
Fedy, formerly known as Fedora utils, is an open source collection of useful utilities such as mp3 support, Adobe Flash, Oracle Java and much more that Fedora doesn’t ship by default. Fedy lets you to install all the utilities with just a single click and you can customize/tweak your Fedora Linux as per your liking. Not only utilities, we can easily add repositories, so don’t bother about downloading and adding .repo files manually.

Fedy has a built-in-updater, so that it can easily update itself. Also It will automatically find download links for updates of your software’s, and add repositories wherever possible. So you don’t have to worry about the updates. Fedy is developed by an Indian developer Satya Sahoo and released under GNU GPL V3.0. It can be easily extensible via Plugin’s, and the source code is publicly available on GitHub for those who want to play with the source code, and to know what it does exactly.

Install Fedy On Fedora 20

Download the latest version using command:

Set executable permission and install as shown below:

Fedy Usage

Open it up either from Menu or Unity Dash. Probably it will be found under System Tools. Make sure you have decent internet connection. At first launch, it will check for internet connection. This is how Fedy looks at first launch.

Now select the option you want to perform. Here, i want to tweak my Fedora 20 a little bit, so i select Tweaks and tasks. A new window will open with list of available tweaks.

I’d like to install multimedia codecs, so i checked the option Install Multimedia codecs.

Now Fedy will automatically add the relevant repositories that has muldimedia codecs and install multimedia codecs on your system. In my system, Fedy automatically added the RPMFusion repository and installed all required codecs.

You don’t have to manually search and install each codecs. Fedy will do it for you automatically, all you have to do is just select the tasks that you want to perform and sit back. Everything will be done by Fedy. After completing the required tasks, click Back to go back to Fedy main Menu. Interesting app, isn’t it?

After installing all softwares, you’ll be pleased with a message that says “Successfully completed” in your Terminal.

What about some other additional software?

Fedy has some useful additional softwares that you want install them in your Fedora system. For example, we want to install Kingsoft Office in Fedora, what should we do? That’s very simple. Go back to the Fedy main menu and select Additional Software. There you will find a pleasant list of useful softwares. Just select the software you want to install and voila!

Please be mindful that, Fedy doesn’t has any own repository to install softwares. It just add the repository which has the required software and automatically install them for you.

Adding additional repository made easy

So you want to add a new repository to your Fedora, what will you do? It’s very easy. From the Fedy main menu, select Repository Management and you’ll be able to add, backup or restore repositories.

To add a repository, click Add a repo file and add the .repo files from your local system. Also you can add Fedora People repositories. Fedora People repositories has some useful repositories which are listed in repos.fedorapeople.org. Please beware, Fedora People repositories are not officially supported by Fedora community, add them at your own risk.

What about the Repository backup? Yes, it’s possible too. Fedy has a option to backup the important repositories that you want to use later in your local system or in any other Fedora systems.

Select the repositories you want to backup and click Backup selected button. Save it any location you want.

You can restore the repositories later using Restore repositories from backup option.


In this section, we can do some important tasks such deleting old unused kernels, updating grub, viewing system information, deleting junk and backup files, fixing bad themes and rpmdb errors etc.

To go the Miscellaneous section, click on the Miscellaneous option from the Fedy main menu.

Working with Fedy from Command line

Fedy also allows us to perform operations from command line, and even it’s possible to use it in scripts to automate tasks. To see all command line options supported, run the following in the Terminal,

Sample output:

For example, to install Skype on your Fedora system, just execute the following command from Terminal with root privileges.

The above command will automatically download and install skype on your system.

Sample output:

The downloaded files are saved in a folder named “fedy_dl” in your home directory, so that you can use them on another computer, or if you need to reinstall Fedora, without having to re-download.


As far as i know, Fedy works great as it advertised and it is a must have tool for avid Fedora lovers. It reduces my work as easy as possible. Simply i selected the option that i want to perform, it installs the softwares including all dependencies and i am quite happy with it. Give it a try, you’ll love it



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Tweak Your Fedora System Using Fedy

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