
In this post you can find Complete and recently updated Correct Question and answers of PhoneGap. All Answers updated regularly with new questions. Upwork PhoneGap test answers of 2016.








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Question:* A "SQLError" object is:

Answer: • An object that is thrown when an error occurs when manipulating a database

Question:* Which of the following events is fired when a PhoneGap application is sent to the background?

Answer: • "pause"

Question:* PhoneGap is ___ solution.

Answer: • Open source

Question:* Which of the following best describes a hybrid app?

Answer: • One that has features of both a web application and a native application.

Question:* Changes to the DOM in javascript need to be triggered after which Event:

Answer: • deviceready

Question:* Which Language will you need to know in order to build a custom Phonegap plugin for Android

Answer: • Java

Question:* It is possible to use bootstrap.js in a Phonegap App

Answer: • True

Question:* In order to build an app in Phonegap you will need to know

Answer: • HTML and Javascript

Question:* The User Interface in Phonegap takes place in what kind of object

Answer: • WebView

Question:* Which of these languages ​​are used by a PhoneGap app?

Answer: • All of these

Question:* True or False? The Eclipse IDE can be used to debug both Javascript code and native side PhoneGap plugins in an Android app?

Answer: • True

Question:* Cordova is the opensource foundation for Phonegap

Answer: • True

Question:* In order to deploy a Phonegap project to an iOS device you must use which IDE?

Answer: • Xcode

Question:* What function do you need to use to communicate between the Cordova JavaScript and native environment?

Answer: • cordova.exec

Question:* By default the first user created content in a Phonegap app is found in:

Answer: • index.html

Question:* When can PHP be used in conjunction with a Phonegap app?

Answer: • Only when making network protocols via (XmlHTTPRequests, WebSockets,..) to communicate with backend services.

Question:* Phonegap is a

Answer: • Mobile application framework

Question:* When creating an iOS Phonegap project from the command line the compiler creates which files?

Answer: • All of the above

Question:* It is safe to make calls to the Phonegap API after which Javascript event fires:

Answer: • deviceReady

Question:* Developing a Phonegap plugin for iOS requires you to interface Javascript with which language?

Answer: • Objective-C

Question:* Which event allows us to know when the Cordova application is fully loaded?

Answer: • "ondeviceready"

Question:* Which language is the entry point for any plugin?

Answer: • JavaScript

Question:* When writing a Phonegap app for iOS you would tell Phonegap which plugins you wanted to use in which file:

Answer: • config.xml

Question:* Phonegap is not compatible with which Javascript framework

Answer: • Phonegap is compatible with all HTML, CSS and Javascript including frameworks.

Question:* Phonegap is owned by:

Answer: • Adobe

Question:* Phonegap does NOT support the following Platforms

Answer: • OS/2

Question:* In order to deploy a Phonegap app to an Android device you will need a

Answer: • None of these

Question:* In order to know device reachability, we can use the following PhoneGap object:

Answer: • navigator.connection

Question:* Regarding the Notification plugin, the "confirmCallback" is called when the user:

Answer: • Presses one of the buttons on the confirmation dialog box

Question:* When writing a Phonegap app for android you would tell Phonegap which plugins you wanted to use in which file:

Answer: • config.xml

Question:* The syntax to call a native Phongap feature from within its Javascript file begins with

Answer: • cordova.exec(

Question:* What sytax would you use to execute custom code when a certain event fires:

Answer: • document.addEventListener(

Question:* The Adobe PhoneGap Build service allows compiling a project for multiple platforms in the cloud, by uploading:

Answer: • HTML, CSS and Javascript assets

Question:* In order to deploy a Phonegap app to an iPhone or iPad you will need a:

Answer: • Provisioning Profile and Certificate from Apple (both C and D)

Question:* Phonegap requires you to use XHTML

Answer: • False

Question:* Phonegap requires jquery

Answer: • False

Question:* jquery is a required library in a Phonegap project

Answer: • False

Question:* Which of the following best describes PhoneGap's architecture?

Answer: • PhoneGap has a plugin-based architecture.

Question:* What is required to run the Phonegap Command Line Interface

Answer: • Node.js

Question:* When developing iOS PhoneGap plugins, you execute the plugin by using a call from:

Answer: • JavaScript using cordova.exec function

Question:* The "onprogress" property is most closely associated with which PhoneGap object?

Answer: • FileTransfer

Question:* What does function "camera.getPicture" do?

Answer: • Open the device's default camera application

Question:* A plugin for which native capability is currently only available with a third-party plugin

Answer: • NFC

Question:* Which callback function do we need to implement in order to get info from the Compass using the CompassHeading object?

Answer: • "compassSuccess"

Question:* Phonegap uses native UI instead of CSS to position HTML elements

Answer: • False

Question:* To which directory/directories do you copy your splash screen image for Android development?

Answer: • Res/drawable directories

Question:* In order to generate a clean, new, PhoneGap project in Android using a Terminal, we need to:

Answer: • Make sure that the "tools" and "platform-tools" folders are in the PATH

Question:* iOS plugins should use the "pluginInitialize" method for their ______ logic.

Answer: • startup

Question:* Javascript Lambda Functions can be used in Phonegap

Answer: • YES

Question:* Which of the following objects can be graphically customized?

Answer: • None of these

Question:* Which class should be extended by Android plugins?

Answer: • CordovaPlugin

Question:* You can use high resolution graphics for retina display devices in Phonegap

Answer: • True

Question:* Anonymous Javascript functions are prohibited in Phonegap

Answer: • NO

Question:* When catching exceptions and returning errors, which of the following sides are critical to warn about results?

Answer: • JavaScript error callbacks

Question:* To which file in your Cordova-Android application's folder do you need to add your plugin?

Answer: • res/xml/config.xml

Question:* In order to access device-level features (i.e. access to camera) in version 3.0, you must implement it as a plugin. The plugin is added (or removed) to your project by:

Answer: • Using the CLI’s plugin command

Question:* The "options" string for the InAppBrowser must not contain:

Answer: • Blank spaces

Question:* Which of these permissions are required when using the PhoneGap Contacts API in Android?

Answer: • android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS, android.permission.READ_CONTACTS, android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS

Question:* You can only access the camera on an iPhone when using Phonegap 2.7 and above

Answer: • False

Question:* The Phonegap API has a function for taking a photo with the device camera or retrieving a one from the device image gallery. Which is correct?

Answer: • camera.getPicture

Question:* In order to compile and run a Phonegap app in the iPhone simulator with Xcode you will need

Answer: • None of these

Question:* CSS Media Queries are required in Phonegap

Answer: • False

Question:* It is possible to host a PHP server locally in Phonegap

Answer: • False

Question:* You will need a Macintosh computer in order to produce a Phonegap app that will be distributed in the Apple iTunes App Store

Answer: • True

Question:* The "capture" object is assigned to the navigator.device object, therefore it has _______ scope in Javascript.

Answer: • global

Question:* Which of the following are valid methods of the FileReader object?

Answer: • readAsDataURL, readAsText, readAsBinaryString

Question:* In Phonegap for Android the MainActivity class is extended by what Cordova class

Answer: • DroidGap

Question:* The PhoneGap Storage API is based on which database's specifications?

Answer: • W3C WebSQL

Question:* What is the main function of the localStorage object?

Answer: • It allows you to save data as key-value pairs through the W3C storage interface

Question:* Cordova is distributed by

Answer: • Apache

Question:* To debug an app using the iOS simulator, you can use Safari’s developer tools

Answer: • True

Question:* Why is using a 9-patch technique recommended for adding a SplashScreen for Android?

Answer: • It's necessary to avoid splashscreen distortion in different screen sizes

Question:* Phonegap conforms to what browser protocol:

Answer: • Depends on destination OS

Question:* Which of the following code can be used to override the back button behavior of a device?

Answer: • document.addEventListener("backbutton", function() { // New behavior here... }, false);

Question:* When debugging an iOS plugin's Objective-C side, which of the following lines should be added to config.xml?

Answer: • <plugin name="service_name" value="PluginClassName" />

Question:* In Phonegap 3.0, the connection object is exposed via:

Answer: • navigator.connection.type

Question:* Phonegap requires you to use HTML5

Answer: • False

Question:* Which format is used to encode retrieved data through the FileReader object?

Answer: • base64

Question:* Which of the following is NOT true about the Geolocation object?

Answer: • It uses synchronous functions that will block the main thread

Question:* Which of these parameters are not required when creating a Cordova project from the iOS command line?

Answer: • Package location

Question:* If you wish to use Parse.com to host a database for your Phonegap app you will have to use a Plugin

Answer: • False

Question:* Which method should be overriden by an Android Plugin?

Answer: • "execute"

Question:* When the executeSql method of a SQLTransaction is called it will invoke its callback with a:

Answer: • SQLResultSet

Question:* What PhoneGap object can be used to get the device platform name?

Answer: • Device

Question:* When a call to a Database object's transaction method is performed, what PhoneGap object should be used in order to invoke callbacks?

Answer: • SQLTransaction

Question:* If you forget to add your iOS plugin's mapping to config.xml, what could happen?

Answer: • The app does not crash, but the Xcode log shows an error

Question:* The default security policy for outside domain access is to:

Answer: • Allow all network access to outside domains.

Question:* Which of these are NOT PhoneGap supported mobile platforms?

Answer: • (all of these)

Question:* Assuming you have your platform SDK, Node.js and the Phonegap utility already installed, what is the correct command for building a project for version 3.0?

Answer: • $ phonegap create myproject com.example.myproject MyProject

Question:* Phonegap uses a simplified version of Javascript

Answer: • False

Question:* In Phonegap 3.0 a Plugin is called a

Answer: • Feature

Question:* If you write an App in Phonegap, you will be able to run it on Android and iPhone without modifying your custom Javascript

Answer: • Maybe

Question:* Regarding Android PhoneGap plugins, which thread is used to run JavaScript code in a WebView?

Answer: • WebCore

Question:* When embedding Cordova's WebView on Android, what happens if you don't add the thread pool?

Answer: • The plugins will have no threads to run on

Question:* Remote debugging on an iOS device is possible on some platforms by using which of the following:

Answer: • Weinre

Question:* Which of the following statements is true?

Answer: • You can use FileWriter to write to a file multiple times

Question:* Which of the following is true about the Capture object?

Answer: • It is assigned to the navigator.device object, and therefore has global scope

Question:* What is the correct command for installing a Phonegap plugin via CLI? (Example: Camera plugin)

Answer: • $ phonegap local plugin add https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-plugin-camera.git

Question:* When hiding a splash screen in iOS, what value do you need for "AutoHideSplashScreen" in the config.xml file?

Answer: • false

Question:* In order to submit a Phonegap app to the Apple iTunes App Store you would need to use

Answer: • Only "Application Loader"

Question:* Which of the following are the two properties handled by the "batterycritical" event?

Answer: • level (to get battery percentage) isPlugged (to know whether or not the device is plugged in)

Question:* Which thread is used to execute iOS plugin methods?

Answer: • UI Thread

Question:* Phonegap build can accommodate all third-party plugins for its build process?

Answer: • False

Question:* Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Answer: • In iOS, multiple "watchPosition" can be in effect at one time

Question:* You will need a Macintosh computer in order to produce a Phonegap app that will run on an iPhone

Answer: • False

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