
Alien spacecraft could be surrounding the sun in order to harvest solar energy.

At least, that is the latest claim made by UFO hunters who believe that they have spotted evidence for star lifting in images taken by Nasa.

The image appears to show an unidentified white dot joined to the sun by a ‘connected line’.

Aliens could be surrounding the sun in order to harvest solar energy. That’s the latest claim made by UFO hunters who believe that they’ve spotted evidence in images from Nasa. The image appears to show an unidentified white dot joined to the sun by a ‘connected line’

Star lifting is a general name to describe any process by which civilisations could remove material from a star, and use it for themselves.

A video uploaded last week by YouTube user Streetcap1 was posted with the caption: ‘Is this a massive UFO feeding off sun energy?’.

While the uploader admits to being initially sceptical, they appear to have been convinced the image may well show some sort of alien activity.

‘The fact that the UFO is a different colour and shape to the rest of the “Connected Line” is what convinced me to upload this,’ they said.

‘I was not a great believer in this Plasma SUN Energy Theory, but this has got me thinking’.

UFO hunter Scott C. Waring from UFOSightingsDaily.com also believes the image shows evidence of aliens.

‘The UFO may have beenusing the sun’s energy to fuel itself or to recharge in some way, but it’s leaving at high speed, he said.

‘Notice that the UFO is a glowing white, but the sun’s plasma in a yellow.

‘This tells us the craft is made from a different material than the sun’s surface.

However, UFO expert Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual does not believe that the image is proof of alien life.

‘These might be objects shooting away from the sun and they look sinister because they are not very clear images so we can use our imagination to insert aliens into the equation,’ Mr Watson told MailOnline.

‘If they are UFOs it is good to know they use clean solar energy so it seems unlikely they will rob us of our fossil fuels or pollute our skies,’ he added.

The image appears to show an unidentified white dot joined to the sun by a ‘connected line’

While the uploader admits to being initially sceptical, they appear to have been convinced the image may well show some sort of alien activity. A close-up shows the mystery object
An extreme close-up of the UFO gives few clues as to what it could be. However, UFO expert Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual does not believe that the image is proof of alien life

This isn’t the first time that alien hunters have suggested that extraterrestrials may be mining energy from the sun.

Earlier this year, a YouTuber and ‘UFOlogist’ has spotted what he claims to be numerous UFOs travelling around the sun in images sent back from the Solar Heliospheric Observatory.

The video appears to show images with strange green lit objects floating around the bright glowing ball of gas.

In another case, a Martian researcher discovered a black cube ‘orbiting’ the sun while analysing an image sent back from Nasa’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory.

Some claim this is the American space agency’s method for covering up alien spacecraft that get caught in the images.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk

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