
This is a full transcript of President Trump's speech to his Black History Month event. pic.twitter.com/uJ9iXvUOGr

— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) February 1, 2017

Wednesday morning Donald Trump held an event in Washington to celebrate Black History Month, and the accompanying speech he gave — transcribed above by Daniel Dale of the Toronto Star — was very much what we’ve come to expect from Donald Trump as president. In it, he preened about having won the election, quickly mentioned the hard work and sacrifice of African-Americans, complained about the media, described abolitionist Frederick Douglass as “somebody who’s done an amazing job,” talked about himself some more, and insulted the inner cities.

All in all, it was a pretty typical Trumpian affair, as you can tell by the brief excerpt below:

Last month we celebrated the life of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. whose incredible example is unique in American history. You read all about Dr. Martin Luther King a week ago when somebody said I took the statue out of my office. And it turned out that that was fake news. The statue is cherished. It’s one of the favorite things – and we have some good ones. We have Lincoln, and we have Jefferson, and we have Dr. Martin Luther King. And we have other. But they said the statue, the bust, of Dr. Martin Luther King was taken out of the office. And it was never even touched. So I think it was a disgrace, but that’s the way the press is. It’s very unfortunate.

Nothing you can really add to that! But of course, Trump wasn’t going to get off that easy, as Twitter users got the hashtag #TrumpBlackHistory fired up, ridiculing his terrible, awful, no good speech. To start us off, comedian Franchesca Ramsey was especially savage.

"Even though I wouldn't rent to them, George & Weezie didn't give up. & eventually found a place on the east side" #trumpblackhistory pic.twitter.com/zHMbTEPVxi

— Franchesca Ramsey (@chescaleigh) February 1, 2017

and he was a prince…from West Philadelphia. terrible city. so much crime. sad! #TrumpBlackHistory pic.twitter.com/2nvoB52SRx

— Franchesca Ramsey (@chescaleigh) February 1, 2017

sure, he wasn't well liked, but I see a lot of myself in him. some might even ssay he made Africa great again #TrumpBlackHistory pic.twitter.com/S56zTBGJqd

— Franchesca Ramsey (@chescaleigh) February 1, 2017

This guy? Great vision. #TrumpBlackHistory pic.twitter.com/q4YtQUppwF

— Amy (@BlessAmysHeart) February 1, 2017

BREAKING: Trump: "Jack Johnson is a great fighter. Bad dude! Will endorse me. As you know, Mike Tyson endorsed me, too." #TrumpBlackHistory pic.twitter.com/bkS3ph5ZKJ

— Jason Overstreet (@JasonOverstreet) February 1, 2017

“Frederick Douglass? He’s done an amazing job. Funny guy, not a big dummy.”#TrumpBlackHistory pic.twitter.com/QKF44hSaT3

— Jose Antonio Ojeda (@ojedasbodega) February 1, 2017

we can't forget denzel washington.
amazing actor, right?
i met him.
reminds me of the time i met george washington.#TrumpBlackHistory

— i am not jasmine, (@iAMaladden) February 1, 2017

when Precious refused to give up her seat on the bus, it was a pivotal moment for civil rights in America…#trumpblackhistory pic.twitter.com/iwcvHAyL6U

— Deja M. Burt (@Hoosyourdaddy99) February 1, 2017

"Rosa Parks was a common criminal. But don't worry- soon, our inner city busses are gonna be safe to ride again."#TrumpBlackHistory

— Justin V. Lewis (@HondamanLX) February 1, 2017

Barbara Jordan, who gave us the really very good Michael, is the mother of basketball. #trumpblackhistory pic.twitter.com/D6ILlf3yt9

— Middle Class Voter (@sereneorange) February 1, 2017

"Obamacare was such a failure. With Trumpcare, Fred will finally be able to see a specialist about his heart condition." #Trumpblackhistory pic.twitter.com/K7VM2rc9BS

— Lauren Warren (@iamlaurenp) February 1, 2017

"Chicago is getting worse. They glorify guns and now love dynamite for some reason! Sad " #TrumpBlackHistory pic.twitter.com/ujHngew9Id

— Ron Coleman (@TheArie_Cole) February 1, 2017

"Will never forget when Eddie Murphy played Martin Luther King! Great Actor. Much better than Meryl Streep." #trumpblackhistory pic.twitter.com/at1dwWpibB

— Jofenix (@TheJofenix) February 1, 2017

Dr. Huxtable phenomenal doctor great doctor black doctor never roofied anyone all #FakeNews #TrumpBlackHistory

— Deon Curry (@BrightFame4) February 1, 2017

#TrumpBlackHistory "Harriet Tubman worked hard to bring equal rights to the pancake industry." pic.twitter.com/pZGVblWH9f

— Matt Maybray (@MattMaybray) February 1, 2017

Inner city youth I watched grow up and become a tremendous actor. His movies. So great! #trumpblackhistory pic.twitter.com/uP9jir3QE5

— Gentrified Issa Rhea (@RheaLaSoul) February 1, 2017

Never forget, that really did happen. (And pull yourself together, Carlton!)

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