
I’m thrilled to welcome you to this week’s “Healthy, Happy, Green & Natural Party”

Blog Hop!

I certainly hope you had a healthy, happy, wonderful week!

As usual, I can’t wait to see your amazing plant-based recipes and healthy, green or natural

living ideas.

This “blog hop” is a positive place where you can find and share loads of “good stuff” that

will help you in your personal journey toward a healthier, more natural and sustainable lifestyle.

And it jumps off here every Tuesday through Saturday!

And what a party it is!

You’ll meet the nicest people at the coolest blogs in town.

In a Rush to Link Up?

Simply scroll down to

the bottom of the page.

Congratulations on Being Featured

Although we love all of the posts in each blog hop, each week we highlight a few of the favorite posts.

These amazing posts will be promoted, Tweeted, shared on my Facebook and Google+ page and

pinned on my Pinterest boards!

Featured Posts from Last Week


The Omnivore’s Dilemna and Food Rules from a Fourth Grader

from onceuponatimeinabedofwildflowers

Baby Bok Choy, Portobella Mushroom and Brown Rice Dinner

from obloggernewbie

The Diva Post Run Kettlebell Workout from divasrunforbling


Gluten Free Aromatherapy Play Dough from mylampisfull


DIY Natural Insect Repellant Spray from ourhappyhippiehome


Weekly Tasty Finds #2 Vegan Makeup from craftytastygeeky


Garlic Scape Powder from cultivatenourishing


Morning Tonic for Constipation and Sluggishness from femfusionfitness

This Party is Hoppin’

Every week, starting Tuesday, you’ll “hop” from delicious, nutritious, fresh, organic, plant-based,

whole food recipes to natural, toxin-free beauty and healing remedies to eye-opening health & wellness

information and ecofriendly living tips to upcycled and recycled projects and the latest in ecofashion

and DIY crafts.

It all adds up to lots of amazing ideas to help you:

*Eat healthy

*Stay fit

*Look good

*Feel good

*Do good

*Live green

*Help others

*Be happy

*And thrive!

What to Share

Link up your coolest healthy, plant-based, natural, DIY or ecofriendly posts

such as:

* Plant-based cuisine

* Unprocessed whole food recipes

*Vegan recipes

*Raw food recipes

*Juices & Smoothies

*Fermented foods

*Healthy diet, nutrition & wellness tips

*Organic gardening & produce

*Health & fitness tips

*Ecofriendly or sustainable living tips & advice

*DIY natural & herbal remedies

*DIY natural hair, skin and beauty treatments

*DIY green & natural home & cleaning tips

*Doing good, positive inspiration, and more….

Note: For health’s sake, recipes submitted to this health-oriented blog hop should use whole, unprocessed

and unrefined ingredients as much as possible.

Recipes should primarily include plant-based, whole food ingredients with minimal oil, salt, or added sugars.

Please do not include meat, dairy, seafood recipes or ingredients.

Enough said, it is…

Party Time

Let’s get this “healthy, happy, green & natural living party” started!

The Blog Hop” opens for new link ups every Tuesday.

You have until Saturday evening to link up your posts for the week.

How the Party Works


*Link up
*Link back
*Hop around

#1. Link up. Use the Linky Tools widget below to add your blog posts to our gallery below.

You can add as many new (or old) links as you’d like, as long as they are relevant.

#2. Link back. Please add a link–from each of your posts in this blog hop–back to this link

up page URL. (Simply copy the url at the top of the blog hop page.)

On the bottom of your blog post on your website, you can create a link that says something like:

“This post is shared at Healthy, Happy, Green & Natural Party Hop” – linked to

the url for this week’s blog hop above.

Or you can copy and paste this button on your blog.

Please note: By sharing your link, you give the host permission to use your photo in weekly

features or future recipe round ups, so ALWAYS link back to your original post.

#3. Hop around. It’s a “hop” so please hop around and visit at least 2 other links you like.

Remember, it’s not a party without mingling!

#4. Share a comment. Please leave a comment telling us a little about your site and what post

you shared this week–it’s a great way to stand out.

And By the Way, Please…

*Spread the word: Please share this blog hop with your friends, fans, followers to encourage

others to visit and join the party–the more the merrier, right?

*Enjoy the party. Each week I will share your posts on our social media channels:

i.e. Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

I will also highlight each week’s favorite posts as “Featured” posts at the next hop!

*Come back for more. Come back next week to link up again, promote your posts, party

with us and make new friends again.

Ready to Link Up?

Everyone is looking forward to reading your wonderful posts, so let’s get started:

please link up below at the words: Click here to enter.

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