How to Read A Newspaper for IAS Exam
Newspapers are seen as an indispensable tool to prepare for
the civil services examinations. It is highly unimaginable to think about
clearing the civil services examinations without cultivating a mature newspaper
reading habit. However, most of the candidates fail to develop the style of
selective reading, that a
newspaper requires.
A newspaper generally contains information about different
issues and topics. Many of these issues might not be as relevant for the civil
services preparation. Therefore, it is important to cultivate a habit of making
a selective reading of a newspaper.
This habit requires an understanding of the syllabus of the
civil services examination, as well as the relevance of any topic from an
examination point of view.
To begin with, it is important to remember that an
examination, of the level of the civil services exam, does not bother about the
political tussles and non-decisive debates that are brimming in the newspaper of
these days. Though these developments might be important in understanding the
contemporary scenario of politics of the country, but from an exam point of
view, it is unimportant to spend enormous amount of time in making an in-depth
study of these issues. Thus, an aspirant shall glide through the articles and
news relating to the political developments of the working of different parties
and groups.
What is of importance, from the exam point of view is the
decisions that are being taken, and the agreements that are concluded by the
public authorities. Also important is, to look at the syllabus and highlight the
developments that particularly relate to the traditional knowledge given in the
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GS Foundation Course (PT+ MAINS) for IAS EXAM
सामान्य अध्ययन (GS) फ़ाउनडेशन कोर्स (Foundation Course) PT + Mains, HINDI Medium
Also, it is important to keep a log of the developments that
an aspirant reads in the newspapers, because it is practically impossible to
remember each and every news item till the exam time. Therefore, a more rational
practice is to prepare a log of the important items from the newspaper. This
shall not take much time of the candidate, as the candidate need to write down
every bit of article from the paper. Also, while preparing notes from the
papers, do not try to copy down the entire matter as it is. Instead, read the
news items carefully and write down the brief summary. This would also help you
to keep track of different developments that are covered by the newspapers.
By the time of the examinations, you would be able to prepare
all the current affairs easily and in an adequate space. This approach has been
utilized by many of the IAS toppers, and has been proved for its effectiveness.
As a supplement to your newspapers, a candidate may also use any current affairs
magazine, as an additional resource. However, the value of the self-made notes
cannot be exaggerated.
For Instance:
Example 1- There has been a rapid rise and fall in the
Delhi Assembly politics.
Many of us might feel that a question might be asked
relating to the developments that have been taking place.
However, looking at the recent trends of the UPSC
question papers, it is unlikely that the UPSC would ask direct questions
pertaining to the developments in this area.
However, what the UPSC might ask could still be related
to the recent developments in the political struggle in Delhi.
Like- a question may refer to the provisions about a
situation of 'hung assembly';
Example 2- In the case of the recent Syrian Crisis, it
is likely to be asked that- How is India's interest involved in the Syrian
or what is the main factor that has given wind to the
developments in Syria.
UPSC might not directly ask about the settlement of the
Syrian issue or the agreements signed.
Example 3- Though the General Elections are on our
heads, but UPSC is unlikely to ask questions pertaining to the elections agendas
or activities related to different parties. However, it might still be asked
that- How does the Election Commission recognize a political party; or What are
the possible disqualifications of a election candidate or a voter.
Thus, what is implied here is that it is important to read a
newspaper, by linking it to what we read in the books. The recent trends of the
UPSC has seen questions more based on the applicability of the issues, rather
the direct factual questions.
Thus, what is implied here is that it is important to read a
newspaper, by linking it to what we read in the books. The recent trends of the
UPSC has seen questions more based on the applicability of the issues, rather
the direct factual questions.
Express Points-
Newspapers are a very handy tool in preparation of the
civil services examination.
Learn how to do the selective reading from the
It is always useful to prepare notes from the selected
news items of the newspaper. This would also Help in the long-run.
Maintaining notes from the newspapers also help you in
better remembering the current events. Because, you will be reading the
important news items multiple items, while preparing the notes for them.
Newspapers Vs.
It is often thought whether to go for the dailies or the
monthly magazines, that are widely available in the market. However, a candidate
should remember a basic difference between the two, before going for their
Since a newspaper is made in a haste, it might lack a sharp analysis and
evaluation of an issue. Newspapers are, basically, a reservoir of factual
knowledge on current events and agreements. However, a good newspaper also
contains important editorial articles, which contain a good analysis of
contemporary issues. Many of the editorials can prove to be of great value, from
an exam point of view. Thus, reading a newspaper can be useful in expanding the
knowledge base of the candidate. However, this task is fruitful only when done
through a selective reading.
Magazine, on the other hand, presents a summary of the
events that has taken place in a particular time frame. Thus, it is very useful
for those candidates, who are not able to cultivate a habit of selective reading
of the newspaper, or does not have appropriate time for the newspaper reading.
Reading a good magazine can particularly help the working professionals, in
getting acquaint with the current events without devoting time for the newspaper
Which Paper/Magazine to Read?
Newspapers in English:
The Hindu; Indian
Express; Asian Age.
For Hindi Newspapers: Hindustan, Navbharat Times
For Magazines: Pratiyogita Darpan; The Gist by
Other Sources:
IASEXAMPORTAL Current Affairs, ; ;
India Year Books
Reading the HINDU for IAS Exam-
The Hindu is considered a very good newspaper for the
preparation of the IAS, IPS exam. However, it should be noted that the language
of the Hindu is generally of a higher level. Thus, a beginner should prepare
his/her notes carefully, and without any haste.
We suggest a stage-wise approach to read the Hindu. At First,
just go through the paper, and mark the news items that are relevant from the
exam perspective. Remember, avoid getting indulged in the political and
non-significant controversies. Once you mark the relevant portions, you can just
read the other material superficially.
As the next stage, study each selected news item carefully,
paragraph by paragraph, and write down the summary of the news item, IN YOUR OWN
WORDS. It is important that you write the summary in your own words, as it would
be beneficial in the long term. You would notice that from the paper of each
day, there are hardly 8-10 pieces of news items that would require your serious
This strategy would help you to maintain a log of
important current affairs.
For the
Hindi Medium Students
Aspirants, with the Hindi medium, might feel, at times, a
scarcity of quality material. To tackle with this problem, there are only two
You should prepare the current affairs section, from good
Hindi newspapers, using the above mentioned strategy. Remember that, you must
not go deep into the irrelevant news articles.
The second strategy involves a little more effort, but also
guarantees better result in the future. You might start reading a good English
newspaper slowly, and develop your personal notes in Hindi, in your own
This would have two advantages: One, you would better
remember the things, as you will be going through the news material multiple
times. Second, your understanding and hold on the English language would improve
substantially, helping you in the exams as well as in the longer run.
We wish the candidates All the Best for their preparations.
For further support and guidance, feel free to comment or
mail to us.
GS Foundation Course (PT+ MAINS) for IAS EXAM
सामान्य अध्ययन (GS) फ़ाउनडेशन कोर्स (Foundation Course) PT + Mains, HINDI Medium
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