That means that the Steam community has shown interest in these games. Valve has decided to reach out to the game developers and start moving thing along toward release on Steam.
Crio-Dead: Memory
An Action Shooter with Puzzle and Horror tags this game promises to keep your interest. Its single player campaign has a hero trying to correct past mistakes by time traveling and teleporting between parallel timelines. The non linear storyline has generated a bit of buzz already by the community. Different players wanting different things all interested in this game. Must be doing something right…
Simple graphics reminding me of Zelda or something played on Atari but for most users that will be an attractive lure. Reliving a bit of your childhood while playing an entirely new game is something precious. Early releases will have local multiplayer, not yet Internet multiplayer. Single player co opt, meaning 2 players playing in split screen and exchanging roles. Taking over when your buddy dies or when you accidentally on purpose push them in a trap. Yes, that’s right one of you is the hero, the other is the bad guy. Level up and test your mettle against each other.
A straight up Shooter in the future. You’re an intergalactic soldier fighting against the Progeny, the attackers who don’t let up. The thing is this game offers you a unique experience. You have a limited number of credits (gold) and you have to spend some on the slightest action, such as opening doors. That means each player depending on his/her choice will have different experience of the game. Check it out and compare with your friends what you unlock.
Star Rift
Stunning view. You are flying in space in a simulated environment. Solar flares, asteroids, warp speed, and black holes are just few of the features you will meet in the game. Searching for energy crystals and ancient artifacts you’re trading across the universe while avoiding all the dangers of outer space.
The Curse of the Blackwater
A horror story through and through. This game is designed to be as horrifying as possible. You’re a paranormal investigator who realizes that a maternity hospital is not what it seems on first glance and that something more lurks beneath the surface. You, of course decide to investigate. That’s when things take a turn for the worst…
My Lands
A free military economic strategy game where Light and Dark fight for Black Gems. A massive multiplayer with infinite expanses of land to be explored. The game is supported in a lot of languages, and I mean a lot. PvE or PvP you can build cities and develop heroes, go on quests and trade with others. Diplomacy or war? Your choice.
New Games got Greenlit on Linux by Steam Today!