
Current Affairs for IAS Exams - 03 February 2017

:: National ::

H-1B visa reforms could be blessing for Indians

Are the fears of Indian students over the proposed H-1B legislation unfounded and unrealistic? Will it be a blessing for the aspirational Indian techies and students if at all the bill takes the final shape?

Closer look at the bill reflects that it may turn out to be beneficial to Indians as it seeks to remove several numerical quotas per country in issuance of Green Cards and also wants to make Masters Degree mandatory for H-1B visas.

As Indians are the second highest foreign students on US campuses the proposals may definitely appeal to them.

The biggest scare among Indians is the suggestion of a minimum salary of $ 1,30,000 for computer and mathematical professionals employed in H-1B dependent employers.

The H-1B dependent employer is a company with 15% or more of its employees on H-1B visa. Moreover, H-1B holders who have already applied for Green Cards are not included in this.

In the present circumstances Green Cards for Indians are delayed due to quota system per country as citizens of any country cannot get more than 7% of the available green cards in that particular year.

Indians being in the top two countries of immigration seekers can feel elated as the bill proposes to abolish the country quota.

The bill also argues for transparency to protect H-1B holders from blackmailing by the employers and also from liquidation damages.

Job seekers are exploited by the consulting companies forcing them to pay damages if they move to a better opportunity. The proposed bill suggests more protection from such elements.

The suggestion of H-1B visa allocation on market needs rather than the lottery system is likely to enhance the chances of employment for students passing out from good schools with good academic track record.

The present system doesn’t differentiate between students from good institutions or those working in good companies. Those from mediocre colleges also get luckier due to lottery system.

Passionate students who prefer startups over big companies can also heave a sigh of relief as the Zoe Lofgren proposal reserves 20% of H-1B visas for startups with less than 50 employees.

All said and done, companies, consultants and education advisers say the bill is being interpreted in several ways and it will take sometime before the intentions are clear.

U.S.-based NGO Compassion International to shut India's operations

After it was put on the Government’s “prior permission” list for donations, U.S.-based NGO Compassion International (CI), the largest international donor in India, says it will shut down India operations.

The Christian charity has been at the forefront of a clash between the Modi government and the Obama administration.

The Trump administration’s Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in his Senate confirmation hearings that he would “look into the issue.”

CI asked for strictures to be removed on the organisation that has operated in India for over 30 years, bringing in approximately Rs. 292 crore per year and funds 344 NGOs here.

The ‘adverse’ reports of two NGOs funded by CI — Chennai-based Caruna Bal Vikas Trust and Compassion East India — were instrumental in putting the foreign donor on the Home Ministry’s watch list.

Indian side had made it clear that CI, which had been accused of funding NGOs unregistered for religious activity, would get no exemption from the FCRA ruling for ‘prior permissions'.

Among other regulatory issues, CI’s own mission statement on its website, which says its aim is for “children in poverty to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults” had raised a red flag with the government.

All airlines will soon have to compulsorily submit passenger records

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Telangana govt is redesigning projects related to irrigation

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:: International ::

US says Iran is voilating UN resolution by conducting missile test

The U.S. said it was “putting Iran on notice” for conducting a ballistic missile test that it described as a violation of a UN resolution. Blaming Iran for a range of other “destabilising activities” in the region.

Trump administration would put its entire weight behind Saudi Arabia and the UAE, while upending the breakthrough with Iran, a key foreign policy achievement of the previous Obama administration.

“Iran has been formally PUT ON NOTICE for firing a ballistic missile. Should have been thankful for the terrible deal the U.S. made with them!” tweeted President Donald Trump.

Pursuing a collision course with Iran will have a spiralling effect on the U.S.’s relations or plans with several other countries, such as Mr. Trump’s attempt to reset ties with Russia and to arrive at some settlement for the crisis in Syria.

Significantly for India, a renewed conflict with Iran will pre-empt the possibility of a fresh U.S. strategy in Afghanistan that is less dependent on Pakistan.

While Mr. Trump appears eager to overturn Mr. Obama’s Iran rapprochement, he has abandoned his own criticism of the Gulf states during campaign and embraced Saudi Arabia, particularly its bombing of Yemen — which is a continuation of the Obama policy.

Israel and Saudi Arabia have been critical of the nuclear deal with Iran, and the U.S. hostility towards Iran is renewed days ahead of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington on February 15.

Meanwhile, Iran termed Mr. Trump’s warning “provocative”. Claims made by the U.S. are“baseless, repetitive and provocative”, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi said, quoted by state news agency IRNA.

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