

I can imagine the men in suits, sitting around a table in the KFC boardroom and one jumping up shouting ‘I’ve got it! Chicken and Pizza. Chizza’.

I really wish they left the idea in that room because mass-produced food combinations rarely turn out well.

It takes care and focus to get something like that right, and I don’t think ‘Danny’ who prepares the food in the Milton Keynes branch is going to do it right.

The Chizza is not available in the UK yet, and after these photos on Twitter, I’m not sure it should ever be.

This one just looks ridiculous… look at the size of that chicken base.

@kfc oh nah I need answers ASAP!!!! pic.twitter.com/QTbQnxTLw8

— issa no from me (@JoeThe5how) February 8, 2017

Seems like a fair deal…

pay my tuition and ill take this down @kfc pic.twitter.com/BnbvcokiPh

— jack (@scobes) February 9, 2017

Obviously fast food never looks like the perfectly designed photo shoot pictures, but this is on another level.

expectations vs reality pic.twitter.com/eX3xa81l5J

— <img src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/2.2.1/72x72/1f43f.png" alt="

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