

NSF Local Security Remover helps you remove all the local securities from NSF database of Lotus notes. It takes no time in removing securities from NSF databases with few clicks and key strokes. Lotus Notes has an attribute, named as Access Control List (ACL), using which an administrator sets access rights to particular NSF database file. By using this attribute a file owner can easily manage the NSF file. But sometimes a situation arises when Lotus Domino server acts inaccessible and stops responding due to which the user or administrator is not able to access the NSF file. In such a critical situation, SysInfoTools NSF Local Security Remover can help you. The software is designed to erase the securities of NSF databases in a very safe mode.It does not cause any damage or modification to the original NSF files. Users will get an "Undo changes" feature that will enable them to undo the changes or actions which are done by fault or mistakenly.

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