
Terror lurks in the deep fringes of the cosmos in the experimental horror short film Space Dracula by Kevin Lonano.

With a title like Space Dracula, a viewer might initially think the film’s inspiration comes from trashy ’50s grade Z sci-fi films. However, Lonano reaches further back than that, making an homage to ’20s silent movies. The titular vampire is more Nosferatu than Dracula; and the only slightly “futuristic” aspect of the film is the opening title whose font and design recalls the title design of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

The film, made in a highly minimalist style, exists solely on mood. The title cards push along a vague plot, but really the film is a series of vaguely detailed images in which the viewer must use his or her own imagination to fill in the blank spots. The film places familiar horror tropes within a new context that taps into the audience’s memories of what a horror movie is supposed to be. Even still, the minimalist style of Dracula’s ill-defined creature features and the emotionally reacting eyeball — mostly in states of horror and shock — make for a disconcerting viewing experience.

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