
During the weekends I tend to unplug as much as possible and not bring my camera out to capture the little moments. This past weekend though I tried to keep my blogger hat on and capture my weekend so I could show up here today with a little recap for you all. I will admit, I still suck at this, but I did manage to take a few pictures of the most important things from this weekend that have me still smiling this Monday morning.

One | Game night

On Friday night we finally got to bring out Cards Against Humanity for the first time, let me just say the game did not disappoint. I seriously laughed so hard I cried, this game is so wrong but so hilarious. Adding to the humor of it all was my equally hilarious friends and the several misunderstandings of the American slang words on the cards. If you have played this game you could only imagine the words I had to clarify for my friends.

Two | Redecorating our bedroom

I grew up in a house full of color in every room. Our flat in Iceland though
was full of white walls, making me feel like I was in a hospital. I had already convinced H to paint our living room and successfully got my way, but as soon as we finished painting that room I wanted to redecorate the bedroom. Finally, on Saturday morning we got our paint, laid down the papers on the floor and
H got to work while I took pictures in my pjs.

In my defense I did help paint a little bit.

Okay I am kidding, I only took the paint brush because I wanted my picture taken and once that was done handed it back over to H to resume his job.

Three | Shopping spree at Ikea

While the paint dried H and I spent our Saturday afternoon in Ikea. The amount of time that can be spent in that store amazes me! Anyways, whenever we go to Ikea with one item in mind I find a dozen other items that I absolutely must have as well. Thankfully H is the voice of reason and puts those items back, but this past weekend, well I was given the green light! I just love redecorating a room, it makes it feel like a whole new place, and putting my style into the flat makes Iceland feel that much more like home.

Here is a little before and after shot, amazing what a little paint can do.



I am so happy with how it turned out, we still have some finishing touches to add but so far I am loving my new bedroom look!

Four | Frozen yogurt

Saturday night after putting the bedroom back together we headed off to get some frozen yogurt before settling on the couch for a cozy night in. True story, there is a frozen yogurt place just a block from my house. It took me over a year to realize that was what the place was. I had assumed it was some sort of restaurant from the outside and the name of the place. This is probably all for the best as I love frozen yogurt and would have made many trips there when I was home all day waiting for my visa.

Five | A rainy Sunday afternoon spent reading

H thought he was being so sneaky taking my picture when I wasn’t looking. The real reason he was even coming into the room was to see if I had fallen asleep, just so he could prove his point that I am a grandma and require naps and early bedtimes. Joke was on him, I stayed awake the whole afternoon, although I wouldn’t have turned down a nap.

To me the perfect Sunday is spent with a good book. I just started reading “The Girl on The Train” and am hooked! I have already read 5 books this month towards my goal of reading 50 books this year, any book suggestions I should add to my list??

I just love a weekend with a good mix of productivity and relaxation! And H loves it even more when my to-list shrinks and he doesn’t have to worry about me hassling him for another weekend project, for a little while at least

Question of the Day?

Are you a fan of reading weekend recaps? Do you prefer a relaxing weekend or a productive weekend?

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