
United Spinal Association is exhibiting at the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers’ (CMSC) 30th Annual Meeting, which will be held June 1-4, 2016 at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, MD.

United Spinal’s booth (Booth 617) will feature a variety of the organization’s resources, including free copies of educational booklets for people living with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D) such as Disability Etiquette and our award-winning membership magazine New Mobility––which covers a diverse selection of contemporary topics that are of interest to wheelchair users.

Staff will also be sharing information on United Spinal’s new Affiliate Service Provider program, which consists of an online directory offering a full spectrum of clinical care, products and services, with an emphasis on SCI/D. The directory provides consumers, caregivers, and professionals the opportunity to discover valuable disability-related products or services, both regionally and nationally.

The CMSC Annual Meeting is the most comprehensive and multidisciplinary Multiple Sclerosis (MS) educational event in North America. The meeting presents cutting edge research findings and the latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment in MS for all members of the healthcare team.

As part of the MS Coalition, United Spinal and CMSC work together with other independent MS organizations to improve the quality of life for those affected by multiple sclerosis.

“United Spinal fully supports CMSC’s work to advance multiple sclerosis research and share critical information and resources within our community,” said James Weisman, president and CEO of United Spinal.

MS affects about 400,000 people in the U.S. and is a chronic, progressive, degenerative disorder that affects nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord. MS symptoms often worsen, improve, and develop in different areas of the body. Early symptoms of the disorder may include vision changes (blurred vision, blind spots) and muscle weakness.

The CMSC educational program includes a full agenda of lectures, workshops, symposia, roundtables, panel discussions and poster and platform presentations. Nine learning tracks were named by the Professional Education committee covering basic science/environmental factors; psychosocial: cognition, depression; disease management; symptom management; nursing; rehabilitation; comprehensive care; research; and professional skills development.

The CMSC Annual Meeting offers conference delegates continuing medical education credits for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists.

Physical therapy credits are pending. Several independently supported satellite programs will also offer additional accredited learning opportunities in multiple sclerosis.

Highlights of the 30th Anniversary of CMSC Annual Meeting include:

The opening John F. Kurtzke Memorial Lecture by Dr. Fred D. Lublin of Mount Sinai Medical Center on “Do Relapses Really Matter?” Dr. Lublin is an internationally renowned authority on the scientific and clinical aspects of MS and is also one of the foremost authorities regarding experimental therapies.

Headlining lectures by Dr. Daniel Pelletier on “Genetic Variations Relating to Glutamate Concentration in the Brain.”

Dr. Jack Antel on “Multiple Sclerosis: Can the Damage be Undone?” and the John F. Whitaker Memorial Lecture by Dr. Jerry S. Wolinsky.

New sessions focusing on the role of relapses in overall MS care, the concept of NEDA, MRI guidelines in MS, brain health advancements, pediatric MS, best practices in comprehensive care, and a NARCRIMS update.

Special Interest Group content and meetings for rehabilitation therapists, private practitioners, pharmacists, professionals in training, mental health professionals, nurses, and Veteran Affairs (VA) health professionals.

Networking opportunities including organized meals, awards ceremonies, poster sessions, platform presentations, the Foundation of CMSC Young Scholar presentations, and mentor programs.

Thursday evening celebratory concert, featuring top country entertainer, Clay Walker.

Leading industry supporters and exhibitors showcasing the latest treatments, products, and innovations in multiple sclerosis care.

The all-inclusive registration fee for the CMSC Annual Meeting includes access to the entire conference program, exhibits, organized meals, networking forums and most social events. There is a discounted rate for CMSC and IOMSN Members and an early online registration discount. Medical students and professionals in training can receive a special student rate.

For more information and to register (including select scholarship opportunities) visit: http://www.mscare.org/2016 or call 201-487-1050.

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