
UFI welcomes Lisa Casian Author of Bloodrose. Thanks for Joining us!!

What can you tell my readers about yourself that they might not know from looking on your bio or reading in another interview?
If I could be a couch potato I would. As a kid I watched every supernatural, fantasy show there was. I’m a total dreamer.

What do you enjoy doing on your down time?
I enjoy watching action flicks, going for walks, and reading.

What is your Favorite part of writing?
Drafting the novel. I love brainstorming the possibility of plot, setting, character arcs…anything and everything is possible at this stage of the novel development. After, everything is work.

Do you have any certain routines you must follow as you write?
I still use pen and paper to draft scenes and have that near me at all times while I'm in the process of writing a novel. I also listen to music before I start a scene.

What are some of your Favorite books or Authors in the Urban Fantasy/ Paranormal Genres?
I love, love JR Ward Black Dagger brotherhood series and S. Kenyon's Dark Hunter series. I also love Julie Kagawa Blood Eden series. I am still a vampire fan.

How would you pitch Bloodrose to someone who has not heard of it before? 
 I'd like to think it's a mixture of romance, paranormal, fantasy, and action-adventure. It’s about a girl who’s lived her whole life in fear. When she’s kidnapped, taken by sea to Tartarus, escapes sea monsters, and challenges the god of chaos, she finds the courage to make the ultimate sacrifice to save those she loves.

Can you tell us a little bit about the world that Bloodrose is set in? 
 Bloodrose is set in 1829, France though I use my creative license (love that word) to break from the real world. The characters find themselves traveling by sea to Tartarus where they find themselves facing sea monsters, evil sprites, Eris and other equally disturbing creatures.

Do you have a favorite scene in Bloodrose? 
 I loved writing the action scene when the characters have to survive the sea monster.

Which character was your favorite to write about? What about the hardest to write about?
There’s a few characters I loved. We have the friar, who’s a junkie collector of antiquities; Fareed, who’s Bowen servant and protector; and Colin, Bowen’s competition for Isabeau’s love. I loved all of them. They were quirky and fun to write. The hardest was probably the Shade/Cassian. He’s not bad or good, he kinds of hangs in between the two. I didn’t want the readers to hate or love him. I’m still not sure how I feel about him.

What Other Projects can we look forward to reading from you? 
 I’m currently working on book 2. Yay!

This Or That
Angels or Demons - Demons
Vampires or Shifters -Vampires
Left or Right -Right
Up or Down -Up
Pizza or Pasta - Pizza
Coffee or Tea -Coffee
Coke or Pepsi -Pepsi
YA or Adult –Both/YA
Knives or Guns -Knives
Reading or Writing -Ah!! Reading
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Lisa is a Romance Author currently with Breathless Press. She live in the midwest with her family. She love hiking, reading, and spending time with her family. Her debut adult romance book, BLOODROSE, will be released November 29, 2013.

Find Lisa and her books

Website / Goodreads / Twitter / Facebook



Isabeau's life is haunted by nightmares her brother insists are a lie. Bowen's looking to revenge himself against his father while helping his friend. When they meet, all hell breaks loose against Isabeau. Can Bowen protect her? Is love ever the safe choice?

Newly convinced by a mentor to value human life, Bowen, a Shade Hunter, has withdrawn from aristocratic society in pursuit of the creature that made him into the evil that consumes him—his father. Bowen’s plans are thwarted when he assists a wealthy earl in finding his missing fiancé. He’s drawn to the man’s beautiful sister, Isabeau. Bowen soon realizes that their fates are intertwined and she’s aroused a passion in him he’d never thought possible.

Isabeau Harington has always lived in fear. Surviving an attack that killed her parents, she always believed the monsters would return for her. When she meets Bowen, a mysterious, charismatic stranger who drives away those fears, she learns that the very man she’s falling in love with may be
in league with the monsters hunting her.

As a pawn in an Immortal’s scheme, Isabeau must make the ultimate decision—love or safety?


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