
Would you like to see an adorable dog born with deformed front legs start immediately running when fitted with some well-designed prosthetic paws? Oh, we’ll show you an adorable dog born with deformed front legs start immediately running when fitted with some well-designed prosthetic paws. The video is exactly what it says on the tin, and the tin just says, “You’re gonna cry, you little b*tch.“

So this is Derby, who was awaiting adoption at Peace and Paws Dog Rescue when he was spotted by Tara Anderson, a project manager at 3D Systems who could hook Derby up with some fancy 3D-printed legs from the company’s ProJet 5500 MultiJet 3D printer. The printer can work with dual materials, making objects rigid in some places and flexible in others, perfect for making custom prosthetics for dogs or I guess other uses but whatever let’s just make new legs for all the dogs instead. We know what’s really important:

Via 3Dprint

Via 3Dprint

AAAAAAA LOOK HOW HAPPY HE IS! We want to give him all the hugs.

Derby should totally hang out with Naki’o the bionic dog, Oscar the bionic kitty, Mitzi the bionic dog, and Elvis the robokitty and start a bionic pets gang, but a harmless one like in West Side Story. If they had thumbs they’d be snapping.

Via 3DPrint and Daily Dot

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