
Obidos, Aveiro, Figuerira da Foz, & Coimbra, Portugal (5/18-19/2016)

Rua Direita (Main Street)
- Obidos, Portugal


Obidos is a Portuguese jewel not to be missed – one of our favorites. This well-preserved medieval town with its gorgeous historic center makes for a delightful afternoon stop.

Pat on Rua Direita (Main Street)
- Obidos, Portugal

We enjoyed wondering the main tourist street (Rua Direita) where you can shop for some Portuguese souvenirs, have a snack, or enjoy a beer on this atmospheric street. We enjoyed free wine tasting at Casa dos Sabores where we tried (and bought) some delicious cherry liquor (Ginja de Obidos) that Obidos is famous for.

Some important Obidos visiting tips: Obidos’ main street is often busy with tourists so be sure to enjoy some of the other pretty cobblestoned streets that you can enjoy with no one around. You can drive up into the town walls and park or take the road outside the walls on the north side to the top parking lot.

Our Hotel - Casa d' Obidos
& View of Castle

We stayed at (and recommend) the Casa d’ Obidos  - a very nice guesthouse built in the late 1800’s located just outside of Obidos within 20-30 minutes walking distance or 5-minute drive. The Casa d’ Obidos is surrounded by gardens and open fields and has a gorgeous view of Obidos and the castle. The pool to swim in and large tubs complete the experience making the Casa d’ Obidos is a nice place to stay.

Portugese Children - Averiro, Protugal

We liked the restaurant, Vila Infanta, located just outside of Obidos next to the hexagonal church (Santuario do Senhor da Pedra). Take the time to go inside this church for a look because it is much better inside than the weathered looks from the outside makes it appear.


Beautiful Averiro
- Venice of Portugal

While driving through Portugal, we enjoyed our visit to the picturesque 16thcentury town of Aveiro. It is called the “Venice of Portugal” because of its small network of canals, Venice-like boats, and bridges. While boat rides are available, we choose to just walk around to enjoy this town. Some history:Once a prosperous seaport, Aveiro became wealthy but a huge storm blocked its harbor and the town fell in decline until 1808 when a new passage was built and it flourished again. Parking is available in the central old town.

Wide Beach of
Figeira da Foz
- Portugal

Figuerira da Foz

The Portuguese have been flocking to Figuerira da Fozduring the summer due to its wide beach. It makes for a fun stop to see this wide beach but is pretty dead out of the summer season (mainly August).

Coimbra - Portugal's Medieval Capital


Coimbra is a great stop or stay. This medieval capital of Portugal shows it grand design and elegance in a big way. It is also the site of Portugal’s finest university.

Pat Loves Sidewalk Cafes
- Coimbra, Portugal

Located next to the Rio Mondego river, you can wander Coimbra’s grand streets and interesting alleyways. There is a city parking structure (Largo da Olarias) that is challenging to find and park in. Some parking is available along the river near the large plaza Largo da Portagem.

Please see our other 4 travel blog posts for Portugal:

Lisbon, Portugal

Douro Valley (Portugal's premier wine country)

Madeira, Portugal

Algarve Faro & Praiada Rocha (Portugal's most popular tourist destination)

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