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My favorite thing about the late Sean Price is how unpredictable he was (Was. Wow. It still hurts to think about him in the past tense). Sean P was a one of one, and the actions of a surprising fan show how contagious his unpredictability could be.

Ryan Phillippe, (yes that Ryan Phillippe of Cruel Intentions, Secrets And Lies, and a couple dozen other films fame), was a huge Sean Price fan much like the rest of us. So much so, that Phillippe had a tattoo inspired by the artwork from Price’s Mic Tyson album tattooed on his arm recently. Price’s widow, Bernadette and longtime friend Dallas Penn both shared the images on their respective Instagram feeds today.

The duo met a while back after Phillippe had a mutual friend reach out to Price and let him know he was a big fan. That lead to a dinner between the unlikely duo. Price detailed the meeting in an interview with Noisey last year:

Have you ever met anybody that you were surprised was a fan of yours?

I trip out over some of it. Me and Ryan Phillippe are friends. I would not think that Ryan Phillippe would be a Sean Price fan. He knew a friend of mine and he was like “Dude! I’m a big fan! I’m going to take him out to eat!” We went out to restaurant in Manhattan called STK. We went there and we pigged out. We had like 5 dozen oysters, we ate, we cracked a shit load of jokes. He’s a real down-to-earth dude. I’m just surprised, you know?

Phillippe shared the same sentiment in an interview with The Hundreds. He retold the dinner story, including what Sean’s wife initially said about the actor to Sean (“Why the f*ck does he wanna have dinner with you?!”). Phillippe said of Price, “We’re homies and, if he’s in L.A., I try to take care of him. His voice and wordplay make me happy. A true legend.”

Phillipe’s absolutely right. Who else in hip-hop would start a verse off with “Botswana” or “Benjamin Banneker/Afrika Bambatta/Boom-bap-bip to your medulla oblongata?” Who else would block Twitter followers for both praise and disrespect? Who else threatened to punch people through school buses with a purple Decepticon flag waving proudly, while doting on his children and wife? Nobody but P.

While Sean P.’s death still leaves a gaping hole in the world hip-hop from the underground to beyond, it’s good to know that his voice was heard well beyond his Brownsville home, and that fans worldwide loved and respected Price as one of the great lyricists of his time. R.I.P.

(via Miss Info)

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