination benefits and risks. The way in which pediatric vaccines are often promoted by various health authorities indicates that such disclosure is rarely given from the basis of best available knowledge but rather, largely unproven and/or untenable assumptions on both, vaccine safety and effectiveness.”
An Open Letter to Legislators Currently Considering Vaccine Legislation from Tetyana Obukhanych PhD
“Taken together, these four facts make it clear that discrimination in a public school setting against children who are not vaccinated for reasons of conscience is completely unwarranted as the vaccination status of conscientious objectors poses no undue risk to the public.”
Genetic Vulnerability and Vaccination (PDF) by Richard C. Deth, PhD
“Until the necessary research into vaccine safety is completed and sources of individual vulnerability are better defined, we need to maintain caution and maintain accommodation for individual exemptions. This is a circumstance where the guidance of ‘first do no harm’ makes both scientific sense and common sense.”
Vax decisions are between parents+peds
Legislators have no business here nor in women's health care.
— Jay Gordon, MD, FAAP (@JayGordonMDFAAP) March 2, 2015
It’s a parent’s right to choose whether or not to #vaccinate their child. Sign and forward the petition if you agree.
— David Brownstein MD (@drbrownstein) February 12, 2015