
Disclosure:  This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Febreze.  Although, I received samples of this product to facilitate my review, as well as the gift card offered in this giveaway, all opinions and thoughts are both honest and my own.

For so many of us, this past winter has been harsh.  I don't know about you, but I spent way too many days with all the windows and doors closed while I cuddled on the couch in a blanket.  I guess you could say I was hibernating.  Now that the days are starting to warm up a bit, it's time to get the screens in those windows and let in some spring time air!

With the house being closed up for so many months, the first thing I noticed when we let in some air, was just how much the house was smelling like DOG!  From the odor, you'd think we had a large pack of dogs in here, but no, just our one little couch potato was stinking up the place!

I wish I would have taken a photo of the Febreze products while they were still in their packaging, but truth be told, we were so eager to give them a try, that we tore into them as soon as our Febreze Spring Collection Kit arrived!  So instead, I'll just have to show you the products in action!

For the bathroom, I decided to use Febreze NOTICEables in the special edition Sweet Pea Petals scent. Febreze NOTICEables is a plug-in that uses two complimentary scents to fight odors for up to 30 days! This is a wonderful addition to our bathroom, since we've had to eliminate spray air fresheners from our bathroom now that our very curious (needs to test everything) child uses the bathroom without much help from mommy and daddy.  The plug-in feature is great since I try to keep the counter top in our bathroom as clear as possible due to same small, curious child.   I also love that we are able to adjust the intensity of the fragrance.  In our small bathroom, the lowest setting works perfectly!

In the living room, I placed a Febreze Set & Fresh on my windowsill behind the sofa.  We don't have too many end tables or other horizontal surfaces in our living room, so this seemed like the best place for this.  I love the fresh Rain scent that I received.  It smells so crisp and fresh!  While this product works best in smaller rooms, the way our living room is boxed off, it is still a good match for that room.  And keeping it so close to the sofa, really hides the odors that our four-legged couch potato leaves behind!  How can something so cute can be so stinky?  My poor smelly puppy!

And for the car...as soon as Joe saw the Febreze Kit on the dining room table, he asked me if there were any of those vent clips for the car.  Sure enough, there was and he put it in the truck right away!  The CAR Vent Clip scent we are using is Rain.  Joe spends a lot of his day in the truck and as a result it can get pretty messy and a lot of times I can smell stale coffee that splashed from his travel mug into the console.  Since using the CAR Vent Clip, our family vehicle now smells fresh and clean all the time, even when it's not always tidy!  (sorry, no photo of this one in action)

Do you want a chance to give these Febreze Spring scents a try for free?  SheSpeaks has provided me with a $15 Walmart giftcard to giveaway to one lucky reader, so that they can pick up the new spring scents!  Awesome!  Right?

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