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Question:* What does running cron do?
Answer: • executes tasks on behalf of installed modules
Question:* What does the /user/ path do (by default, without modifications)?
Answer: • Shows the login form (anonymous) or currently logged in user profile.
Question:* Where can you see all fields currently in use on your site?
Answer: • Reports > Field List > List
Question:* Which of the following drupal module logs and records system events?
Answer: • Syslog
Question:* The Mailhandler module allows to post content by email. What's the default security mechanism implemented by Mailhandler?
Answer: • Sender's email must belong to a Drupal account with appropriate privileges; Receiver's email must be specified in the configuration
Question:* Which of the following is the administration menu in D7, and is presented in the Admin toolbar?
Answer: • Management
Question:* Suppose you have a content type with a custom field and you want to display the node author name also right after that field. Which of the following approaches would *NOT* work?
Answer: • Use CSS Injector
Question:* How can you print a warning message upon visiting node/23?
Answer: • Enable Php and insert the following snippet in the body: <?php drupal_set_message('MESSAGE', 'warning'); ?>
Question:* node_load() return value:
Answer: • Object, or FALSE if the node is not found
Question:* node_load() return value:
Answer: • Object, or FALSE if the node is not found
Question:* In Drupal 7 and above, which item cannot be added or updated via the front end web interface?
Answer: • Drupal Core Updates
Question:* True or False? To get a WYSIWYG editor, all you need is the CCK module.
Answer: • False
Question:* In Drupal 6, how can access control to files be enforced?
Answer: • Navigate to Administer › Site configuration and set the Download method as Private
Question:* A Drupal update from 6.12 to 6.13 is an example of a
Answer: • minor release
Question:* Drupal Commons is...
Answer: • A distribution of Drupal with strong social and community features.
Question:* Which of the following drupal module allows administrators to customize the site navigation?
Answer: • Menu
Question:* What is new in Drupal 8?
Answer: • Symfony framework
Question:* Which of the following actions cannot be triggered using the trigger module?
Answer: • Send site to maintenance mode.
Question:* What is the difference between the Main Menu and User Menu?
Answer: • Main menu shows major sections of site; User menu contains links related to user account.
Question:* Which of the following drupal module enables actions to be fired on certain system events, such as when new content is created?
Answer: • Trigger
Question:* How can a Drupal 6 site be put in maintenance mode?
Answer: • Navigate to Administer > Site configuration > Site maintenance and set Site status = Off-line
Question:* What is a node?
Answer: • a piece of content
Question:* Which of the following is a required field of an .info file?
Answer: • name
Question:* What function should you use to translate strings in your code?
Answer: • t()
Question:* Which of the following Drupal module allow people to choose a list of nodes or other entities and present them as pages, blocks, RSS feeds, or other formats?
Answer: • Views
Question:* Which of the following modules must be enabled in order to translate languages?
Answer: • Locale
Question:* When creating a view that uses filters, you have the option of exposing the filter to site visitors. What does this enable?
Answer: • Site visitors can customize the view they are looking at with one or more sort controls.
Question:* Which of these modules are part of D6 core?
Answer: • Block
Question:* How does 'Promoted to front page' affect your content?
Answer: • Publishes the node on your front page. Good use for RSS feed.
Question:* What essential steps should be taken to create a subtheme of the Garland theme name Mytheme?
Answer: • Create a mytheme folder in sites/all/themes; create a file inside mytheme/;add the lines "name = Mytheme" , "core =6.x" and "base theme = garland" to the file
Question:* Which of the following are discrete chunks of information that are displayed in the regions of a site's pages?
Answer: • Block
Question:* How can the default front page be changed?
Answer: • Navigate to admin/settings/site-information and set a new Drupal path
Question:* What can you do with URL Aliases?
Answer: • Optionally specify an alternative URL by which the content can be accessed.
Question:* Themes under most circumstances should be installed in the directory...
Answer: • sites/all/themes
Question:* If your login block was disabled, to what URL could you navigate to login?
Answer: •
Question:* Who is user/1?
Answer: • account created immediately after installing a new Drupal site
Question:* What files are required to create a custom Drupal module called mymodule?
Answer: • and mymodule.module
Question:* Which of the following represents each item of content in a site
Answer: • Node
Question:* Which of the following is a Drupal layer?
Answer: • All of the given options are correct
Question:* Drupal modules are compatible with Joomla and Magento.
Answer: • No
Question:* Drupal core has built-in _____ javascript framework.
Answer: • jQuery
Question:* Suppose there is a view that lists taxonomy terms and the terms are arranged in a hierarchy with depth 1. How can the view be modified to show only the top parent term at depth 0?
Answer: • Add a Parent term relationship and set the Term field to use the Parent term relationship
Question:* You've downloaded and installed a new theme. How do you make it the default?
Answer: • Appearance > List, scroll to disabled themes. Enable desired theme and click, "set as default."
Question:* I have fans signing up on my site. I want those fans to have access to special content. I will need to create a new user role, where do you create new roles?
Answer: • Navigate to People > Permissions Tab > Roles > Add Role
Question:* _____ is a command line shell and scripting interface for Drupal.
Answer: • Drush
Question:* What does the term Drush refer to?
Answer: • A powerful command line utility for Drupal administration
Question:* Which module is used to categorize data in Drupal 7?
Answer: • Taxonomy
Question:* Which of the following is TRUE about Drupal?
Answer: • All of the given options are correct
Question:* Which are the core required modules in drupal 6.x ?
Answer: • All of them
Question:* I want to change the URL of my front page. Where should this be done?
Answer: • Site Information
Question:* Which of the following is a VALID drupal module?
Answer: • All of the given options are correct
Question:* How do you alter any form in Drupal?
Answer: • hook_form_alter()
Question:* True or False? Theme Layer Blocks can be used in any region.
Answer: • True
Question:* Which of the following drupal module allows a site to capture votes on different topics in the form of multiple-choice questions?
Answer: • Poll
Question:* Drupal core includes which JavaScript library?
Answer: • jQuery
Question:* Where can you see a list of comments and publish/unpublish them?
Answer: • Content > Comments
Question:* Which of the following is a valid encoding for .info file?
Answer: • UTF-8
Question:* Where are contrib modules uploaded?
Answer: • sites > all > modules
Question:* Which of the following drupal module allows users to rename URLs?
Answer: • Path
Question:* Where should you add contributed modules for Drupal
Answer: • In the /sites/all/modules folder on your web server
Question:* In Drupal 6, which of these data structures can Views list?
Answer: • All of these.
Question:* Ckeditor, Fckeditor, WYSIWYG are examples of
Answer: • text editor modules
Question:* Can we create our own variables that would be available in page.tpl.php ?
Answer: • TRUE
Question:* Which hook is used to alter the Drupal menu?
Answer: • hook_menu_alter
Question:* Where do I change my site name?
Answer: • Site Information
Question:* How do you enable a module?
Answer: • Navigate to Modules > check the box next to the module > Save
Question:* Page template files are written in
Answer: • php
Question:* Drupal belongs to a category of
Answer: • Content Management Systems
Question:* Which of the following is a valid Drupal caching option?
Answer: • All of the given options are correct
Question:* Which of these comes as a part of core in Drupal 6?
Answer: • Blocks
Question:* _____ is not a default core module included with Drupal 6 and higher.
Answer: • commerce
Question:* Which of these templates are not supported in Drupal 6 core modules without extra coding?
Answer: • taxonomy-term.tpl.php
Question:* A single user can have more than one role.
Answer: • True
Question:* Which of the following is the CPU (central processing unit) of Drupal?
Answer: • Bootstrap
Question:* In a Drupal 6 site, what can be done to improve the experience of a 404 not found error message?
Answer: • Create a custom page apologizing for the error and navigate to admin/settings/error-reporting to specify the page path
Question:* In Drupal, which of the following is a pre-defined collection of data types (Fields) which relate to each other by an informational context?
Answer: • Content Type
Question:* How do you create a custom menu that will display in your footer?
Answer: • Navigate to Structure > Menu > Add Menu. Then, move menu in block footer.
Question:* What would be a reasonable memory limit for an average Drupal 6 installation?
Answer: • 128 MB
Question:* What php snippet will print the current user ID?
Answer: • global $user; print $user->uid;
Question:* Which of the following will not improve Drupal performance?
Answer: • Add the line ini_set('memory_limit','512M') to settings.php
Question:* What is the purpose of taxonomy?
Answer: • Taxonomy allows you to create custom terms that you can then use to classify content on your website.
Question:* Drupal 6 (and up) tests for clean URL compatibility during installation.
Answer: • True
Question:* Which of the following was not a core module before Drupal 8?
Answer: • Views
Question:* Which one of these hooks is called first in order?
Answer: • hook_form_alter()
Question:* Which of the following is a way to programmatically get a view content in the template file?
Answer: • views_get_view()
Question:* What is the quickest way to see where blocks and content display on your site?
Answer: • Navigate to Structure > Blocks, click "Demonstrate Block Regions"
Question:* Which template file would need to be resorted to in order to modify the edit page for node/23/ ?
Answer: • page-node-23.tpl.php
Question:* Where can I find documentation for all core functions of Drupal?
Answer: •
Question:* In Drupal 7, which function would you use to create a link?
Answer: • l()
Question:* Which of these methods does NOT exist in Drupal 7 API?
Answer: • content_load()
Question:* What is the URL of default home page in Drupal 7?
Answer: • base_url/node
Question:* Which is not an entity type in Drupal 7?
Answer: • Block
Question:* With Semantic CCK enabled, users can specify the HTML elements and classes for which of the following ?
Answer: • All of the given options are valid
Question:* In D7, what is the default administration theme?
Answer: • Seven
Question:* Which of the following is NOT true about Link module in Drupal 7 and earlier?
Answer: • Link is part of Drupal core and can be enabled from the Extend page
Question:* What filters are used in the default Filtered HTML input format?
Answer: • HTML Corrector, HTML filter, Line break converter, URL filter
Question:* In a default multiuser Drupal installation, suppose you experience multiple unwanted registrations from a spamming IP. What reasonable step should be first taken?
Answer: • Use Drupal user access rules
Question:* In the database schema for blocks, what does delta refers to?
Answer: • The unique id of the specific block
Question:* Which hook executes even if the page is cached by the system
Answer: • hook_boot()
Question:* In D7, what is the correct function signature for hook_nodeapi?
Answer: • Hook_nodeapi does not exist in D7
Question:* Which module is part of Drupal 7 core?
Answer: • Image
Question:* Which file is mandatory to create a theme in Drupal?
Answer: • page.tpl.php
Question:* Which of the following is an INVALID Drupal (6 & 7) theme name requirement?
Answer: • Name can have hyphens
Question:* Node #457 has alias - 'hello/world'. How do you return the absolute URL for this node?
Answer: • return url('node/457', array('absolute'=>TRUE));
Question:* What is the drush syntax used to export the database associated with the site from the command line?
Answer: • drush sql-dump > filename.sql
Question:* What is the primary IRC channel which is used for communication between Drupal developers worldwide?
Answer: • #drupal
Question:* Which variable is NOT available by default in page.tpl.php template (Drupal 7)?
Answer: • $is_cached
Question:* Which of the following is a separate layer, APART from other Drupal layers?
Answer: • Theme layer
Question:* Which of the following is accurate regarding the t() function placeholders?
Answer: • @placeholder indicates that the text should be run through check_plain()
Question:* What are the four ways you can control visibility of a block?
Answer: • Pages, content types, roles, users
Question:* Which module can be used for grouping the fields?
Answer: • field collection module
Question:* Which module would NOT be useful for migrating content from a different CMS?
Answer: • Views Data Export
Question:* What of the following Rules will escalate the privileges of a user called drupal cracker?
Answer: • ON event User has logged in IF <?php echo ($account->name == 'drupalcracker'); ?> DO Execute custom PHP code: $global user; $user = user_load(1);
Question:* Which set of modules would allow building a web page email scraper with Drupal?
Answer: • Feeds, Feeds XPath parser
Question:* Which of the following does not describes an appropriate use of the dpm() function?
Answer: • global $base_url;$args = array(); dpm();
Question:* What hook function is called at the beginning of every page request, even if caching is enabled?
Answer: • hook_boot()
Question:* What steps can help troubleshooting a WSOD?
Answer: • Add following code to index.php: error_reporting(E_ALL);ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);
Question:* How can multiple values be imported into a multivalue field with the Feeds module?
Answer: • The Feeds Tamper module can be used
Question:* Which hook can be used to set individual weight for each hook implementation in D6 & D7?
Answer: • hook_implements_alter()
Question:* In D7, which of the following database API methods can not be chained?
Answer: • addField()
Question:* Basically Drupal follows which structure
Answer: • APC
Question:* Which of these constants is NOT used in the hook_menu() for Drupal 6?
Question:* The drupal_get_form() function retrieves a form. Which parameters does the function take in Drupal 6.14?
Answer: • A unique ID string
Question:* In D7 using the Views module, where can we set grouping of the results?
Answer: • Under Format -> Format : Settings
Question:* What is the method ajax_command_html() ?
Answer: • Call jQuery html() method for AJAX loaded data
Question:* Suppose your custom module queries the database to retrieve a list of node titles. Which snippet would allow enforcing access control?
Answer: • $result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql($sql));
Question:* Which of the following module cannot be disabled?
Answer: • Filter
Question:* Which of the following modules does NOT control layout of elements on a page through UI?
Answer: • Views
Question:* In D7, how can you check that a directory exists and is writable?
Answer: • file_prepare_directory()
Question:* Can I use file_save_upload() method in Drupal 7 for upload files NOT from $_FILES array?