
February 23, 2017

by GH Eliason

Over the last couple of years I’ve written volumes on fascists making inroads into American politics and civil life. With civil and human rights it starts with understanding a little about what’s known as the Four Freedoms. And there are many legitimate civil rights groups today that go under that banner.

In 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave what became known as the Four Freedoms speech. He proposed that there were four freedoms that people everywhere in the world should enjoy. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship, Freedom from Want, and Freedom from Fear. The speech was mainly concerned with national security and democracies that were heading into a world war. The first two freedoms are enshrined in the Bill of Rights. The last two were and are revolutionary.

Unfortunately ever since the Four Freedoms were first spoken it have been used politically to gear America up for war. They became a cornerstone of American Exceptionalism and intervention.

After World War II, the same groups that manned the gas chambers of the Holocaust took up the mantle of human rights victims and human rights advocates by starting groups named according to these freedoms and hiding among the legitimate rights groups.

By building a track record working for their own pet project civil rights, they thought no one would look at their own history very closely. They found over time by supporting legitimate human rights efforts, they could count on real activists to take up their causes.

What you need to decide is whether these are or aren’t the kind of groups you want support from. It’s that simple. Accepting the help is saying what they are and what they do is fine with you.

In reality when you start looking up their history, the first thing that comes up is files Released Under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act.” I’m referring to the Organization for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine, Inc.

This is the only human rights group has the distinction of taking its name from a speech by a US president they tried to assassinate. If you scroll down their Face Book page you’ll notice they are not shy about Ukrainian nazi flags or support of neo-nazis murderers like Pravy Sektor. This despite the fact that they say they subscribe to the “freedom from fear” part.

In an official statement from 2004 in Ukraine Weekly they are a little more open about their participation with Adolf Hitler. They were the prison guards that committed the Holocaust and Waffen SS that the Nazis were afraid of.

“Ukraine Weekly 2004 statement- National Executive Organization for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine, Inc.

Over 55 years ago, a group of Ukrainian Americans, guided by a love for their native Ukraine created a committee in the United States that would support the liberation of Ukraine during World War II. Their committee supported the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army as they fought against the Nazi and Communist occupation of Ukraine. This committee became the Organization for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine, named after President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s famous address wherein he declared that all nations and individuals have the right to freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom from fear and a freedom from want. Today, we reiterate our commitment to defend these four freedoms for Ukraine.”

What they don’t say is that during the war, they killed 3 million prisoners of war, 250,000 Jews including the first recorded act of Holocaust at Babi Yar. During the war, Ukrainian Americans were in charge of the SS battalions that were fighting and directed them from the USA. As late as 1945, the Ukrainian Diaspora was asking Adolf Hitler to fund new armies.

And they have never changed their political views. In 2014, they bought the bullets used to kill 100 protesters that were on their side sparking the Ukrainian coup against Victor Yanukovych.

According to the Huff Post, “Apparently, the aid doesn’t stop there. In a Newsweek interview, Ukrainian rightist Dmitry Yarosh admits that he has received U.S. dollars from the Ukrainian Diaspora. Yarosh is a leader of Right Sektor and has been training paramilitary fighters for almost 25 years. Moreover, Foreign Affairs notes that the Diaspora reportedly funds infamous Azov Battalion, a volunteer outfit which is enthralled by wartime Nazi insignia and iconography. Al-Jazeera remarks that “While the battalion is recognized by the Interior Ministry and provided with some arms, it is largely funded by charity from Ukrainians, wealthy businessmen, the Ukrainian diaspora and other European far-right groups.

Officially, Ottawa has pledged the Azov Battalion will not receive Canadian training or support. However, such pledges aren’t enshrined in law and the authorities have remarked defensively that Azov Battalion and a “small number of bad apples” shouldn’t be allowed to tarnish the entire Ukrainian defense effort. Meanwhile, within the Canadian Diaspora the Azov Battalion is reportedly a “touchy subject.” The Globe and Mail reports, “While opinions are divided, many see the 1,500-man Azov unit as being populated not with neo-Nazis and white supremacists, but with patriots willing to fight in order to rollback Russian-backed separatists.”

What does this have to do with the Women’s March or Trump protests that are following? They along with George Soros are providing most of the media coverage and providing tens of thousands of protesters to liven things up.

When you look at the list of groups supported by Soros, there is a couple that stand out which support the Women’s march. Common Cause sticks out because of what they did in Ukraine when the protests heated up. They killed people and stepped back to watch the carnage.

Another is the Four Freedoms Fund. This group started by Soros, to was designed to serve as

a conduit through which large foundations could fund state based open borders organizations more flexibly and quickly. It does this through ethnic-specific groups to coordinated state and national campaigns that advance immigration reform and defend the rights of immigrants.

“FFF’s mission is “to secure the full integration of immigrants as active participants in our democracy.” Designed to serve as a conduit through which charitable foundations could bankroll the activities of immigrant-rights organizations with maximum efficiency and flexibility.

The Four Freedoms Fund (FFF) was established in 2003 by Geri Mannion (a director with the Carnegie Corporation of New York) and Taryn Higashi (deputy director of the Ford Foundation’s Human Rights Unit). The Fund’s name was suggested by Craig McGarvey, a consultant and former program officer of the James Irvine Foundation, who was inspired by the Norman Rockwell paintings based on former President Franklin Roosevelt’s famous “Four Freedoms” speech.”

Is the Four Freedoms Fund tied to the Ukrainian Nazi supporting Defense of Four Freedoms? If this is the case then it’s legitimate proof of how much media and NGO pull the Ukrainian emigres have. While researching for an article I came upon this.

Why is the Ukrainian propaganda website euromaidan press recommending reading at Carnegie Moscow? The Ukrainian website was started and is owned by Sviatoslav Yurash. He was the spokesman for Maidan, Dimitry and Yarosh’s spokesman. Euromaidan press has been in the process of whitewashing history for the last 3 years. They are making the perpetrators of the Holocaust into heroes. Yurash has been promoted to deputy director of the Ukrainian World Congress Kiev office.

Euromaidan press is propped up by the Ukrainian-American Diaspora. They are connected through the Atlantic Council, Stopfake, and Informnapalm. All three are tied into Ukrainian Intelligence Services.

In the US they provided Team Clinton with an almost unbeatable voting bloc during election cycle 2016. And this same group are behind the organization of and media supporting the anti-Trump protests.

How Much Influence Did They Have in the Election? This is the question to start with. First, let’s look at the raw numbers.

Starting in early June 2016, I started writing about real voting blocs that have the size to shape national politics. The simple math works like this. Out of 231,556,622 eligible voters, 25.6% voted for Clinton, and 25.5% voted for Trump. This is the final voter percentage tallies.

Out of the eligible voter pool, if we take 13%(low conservative reckoning) which make up the combined emigre bloc vote, their contribution is 30,102,360 bloc votes. Not shown at the CEEC link are the Middle East, South and Central American, Russian, or the Asian portions of the emigre bloc.

These articles show the background of the groups and how they work together en-bloc. I wrote them back then for today.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Out of Hillary Clinton’s total count of 65,844,610 votes, the emigre bloc made up 45% of the total because 92,622,648 Americans didn’t cast their ballot. Keep that last figure in mind for later.

In real terms 13% became 45% because of low voter turnout. The emigre bloc percentage is based on total eligible voters (231,556,622) and the bloc number didn’t change. When the real vote total was known, it could be measured against the bloc. The value of the votes in the bloc skyrocketed with low turnout.

The reason Bernie Sanders would not have a snowballs chance in hell is the combined bloc vote. Bernie should have been a shoo-in for them. His father is Galician. Galicia is the still disputed land between Poland and Ukraine including the regional capital of Lviv. He claims Polish ancestry, and that is the true nationality border or no border. Both emigre groups claim to support Polish and Ukrainian people. He was the natural candidate for them except for one thing.

Until the fall of the Soviet Union, these groups were known as the anticommunist emigres. They are the children of groups that manned Hitler’s SS. The problem with Sanders is he calls himself a Socialist. He was not electable as long as this type of bloc vote exists. If Sanders got the nod to run in the general election, a deal would have been cut for a new Republican candidate at the convention. If you look back, things started to shape up that way.

The only thing a nationalist hates worse than an enemy outside his country, is the enemy within. For an anticommunist and nationalist, there is no greater enemy than a socialist. Progressive’s have already forgotten how Sanders was derailed. Most progressives don’t realize that very directly, it WAS the emigre community that did it.

Even after seeing Propornot, progressive, libertarian, and conservative publications are spewing the memes created by these same people that put them on lists to be hacked, isolated, and eventually shut down. It started when journalists started questioning the Syria narrative and supporting ISIS.

Did the “Berners” make any change to the Democratic party? “It is very concerning that Bernie Sanders is so intent on taking over a party that he’s not even a member of that he’d insult the beloved vice president — and really the president — about a failed status quo approach,” said Texas Democratic chairman Gilberto Hinojosa.” Was Sanders ever a viable candidate for the Democratic Party? Was he ever treated like one?

The only chance he had was to tap into the over 90 million that did not vote. It’s not coincidental that the number coincides with Obama’s 5% jobless report. These people are too disaffected to vote, but had they, would it be for another Democrat?

If what I’m saying is true then there would have to be some evidence of this in the Woman’s March/ Inaugural Protest and following protests. And there is, but it’s not pretty.

If you look at the gray hat in the left image and the one in the center of the right image, it’s the same hat. This particular hat, as well as the rest of the young man’s clothing are a designer version of the OUNb Nazi uniform. This is the same uniform the Bandera OUNb wore when they manned the Concentration Camps in Europe.

This is the same uniform that they wore when they starved 3 million prisoners of war to death. This is the same uniform they wore when they murdered over 250,000 Jews and close to 500,000 Ukrainians. Behind him is the Ukrainian flag.

Today, this is the same uniform he wore to support the Woman’s march. The CEEC and Ukrainian emigres are behind most of the press hype, support articles and organization for the Women’s march and all the subsequent protests.

Standing next to him and working in concert is Shia Labeouf, actor, activist, and a Polish Jewish- American by background. In the video below, if you turn the sound off and focus on the image, you’ll see them smiling at each other. The unknown Ukrainian- American nazi and Labeouf appear to be dancing together. Labeouf got good press for it.

What do the Central and Eastern European American emigres believe politically? Are they Democrats, Progressive, or even Conservative? Shown above , it is integral nationalism in the same sense that drove Adolf Hitler.

They still celebrate the people that tried to murder Franklin Delano Roosevelt. They still celebrate the Ukrainian Americans that commanded the SS battalions fighting against the USA.

Today they still celebrate the SS murderers that perpetrated the Holocaust. The most awesome weapon fascists have in 2017 are human and civil rights. Every time they successfully hide behind a legitimate cause, they win. Every time they create a “legitimate cause” they win. In the most cynical fashion progressives are being corralled into supporting memes they stood against for the last sixteen years.

For years progressives, centrists, and libertarians have complained about the George Soros inspired color revolutions around the world. Why are progressives flocking to the very people that want to take away their freedoms hoping they are protecting them?

What does this have to do with the Women’s March or protests that are following? Along with George Soros are the CEEC and Ukrainians are providing most of the media coverage. They are providing tens to hundreds of thousands of protesters depending on location to liven things up.

Among the nasty women at the protest, the Ukrainians provided their own homegrown version to show women how to protest Donald Trump.

She looks like a nasty woman protester doesn’t she? What they didn’t say is what it takes to make them happy again.

As you can see, she has her clothes on. Behind her, almost 400 people were killed or are missing at Odessa in May, 2014. The integral nationalists burned them to death. This is Femen’s vision for your protests.

Among this group’s natural partners is the Syrian American Council. These Syrians are also integral nationalist emigres. By protesting a stronger vetting process the US may end up with the same problem the UK had in 2015.

“The Prime Minister has come under under fire after the International Development Committee, which is investigating the Syrian refugee crisis, received evidence that ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups were running the camps within the war-torn country, but also in Lebanon and Jordan where the majority of the 20,000 heading for the UK are currently based.”

In one of the most cynical manipulations yet, Holocaust survivors are being asked their opinion of Trump’s refugee policy. While it makes a good headline, instead of asking about refugees, they should be asked if mixed groups should be vetted for terrorists too. A fair question would be “were they willing to let the Nazis that killed their families to emigrate with them to America.”

It was Steve Bannon that first breathed “Muslim ban.” And Soros media is sticking that statement down Trumps throat now. Maybe that part is for the better. The US government needs to say precisely what it means. The problem is while everyone and their brother are having their relevant article day, they are ignoring National Security issues.

Let’s look at how the CEEC and Ukrainian emigre groups look at Holocaust victims and Jews 2017. We know their families tortured and killed during WWII but that was over 70 years ago.

Like many of the CEEC countries are managed by the American emigres, Ukraine is no exception. They were behind Yanukovych’s ouster and the nationalist uprising, murder, and the war in Donbass. Apparently, they still don’t think much of Holocaust victims or Jews in general.

The fact that they have to hide their background and try to keep their involvement quiet does not cover their sins. For Progressives, women’s rights, civil rights, or human rights activists, are these legitimate partners to protest with?

“I’ve seen how our heroes, activists, journalists, and celebrities have completely sold their souls to support something no person with an iota of morality would do. I’ve seen them say and do things to derail candidates who would have been a million times better for those less fortunate around us. It’s unfortunate most pretend to fight the establishment, to act like they love the people more than they love the struggle and the relevance that it brings them. I am not one of those and I won’t continue to be until the good Lord takes me.” Cesar Vargas

I agree with Cesar Vargas wholeheartedly.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

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