
I've been using Slackware since 1997. I have been using other Linux distributions: Redhat, Fedora, Gentoo, Suse, and Mandriva. I have always had Slackware as a secondary boot because I found it very stable.

My wife does not like Windows, she has been using Slackware for email, internet search and games.

I have recently installed the old 16-bit Heretic 2 game on Slackware 13.37 X86/64. The Heretic 2 CD would not install so I had to copy the run files from the CD to /usr/local/games/Heretic2. I have a ATI Radeon video chip on my computer and I restarted X with startx --depth -16 and Heretic 2 started up with full video graphics introduction and the game plays full screen with sound. It's fun to battle evil in this game. I am a martial artist: Pangasinan Eskrima, Eskrima Serrada, Dumog, Tai Chi Chuan Yang, and Choy Li Fut Kung Fu of the Shaolin Temple. I also have latico-bodig and lou gehrig's disease inherited from my father, Tai Chi Chuan Yang in six months strengthened my chi (life force) so my motor neurons have been restored (endoncannabinoids). My neurologist knows my hands and legs are very strong for a normal person let alone one with ALS. I am now also taking Rilutek. I am a Baha'i by faith, 61 years old (baby boomer) but I look 15 years younger (being a baby boomer and Asian: Visayan, Amoy Chinese, Tamil, Ita, Apache, Cherokee, and 1/64 Basco.)

Anyway, I believe Slackware 13.37 is great. I have a laptop that also have Slackware 13.37 32-bit. I can print from my laptop to the laser printer attached to my desktop using the wireless internet on my laptop.

Can anyone else share their experiences of game installation on Slackware.

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