This small collection assists in illustrating the fact that fashionable gender theories fail to explain violence. Accurate study of historical facts can shed light on sociopaths and their behavior much better than politically correct indoctrination programs.
Violence is not "gendered."
GENERAL article:
“Epidemic of Cruelty”: Violence by Women in Global History (discussed in 1893)
1660 – Catalina de los Ríos y Lisperguer – Colonial Chile – “she was noted for her extreme cruelty to her inquils (tenants), accused and tried for over 40 murders.”
1740 – Elizabeth & Mary Branch – Taunton, Somerset, England. – Elizabeth Branch and her daughter Mary were executed for the murder of a 13-year-old servant girl. They had tortured this and other victims in their employ mercilessly. One boy was tortured until he soiled himself and was then forced to eat his own excrement. It was suspected that Mrs. Branch has murdered her husband and her own mother and another servant girl.
1762 – Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova – Moscow, Russia – Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova was an aristocrat in Moscow who was arrested in 1762, following years of complaints to the Royal Court of Castherine II which could no longer be conveniently ignored. Saltykova was held for six years (until 1768), while the authorities conducted a painstaking investigation. “The investigating official counted as many as 138 suspicious deaths, of which the vast majority were attributed to Saltykova. She was found guilty of having killed 38 female serfs by beating and torturing them to death.
Reports stated that the noblewoman had beat her victims with rods and rolling pins and mutilated their genitals. In 1768, Saltykova was pilloried, displayed for a duration of one hour in chains in Moscow’s public square with a sign around her neck reading: “This woman has tortured and murdered.” Following this display, Darya Saltykova was imprisoned for life in the basement of Moscow’s Ivanovsky Convent.
1862 – Josepha Perez – Galicia, Spain – An 1862 news clipping reports: “A woman known as the ‘She Wolf’ has been the terror of Gallicia and the neighboring provinces for the last twenty years. Always on horseback, and followed by a small number of bandits, she was at the head of all the robberies and murders committed in that part of Spain.” Josepha was noted for her predilection for torturing her victims. She was arrested after her hide-out was discovered during the search for a different criminal.
1863 – Delia Broderick – New York, N.Y., USA – Two women kill a boy with red pepper by rubbing it in his mouth, nose and eyes.
1867 – Adelaide Lomax – East Cliff Villa, England – Doctor’s report on 7-year-old daughter who Mrs. Lomax tortured: “I have examined the child, and have seen on its head a large old sore, and a variety of bruises on its back, elbows, a small scar on the chest, and three scars, apparently from burns, on the back of the left arm. There seemed to have some blood effused from the roots of the toe nails.”
1871 – Agnes Norman – England – Arrested at age 15. Two or three children, a dog, two cats, six or eight birds, and some gold fish, had all fallen victims to her unnatural propensity for destruction before her crime was discovered. One little boy, aged eleven years, testified that one night he awoke by feeling something hurting him, and upon looking up found this delectable young woman, who lived as a servant in the same house, stooping over him with one hand on his mouth, and the other tightly grasping his throat.
1875 – Marguerite Léris Grieumard – Saint-Vincent, France – “She had had brutalized her daughter, Marguerite, daily since childhood, once so wounding the child so badly that she was permanently scarred. On one occasion she once pulled out hair and part of the skin of the child’s scalp. She hated her daughter so much that she once asked her husband to take the girl out to the woods and leave her to die.”
1883 – Betsy Jones – South Carolina – Betsy Jones killed her toddler daughter by seized her by the heels and beat her head and body against the walls and furniture until it she was dead, after which she threw her down and stamped upon the corpse.
1885 – Mrs. Isaac Hendricks – New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA – Mrs. Hendricks tortured her adopted 8-year-old daughter by tying her tall night to a door-handle. An examining doctor said: “This is one of the most inhuman cases of brutality I have ever seen. There is great danger of the child dying. The top of the child’s head is a literal palp, and she is covered with bruises from head to foot. The woman Hendricks admitted to me that she beat the child.”
1887 – Ellen Jones – Little Rock, Arkansas, USA – She beat the a 2-year-old boy until he would be convulsed with spasms and then strip his clothes off, tie his hands behind and leave it a prey to the flies for hours.
1888 – Mrs. Edward Smith – Bergen/Passaic, New Jersey, USA – Tortured five children by pounding fingers with a hammer, scalded their hands in hot water until the skin peeled off, beat them with rope, a stick, kicked them.
1888 – Mrs. Swarthout – Reed City, Michigan, USA – Mrs. Swarthout.tortured her niece
by tying “the girl’s legs a stout cord, and then putting in a stick and turning the chord, and then putting in a stick and turning the chord until the child would became almost unconscious with pain. She would also cord her tongue in the same manner until the skin burst.”
1891 – Rosanna Hoffman – New York, New York, USA – Rosanna Hoffman tortured her 8-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter for the amusement of her gentlemen callers and herself. “Half concealed by his soft yellow hair is an ugly scar across the forehead, which with the numberless other marks on his body, show the treatment he has been subjected to. Rosana, however, is the one on whom the mother’s work seems to have fallen the hardest. Her head and body are indescribable. There is hardly a spot of unbruised flesh on her whole body. Everywhere are long stripes, cuts and bruises, old scars, and black and blue marks. Both of her eyes are bloodshot and the flesh around them swollen. A close examination of her head shows old cuts innumerable under the hair. The society consider it one of the worst cases they have had for a long time.”
1891 – Mila – Požarevac, Serbia – serial killer who mutilated her victims.
1892 – Guadalupe Martinez de Bejarano – Mexico City, Mexico – sexually tortured and murdered 3 orphan girls.
1892 – Pulolo “Kahuna of Lanai” – Hawaii (USA territory) – “Aided actively by the sweetheart she wished to marry she … assaulted her sister. The murderous couple bound the sister and buried her head in hot sand until she was suffocated. Placing that body beside the corpse of the boy in the little family house Pulolo called upon two of her servitors and seized Kaholokai, her sweet heart and former aide, caused him to be bound and then beat him to death with her own hands.”
1892 – Annie Margaret Montagu – County Londonderry, Ireland – “Mrs. Annie Margaret Montagu, of County Londonderry, Ireland, seems to be as perfect a lady and she is a tender and devoted mother. According to the evidence brought out at trial, she is in the habit of half killing her children whenever they are troublesome and disobedient. Her favorite discipline is tying up the little tots in painful and torturing positions and then rounding off their sufferings with a night in a dark and empty room.”
1893 – Mary Pushman – Butte, Montana, USA – A mother gave her baby pins with its liquid food, stuck pins in its tongue and tortured it to death.
1893 – Antonia Ramirez – Mexico City, Mexico – Antonia had a goddaughter of six whom she was looking after while the child’s mother was ill. Every day Antonia punished the child on any pretext. She pulled the child’s her hair and stood holding her by the hair. She slapped and beat her with ropes. Finally one day Antonia Ramirez slapped her, hit her with a wet rope and then said he was going to teach her the fear of God. She then took a huge wooden cross that hung on the wall preserved and put the child up and literally crucified her.
1893 – “Warasdin Baby Farmers” – Varasdin (Warasdin), Croatia – “[It] was discovered that children were purposely crippled so that they might accompany beggars on their rounds. Children were found whose legs and arms had been deliberately broken while others had had their eyes gouged out so as to make them blind. One unfortunate child was found with its body bent double, and kept in that position by being placed between boards tightly screwed together.”
1896 – Mrs. R. B. Bell – Ottawa, Canada – “On one occasion the boy was kept at work in the cold, improperly clad, until his toes were frozen and dropped off. The children were fed victuals mixed with noxious fluids like kerosene, turpentine and worse.”
1898 – “Obecse Step-Mother” – Obecse, Hungary [present Serbia] – The stepmother hanged her step-daughter, a little girl of four years of age, on a tree in the garden. She then ordered her stepson, aged ten, to say he had murdered his little sister. The boy refused, whereupon the inhuman stepmother seized him and placed him in a large oven, where she baked her bread. The boy was roasted to death over a slow fire. She then suffocated a third stepchild, aged nine, with a pillow, and strangled the fourth, aged seven, with her own hands.
1899 – "Indianapolis Mother" – Indianapolis, Indiana – “The police found the child in a chair with her hands tied behind her and the blood streaming from her nose, both eyes were black and one almost closed. Her wrists, around which a small rope was wound when her hands were tied, showed deep welts, and both hands were swollen to twice their natural size. It took the officers some time to untie the rope, as the flesh was so badly swollen that cutting it was impossible.”
1900 – Annie Grabant – Chicago, Illinois, USA – “She not only beat [her step-daughters], but would, it is said, sear their bodies with hot irons; make them take nauseous concoctions and whip them till they fainted if they made an outcry, thrust them out of doors with little clothing on in the winter time and subject them to the tortures of hunger by making them sit by unfed while her own four children ate their meals.” She byurned them to death.
1901 – Mrs. Dora Schwarting – San Francisco, California, USA – Midwife who repeatedly assaulted a 10-year old girl in her care whenever the child displeased her.
1902 – Tomasa Lugo – Mexico City, Mexico – Tomasa Lugo constantly beat her 6-year-old niece, Maria Consuelo González, and burned her mouth with a hot coal. She sewed her dress to her body, piercing her waist, hips and thighs and sent her to school.
1902 – “Romanian Bandit Queen of Jassy” – Jassy, Romania – Charged with 86 murders, “this woman brigand is exceptionally cruel, and is held responsible for a considerable number of particularly atrocious crimes and outrages. Not content with massacring her victims, she frequently has them tortured before being put to death. She seems to delight in refinements of cruelty.” [Note: The nationality of this bandit seems to have been, as was common in English language reports on Eastern Europe at the time. Further research must be conducted].
1903 – “Prenzlau Step-Mother” – Prenzlau, Germany – “The woman bound her [step-daughter’s] feet together with a rope and hanged her to a nail on the store. As the child’s cries of pain increased the stepmother pulled her down and hurled her roughly upon a bed, repeating this act until the girl became almost unconscious from fear and suffering. Then the stepmother ordered her to place herself on the hot stove. As the child was unable to comply the woman bound the child fast to the bedposts. The little one died the same night in fearful agony, having been severely beaten with a club only a few minutes before.”
1906 – Jennie Anderson – Youngstown, Ohio, USA – The stepmother broke bottles on head of children. She killed one by beating the girl with a nail-studded club.
1907 – Kate Gravius – New York, New York, USA – woman regularly tortured two children, aged 6 and 7, with hot coals.
1908 – Clara Sterling – New Philadelphia, Ohio, USA – An assistant matron at an orphanage, she pushed a tack through the tongue of a 6-year-old boy.
1909 – Cora Lichtenfels – Oil City, Pennsylvania, USA – “Minnie Lichtenfels appeared and testified that Tuesday of last week her stepmother took her to the attic of their home and there the elder woman threw the girl to the floor and then sitting on the child’s head gouged great patches of skin and flesh from her chest and back using a pair of pinchers [sic].”
1909 – Martha Rendell – Perth, Australia – Rendell brutally abused her step-children, once beating Annie so brutally that she could not walk. Arresting officer Inspector Harry Mann said "she delighted in seeing her victims writhe in agony, and from it derived sexual satisfaction." (Wikipedia)
1912 – Mme. Couturier – Le May-Sur-Èvre, France – “[She] fastened her two year-old daughter to a post, and then having laid a fire set the child’s clothes ablaze. The helpless infant was burnt to death after having suffered terrible agony.
1915 – Mrs. Steele – Muskegon, Michigan, USA – Mrs. Albert Steele, of Muskegon, Wisconsin, murdered her 11-year-old step-daughter out of jealousy for her husband’s love for the child. The murder took place in 1915. Other women have done such things for the same reason, but Mrs. Steele went about her business in a fashion that was unusual. She tied the girl to a chair, blindfolded her and then poured acid down her throat. Then, in an effort to simulate a botched abortion in order to give an explanation for the death as well as providing support for a false allegation of incest to be used after the “abortion” was discovered, the step-mother, mutilated the corpse and threw the naked body in an alley, partially covering it with sand. Mrs. Steele was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.
1916 – Jennie Lodwick – Youngstown, Ohio, USA – Mrs. Lodwick, according to her husband’s divorce filings, employed carbolic acid along with a dizzying array of devices to make him miserable.
1918 – CHEKA Women (Bolshevik Secret Police) – Russia – Social justice warriors who believed torture, property confiscation from hard workers, summary executions, massacres, censorship and social engineering would bring about equality.
1920 – Anne Houde Gagnon – Fortierville, Quebec, Canada –“The girl, 16, after being beaten, was burned with a red hot poker and made to walk barefoot in the snow was forced to drink poison, the evidence disclosed. The post mortem examination of the body revealed 54 wounds.”
1922 – Kate Webber – Cincinnati, Ohio, USA – mother burned boy’s thumb with a clothing iron to cure him of thumb sucking.
1932 – Beatrice Horney – Launceston, Australia – “It was revealed that the infant — aged two years ind seven months — was covered with severe bruise from eyes to ankles. Little shoulders, arms, body, face, neck, thighs and leg all bore marks of the dreadful weals of the strap.”
1935 – Florence Stoddard– Keene, New Hampshire, USA – “Mrs. Florence Stoddard, aged 20 years, was sentenced to imprisonment for twenty-two months in the house of correction upon an admission that she had used a hot poker [an iron stove-lifter, actually] to brand the bodies of her two small stepchildren. The husband originally lodged the complaint and when the police made an investigation they found thirty-six scars on the body of the 10-year-old stepdaughter and twenty-six scars on the person of the 6-year-old stepson.”
1938 – Dorothy Boelhauff – San Diego, California, USA – Mother whipped her 6-year-old foster son with a ruler, because “he wouldn't button his coat and tie his shoes,” then locked him in a closet. He died.
1939 – Julia Brystiger, “Bloody Luna” – Poland – Communist party secret police official who “ would torture the captured persons using her own methods such as whipping male victims’ genitals.”
1941 – Felícitas Sánchez Aguillón – Mexico City, Mexico – A child care provider who “would poison or strangle the children, according to some reports sometimes she would dismember a child while still living.”
1944 – Carmen Matamoros de Tejeda – Panzacola, Tehuantepec Dist, Oaxaca, Mexico – “When police of Mexico City swooped on an eerie house and garden in the quiet town of Panzacola to free a nude, half-crazed, 18-years-old girl, whose chained body bore savage imprints of teeth, strange welts, and hideous scars, they uncovered a cesspool seething with the paraphernalia of witchcraft and black magic. But more petrifying was the subsequent discovery of the bones and bodies of two tiny babies …”
1946 – Lottie Woodside – Mineola, New York, USA – Woman attacks 3-year-old neighbor boy with hatchet and saw.
1946 – Evelyn Shay – Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA – Mother and her boyfriend tortured 4-year-old girl, beating and burning her into a hideous mass of bruises and sores. The father was residing at a tuberculosis sanitorium at the time.
1947 – Marie Spellman – Louisville, Kentucky, USA – Mother seared a 7-year-old boy’s hands on a hot stove to keep him from stealing.
1947 – Mrs. Valazquez – Chicago, Illinois, USA – Mother held 6-year-old daughter against a hot stove, stabbed her with an ice pick, placed her in chains, tied her to a washing machine, held a lighted match to her lips and struck her on the head with a hammer.
1948 – Shirleen Kunin – Los Angeles, California, USA – frequently whipped 2-year-old daughter, once turned a garden hose in the baby’s mouth, and several times left the child unattended.
1950 – Miriam Soulakiotis – Keratera, Greece – “Aside from swindling her disciples, Mariam [Soulakiotis] dominated every aspect of their lives, cutting off their contact with relatives, caging some like animals, resorting to starvation, flogging, and torture to purge new recruits of their “demons.” No doctors were permitted on the grounds, and many recruits who entered the commune were never seen again. A mother from Thebes joined the cult with her four daughters; all five were dead within six months of their arrival on the Mount of Pines.”
1953 – Jewell Louise Kelley – Texas City, Texas, USA – According to the attending physician, the condition of the beaten child was worse than prisoners of war from Japanese camps.
1955 – Gerda Thimm – Hamburg, Germany – A wife's ingenious series of horrible tortures designed to deface her husband.
1966 – Mrs. Gertrude Baniszewski – Indianapolis, Indiana, USA – One of the most infamous torture-murders in American history; long term torture of a teen-aged girl.
1971 – Madame Max Adolphe (Rosalie Bosquet) – Port-au-Prince, Haiti – Prison warden was known for her interrogations of political prisoners. Daily killings, torture, and beatings were typical at the prison during her tenure.
1978 – Brenda Carr – Lawton, Oklahoma, USA – Brenda Carr’s 6-year-old son died “after years of severe child abuse,” which included “placing him in a dryer and turning it on, pulling his teeth when they were not loose, starvation and severe beatings.”
1978 – Catherine L. Sherriod – Norfolk, Virginia, USA – A woman regularly beat her 10 and 13-year old stepdaughters with a stick. Finally the 10-year-old died from one of the beatings.
1983 – Marie Moore – Paterson, New Jersey, USA – Marie Moore “was convicted Thursday of murdering her teen-age goddaughter and operating a torture ring involving physical abuse of three other youngsters and her 52-year-old female roommate.” Theresa Feury, was starved, forced to wear disposable diapers and hanged from her thumbs. “The girl died at age 13 in January 1983 of head injuries suffered when she hit her head on the bathtub to which she was chained every night.”
1984 – Georganna Lagen (M) & Paula Martineau – Las Vegas, Nevada, USA – Michelle King (27 mo.), died. (Jul. 19) – Both women Air force officers. Child beaten, skull fracture, massive hemmorage. (lesbian couple)
1990 – Ana Cardona, 30 (M) & Olivia Gonzalez – Miami, Florida, USA – Lazaro Figueroa, 3, died. – (Oct. 31) – “Lazaro was often tied to the bed, locked in a closet, or left in the bathtub with extremely cold or hot water. When his body was found, it was covered in bruises and bedsores, and the child weighed only 18 pounds. On 10/31/90, Cardona split Lazaro’s head open with a baseball bat, and when the child would not stop screaming, she beat him to death. Cardona and Gonzalez-Mendoza dumped the body in a Miami Beach neighborhood, fled to Orlando and were eventually apprehended in St. Cloud.” (lesbian couple)
1992 – Tivia Strother, 22 (M) & Lisa (Kevin) Smith, 24 – Los Angeles, California, USA – Tivia Smith, 18-mo., died (Apr. 7) – “the toddler was emaciated like ‘a concentration camp victim’ from being starved, and had been forced to stand in a corner for eight hours at a time. Prosecutors contended that the women would dunk the child's legs in icy water afterward to make them stronger, so she would be able to stand for longer periods of time. The youngster also was forced to eat only oatmeal or grits, and autopsy reports showed the girl's mouth was damaged from being force-fed with a metal spoon.” (lesbian couple)
1993 – Theresa Jimmie Cross Knorr – Salt Lake City, Utah, USA – Serial killer mom variously beat, stabbed and shot her children and ordered her sons to burn their injured sister alive and they did so.
1994 – Cynthia Medina – Santa Ana, California, USA – “Medina, a former playground supervisor, was charged with torture last year when authorities discovered that on Sept. 7 she had beaten her nephew with an electrical cord, repeatedly burned his tongue with a heated butter knife and used a wooden souvenir bat to sodomize him twice.”
2000 – Mozelle Brown (M), 36 & Terry Stockley, 38; Maywood, Illinois, USA – daughter (11 mo.), survived (Dec. 20, arrested) – “A Maywood mother and her female partner have been charged with abusing the woman's 11-month-old daughter, police said. . . . The baby girl remained in critical condition at Loyola Medical Center in Maywood with burns covering her torso and genitalia, two broken arms, several broken ribs, and a broken leg, authorities said. The mother, Mozelle Brown, 36, and her partner, Terry Stockley, 38, allegedly abused the girl between August and December, police said.” (lesbian couple)
2002 – Christine Green – Islington, north London, England – Because she was “too beautiful,” a 5-year-old girl was “ tortured 5-year-old girl to death; brushed her teeth until her gums bled, threw hot water in her face, stabbing her with a fork, beat her, breaking her breast bone, and severely twisted her arm.” She was ultimately beaten to death.
2003 – Hanelie Botha, 31 (M) & Engeline de Nysschen, 33 – Vereeniging, South Africa – Jandre Botha, 4, died (June 12) – “De Nysschen had viciously assaulted Jandre while demanding that he must call her ‘daddy.’ Both testified that while Jandre was assaulted, his mother failed to intervene or protect him. Evidence showed he had sustained horrific injuries, including a fractured skull and brain damage, as well as broken legs, collarbone, hands and pelvis.” (lesbian couple)
2003 – Michelle Knotek – Raymond, Washington, USA – A serial killer landlady who exploited, tortured and murdered her elderly and disabled roomers. An excerpt d9iascribing ine of the victims’ abuse: Witnesses described seeing Woodworth being forced to do chores outside wearing only his underwear, and to jump from the second story roof onto gravel, wearing nothing on his feet causing broken bones and severe lacerations. They also claimed that Michelle Knotek would burn Woodworth’s injured feet with boiling water and pure bleach. Woodworth went missing in 2003. David Knotek later admitted to burying Woodworth’s body on their property after Michelle told him that Woodworth had committed suicide.”
2003 – Mary Rowles (M), & Alice Jenkins – Akron, Ohio, USA – Darrell Shaffer, (14), 2 other sons, severe abuse, survived (Apr. 28, escaped) – “[On Apr. 28, 2003], shortly before dawn, Akron police picked up Mary Rowles' firstborn, now 14, wandering barefoot through the city's streets with two brothers -- one 10, the other 8. They told police they had pried open a nailed-shut window at their 30-year-old mother's home on Florida Avenue in Kenmore where she and her partner of seven years had kept them locked in a closet since Valentine's Day. The youngsters claimed the closet was hot, dark, reeked of excrement, and that they were allowed out only once a day to eat. … Their grotesque story of punishment and torture included them getting sick after their mother's partner, 27-year-old Alice Jenkins, forced them to eat dog and cat feces, they said. In another incident, according to the youngsters, they were forced to hold down the 10-year-old while Jenkins kicked him in the groin with steel-toed boots.” (lesbian couple)
2004 – Zahira Matos (M), 20 & Carmen Molina, 32 – New York, New York, USA – Yovany Tellez Jr. (2), died (Sep. 19) – “When Yovany died, he had a lacerated liver, broken ribs and a broken leg, and he was covered in feces, prosecutors said during trial. More than 40 bruises covered his body, they said.” (lesbian couple)
2004 – Clarissa Sireech – Uintah-Ouray Reservation, Fort Duchesne, Utah, USA – “She admitted she beat both boys with a cane, slammed their heads against a bare floor, even burned Emilio with a curling iron.” One was left in a coma.
2004 – Marcella Williams (M), 25 & Lisa Ann Coleman – Fort Worth, Texas, USA – Davontae Williams (9), died (July 26) –“Davontae, 9, of Arlington, was found starved two years ago at the apartment he shared with Ms. Coleman and his mother, Marcella Williams. Ms. Williams, 25, is awaiting trial on a capital murder charge. Prosecutors said Davontae had a busted lip and 250 scars or wounds, and had been forced to live in an empty pantry while no one else in the house went hungry. Davontae weighed 35 pounds when paramedics were called to the family's apartment on July 26, 2004.” (lesbian couple)
2008 – Starkeisha Brown, 24 (M) & Krystal Matthews, 21 – Los Angeles, California, USA – boy, 5, tortured, survived (Jun. 9 rescued) – “Officials say the child has countless cigarette burns all over his body, including his genitals, and can’t open his hands because he was forced to put them flat on a hot stove. The boy was also repeatedly beaten and forced to sit in his own urine, police said.” (lesbian couple)
2008 – Rita Makekau – Waianae, Hawaii, USA – “Imagine getting hit in the teeth with a hammer, or having a broom handle shoved down your throat. Five children say those are the kinds of attacks they suffered over a four-year period.”
2008 – Klara Mauerova – Brno, Czech Republic – cult member mother tortured her two young sons mercilessly over a period of six months. She sluiced off pieces of one of the boys’ skin and served the flash to other cult members and forced the victim to eat portions of his own mutilated body.
2009 – Erica Mae Butts, 25, (godmother), Shanita Latrice Cunningham (best friend of victim’s mother, Butts’ partner), 25 – Summerville, South Carolina – Serenity Richardson (3), died. (Nov. 3) –“Doctors and nurses at the hospital saw cuts and bruises on Serenity's chest, abdomen, legs, arms, feet and back. The police report said there was a golf-ball sized bruise on her head and a large burn mark on her right leg. An autopsy by a Medical University of South Carolina forensic pathologist determined that the cause of death was ‘full body blunt force trauma.’”
2009 – Rachel Limon – Redding, Shasta County, California, USA – Rachel Limon’s abuse left a 7-year-old boy with “13 broken ribs, a lacerated spleen and liver, two broken vertebrae and a collapsed lung.”
2009 – Claire Nichols – Chilton, Durham County, England – “Andrew Gardner was a quiet but vulnerable man, well-liked by most who knew him and regarded as friendly and harmless. And why he stayed to be tortured to death by his partner Clare Nicholls, her brother Simon and her on-off lover Steven Martin will never be known. However, it is thought that the love he had for his one-year-old daughter and his desire to be close to her could have somehow played a part in his enduring months of abuse at their hands. The cumulative effect of beatings, burnings, scalding, slashing, starving and whippings – which left more than 150 separate injuries on his body – was the build-up to a slow and painful death.”
2009 – Yolanda Guadalupe Pena – La Quinta, California, USA – “The toddler, Delilah Urrutia, suffered head trauma, second-degree burns on her face, neck, chest, back and arms, cuts and bruises, and lost parts of three fingers, according to police and prosecutors. She died of blunt force trauma to the head, according to the coroner's office.”
2010 – Lucy Viner-Mood & Lois Gibson – Langton Green, England – Two young women attacked the love rival of one of them, scalded her with boiling water and sugar during a “sadistic” 18-hour ordeal. They also cut the victim's hair, knocked her unconscious and woke her up by stubbing a cigarette out on her back, used a heavy metal neck chain was used to hit her around the head, kicked and struck her repeatedly with a high-heeled shoe.
2011 – Maria Gonzales Esquivel – Auburn-area, King County, Washington, USA – Maria Gonzales Esquivel, “convicted of torturing a father and his six children while they lived with her for 2 1/2 years was sentenced to life in prison.”
2011 – Mary Horsley – Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA – Mary Horsley “repeatedly tortured a 21-month-old girl by taping her hands and feet and leaving her in a cold shower as punishment.”
2011 – Amy Marie Imler – Odessa, Texas, USA – Woman accused of torturing her 8-year-old asthmatic daughter by pouring hot sauce in her eyes, smashing a kitten’s head in front of her, forcing her to eat cat feces, kicking her, “hog tying” her and withholding food.
2011 – Mary Mazalic – Mukilteo, Washington, USA – Woman beat a 10-year-old girl with whips, burned her lit cigarettes and punished by being denied food so that when rescued her weight was only 51 pounds.
2011 – Sara Rae Walters – Osceola Township, Michigan, USA – A woman abused her 3-year-old step-son, resulting in over 60 different injuries, including a subdural hematoma -- a collection of blood on the surface of the brain -- a core body temperature of 88 degrees and numerous other superficial lacerations and contusions.
2012 – Kerry Howle – Chesterton, Staffordshire, England – A woman forced a15-year-old boy to drink his own urine, to eat a mouldy sausage roll which she had spat on and coated in cigarette ash, made him lick up his own blood after striking him, and made horrifying threats.
2012 – Nicola Tedder – Haslemere, Surrey, England – Nicola Tedder hit a 8-year-old boy she was responsible for on the head with kitchen utensils, jumped on his stomach wearing flip-flops and perforated his bowel, Rubbed his excrement in his face if he soiled himself, Held his feet against a piping hot radiator until he burnt, plunged her fingers into his eyes, and clasped her hands around his throat and pushing him under water.
2012 – Uchenna – Onitsha, Nigeria – Woman used a pestle to break her 10-year-old maid’s left hand and inflicted very deep cuts in her private parts with a razor blade and doused the wounds with pepper.
2013 – Kelly & Jodie Barnes, civil partners – Norwich, England – They murdered a 67-year-old man to death in his home, having tortured him by cutting him repeatedly in order to get his bank PIN number. “Serious, deep incised cuts were made to both cheeks and to his stomach.”
2013 – Ingrid Brewer – Palmdale, California, USA – Ingrid Brewer “allegedly locked an 8-year-old boy and his 7-year-old sister “inside their separate bedrooms for 12 hours at a time. They were forced to use waste baskets in their rooms when they needed to go to the bathroom during the day. As punishment, Brewer allegedly pulled their wrists behind their backs with zip-ties, authorities said. The children also said they had been beaten, sometimes with an electrical cord and a hammer, and also deprived of food.”
2013 – Polly Chowdhury (M), 35 & Kiki Muddar, 43 – Chadwell Heath, east London, England – Ayesha Ali (8), tortured, died (Aug. 29) – “Ayesha Ali's body had more than 40 injuries, including a bite mark and she had earlier written heart-rending letter asking what she had done wrong.” “She died of a head injury but had suffered more than 40 injuries including carpet burns and a bite mark.” (lesbian couple)
2013 – Christine Gelineau – Concord, New Hampshire, USA – Gelineau’s 18-year-old son was mentally challenged.” She “burned her son’s penis and Cantrell burned the man’s nipples, holding a lighter to them for about two minutes as he screamed in pain. During this, Gelineau is accused of beating her son over the head with a stick.” He suffered permanent nerve damage in his genitals.
2013 – Charveta Jackson – Warren, Michigan, USA – “Charveta Alecia Jackson, 24, is accused of pressing a hot fork or similar pronged object against her 3-year-old son’s skin, causing second-degree burns. She was accused of inflicting five burns in three incidents over a month-long period in August and September 2013.”
2013 – Inessa Tarverdiyeva – Stavropol, Russia – With Roman Podkopaev, 35, a qualified dentist, were involved in the spate of ruthless serial killings, Viktoria Tarverdiyeva, 25, and her 13-year-old daughter Anastasiya.
2014 – Eraca Craig (M), 31 & Christian Deanda, 44 – Salinas, California, USA – abused; son, 3; 3; adopted boy, 5; adopted girl, 8 (Mar. 24) – “The doctors also noted the girl had bruising and marks up and down her body, including bite marks on her arm. Jane Doe told authorities Deanda and Craig would chain her ankle to the wall and force her to sleep chained by the front door, prosecutors said. She also described an incident where Deanda told the girls two younger brothers, known in court as John Does 1 and 2, to urinate on her. The girl also said Deanda beat her with a belt, hosed her down with cold water and forced her head under an open faucet. The two boys supported Jane Doe’s statements, stating that they were forced to urinate on Jane Doe and belt her at the command of Deanda, prosecutors said. Both boys also stated that they saw Deanda and Craig chain Jane Doe up at the front of the house. During a search of the defendants’ home, photos and videos were found of Jane Doe with visible injuries, prosecutors said.” (lesbian couple)
2014 – Jennifer Garcia – Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA – “A belligerent Jennifer Garcia, charged with the outlandish and near-fatal torture of a 3-year-old boy, cursed the victim’s grieving family during a hearing Monday.”
2014 – Crystal Jean Hostetter (M), 24, & Sarah Elizabeth McClain, 30 – Douglasville, Georgia, USA; boy (6), survived. (Apr. 26, arrested) – They “forced the boy into a small pet crate, and covering his hands and feet with syrup and cat litter. They also forced him to hold a brick over his head for 15 minutes and refused to give him prescribed medications. While the abuse was happening, neighbors could hear the boy screaming “Don’t kill me!” and “Don’t you love me?” according to police. Hostetter said that the abuse was her way of punishing her son, and she told police that the reason she poured the syrup on him is because she knows he doesn’t like it.” (lesbian couple)
2014 – Kimberly Lucas (killer) & Elliana Lucas-Jamason (M, innocent) – Jupiter, Florida –Elliana Lucas-Jamason (2), died; Ethan (10), survived; (May 25) – “Lucas reportedly gave unidentified pills to both the boy and Elliana Lucas-Jamason, according to a probable cause affidavit. Lucas reportedly told the boy that the pill would make him grow faster and gave it to him in a cup of coffee, the report said. She also allegedly tried to give half a pill to Lucas-Jamason in a glass of water, but the toddler didn’t like the taste and refused to drink it. Lucas-Jamason was found dead in a bathtub by police. The 10-year-old reportedly tried to save the girl and called 911 during the alleged incident, police said.” (lesbian couple)
2014 – Becky Truelove (aunt), 43 & Lisa Vanetten, 45 – Oklahoma City Ok. – 13, niece, abused (Oct. 1) – “Court documents did the talking, and in a probable cause affidavit just filed against Lisa Vanetten it stated Vanetten and her lesbian partner Becky Truelove sexually abused two girls who were in their care. The document stated for years the girls were assaulted and Vanetten and Truleove touched the girls private areas, made the girls go into their bedroom and undress and ‘forced to watch Truelove and Vanetten have sex.’ In another document filed against Truelove it described sex acts the couple would perform on the girls. It also stated the couple tried using a sex toy on one of the girls.” (lesbian couple)
2015 – Andrea Bradley – East Walnut Hills, Ohio, USA – Two-year-old “Glenara had broken teeth, bite marks, and numerous lacerations as well as marks from being whipped with a belt.” “There’s no doubt in my mind that his child was tortured for most of her ... pitifully short life,” said the prosecutor.
2015 – Elena Lobacheva – Moscow, Russia – serial killer who got sexual pleasure from repeatedly stabbing her (exclusively male) victims.
2016 – Svetlana Batukova – Sant Llorenç, Majorca, Spain – On April 1, 2016, Svetlana Batukova, a 46-year-old Russian-born newlywed living in Majorca, Spain slowly butchered her German husband, Horst Hans Henkels, 66, with a butcher knife – feeding strips of his flesh to their dog until he took his last breath. Henkels could not shout for help because he was recovering from surgery on his trachea, rendering him speechless. He bled to death after being repeatedly stabbed and after pieces from his arms had been carved off to be fed to Svetlana’s American Staffordshire bull terrier.
2016 – Michelle Martens – Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA – Victoria Martens, 10, had just started fourth grade at an Albuquerque elementary school and was due to have a birthday party on the day she died. Michelle Martens, 35, admitted that she'd watched a man and a woman, Fabian Gonzales and his cousin Jessica Kelley, rape Victoria on at least three other occasions in the days before the murder. Victoria’s mother had sex with her daughter’s rapist-slayer 20 minutes after the child died. She admitted that she enjoyed watching her daughter being raped. The girl's dismembered remains were found and wrapped in a burning blanket.
2016 – Rachel Trelfa Fee & Nyomi Fee – Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland – The Fees, civil partners, abused three of Rachel Fee’s three sons over a period of two years. Their abuses were unusually cruel. The youngest of the boys died of a punctured heart. (lesbian couple)
2016 – Nancy Intelisano – Brockton, Massachusetts, USA – “Burned with cigarettes, beaten with a spoon, tortured with water, belittled and abused. That’s what police said two boys, ages 4 and 9, were subject to from their babysitter over the last six months.”
2016 – Tonya Lynn Irwin – Russellville, Alabama, USA – Tonya Lynn Irwin is accused of sexually abusing and of using objects to torture a 10-year-old girl.
2016 – April Lynn Johnson – Florence, Tennessee, USA – “April Lynn Johnson allegedly sexually assaulted and tortured another woman at gunpoint after finding out they were seeing the same man.”
2016 – Duewa Albeanna Lee – Sacramento, California, USA – Duewa Lee beat a 12-year-old girl in her care “with electrical cords, burned the girl with a hot iron and metal spatula, stapled the girl’s ear, threw the girl down flights of stairs and refused to give the girl food.”
2016 – Rachel Stevens (M), 28 & Kayla Jones, 25 – Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA; boy (5); survived. (Jan. 14) – “the little boy and learned that the child had been tied up, had duct tape placed over his eyes and had been kept in a locked room, the document states. The toddler also claimed that his mother struck him on the hand with a hammer, and that both she and Jones hit him with a belt all over his body. According to police, the horrific abuse went on for several months. The little boy said on one occasion, his step-mother kicked him in the groin until he bled.” (lesbian couple)