This UrbanCloset space is now going to be shared among all of our bloggers. If you have an outfit you would like to share, please contact jen [at] urbanmoms [dot] ca. We’d love to feature it!
Building a business wardrobe after 9 years of working from home is a slow process.
As many of you know, I have recently returned to a corporate job. This means that after nearly 9 years of working from home I need a “business casual” wardrobe. EVERY DAY. For 9 years I survived on 2 or 3 staple outfits I could pull out for a meeting. The rest of the time it was jeans and whatever was most comfortable. The three biggest challenges of this new wardrobe: 1) No denim (WHAT?!), 2) footwear and 3) budget. I can’t just go out and spend a fortune on a brand new wardrobe. I simply can’t justify it. Plus, I want to build a foundation of pieces that will carry me through. So, I picked through my closet, did some shopping and go creative.
Here are two of the outfits I started out with. A mix of new and existing pieces.
Jacket: Banana Repulic 50% off holiday sales – $90(ish)
Dress: Old Navy bought years ago – $30(ish)
Leggings: Costco pack of 2 – cheap
Boots: Ecco 50% off holiday sales – $170
Yes, I am in the bathroom at work! But I still don’t have any full length mirrors in my still-not-completed renovated house so this will have to do. These boots have been invaluable. They are comfortable, fashionable and go with pretty much anything. Plus, because I am so tall my hemlines tend to be short, the high boot doesn’t make it look to micro-mini. You don't have to pay a lot!
Shirt: Banana Republic 50% off holiday sales – $45
Corduroys: Old Navy MAJOR sale – $10
Boots: Ecco same as above My Ecco boots up close.
Building a wardrobe for work is going to take some time but I am being selective and hoping to find some staples to build on.