
FREE whole year of Math – A Curriculum

for Busy Homeschool Moms – Easy to Teach w/ Automatically Graded Worksheets

& Tests!

As a homeschool mom, I often find it difficult to homeschool math on a tight budget, and this problem is only amplified when you are teaching multiple grade levels. I am looking for a math resource that can do most of the work for me and save me precious time and energy.  Finding a curriculum that has automatic grading and tracking of all the worksheets and tests with step-by-step solutions to each problem is practically a homeschool mom’s dream come true!

Lucky for you, I’ve teamed up with A+ Interactive Math to make your dreams come true!

Now you can get this awesome COMPLETE math curriculum FREE for an entire homeschool year.

It includes:

curriculum eBook (lessons in PDF format)

Worksheets & Tests that are Graded and Tracked by this program automatically.

Parents/students can review each completed assignment with step-by-step solution to find mistakes and correct the issues.

This is a HUGE TIME SAVER & a BIG WINNER for a busy homeschool mom on a tight budget.

Get it FREE 1-Year

(whole year worth of math)!
Limited Time Offer – NO Credit Card Needed!

It creates, assigns, and grades assignments (worksheets and tests) and tracks student progress

for you so you don’t have to. This will easily save you 2 to 3 hours each week and get rid of all the frustration of checking and tracking student work. You do have to teach, but wait there is help! The curriculum eBook includes fun,

colorful and engaging lessons that make teaching math a breeze with easy to follow explanations and lots of visuals.

You get a lot with this Math program –ALL FREE,

* Curriculum eBook

* Worksheets & Tests – Already generated for you (online or print PDF)

* Parent can generate and assign worksheets & tests (optional)

* Students complete worksheets online or offline (printed PDF)

* Step-by-Step Solution to each problem

* Automatic Grading & Tracking (HUGE Time SAVER)

* Easy to read reports

* Plenty of practice to master math concepts

Why this new program and what’s so GREAT about it?

Most homeschool moms spend a minimum of 2 to 3 hours for each child homeschooling Math. This program can give you most of that time back with Unlimited worksheets, tests, step-by-step solutions and automatic grading & tracking. The curriculum eBook (PDF Lessons) with fun, engaging and easy to teach lessons makes this a complete and ONLY math curriculum you will need – ALL this for FREE!

To get your FREE Math Curriculum, simply click here and fill out the required information!

Are you wondering which grade level you should choose for your child? No worries, here’s another freebie for you:

FREE Math Placement Test – Most comprehensive program with multi-grade level “adaptive” testing to identify student’s current skill level. It then creates an “individualized” lesson plan to target problem areas with everything included. Individualized lesson plan available for a small fee.

Follow A+ Interactive Math on Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest!

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