
The Experimental Film Festival Portland will host its 3rd annual edition on May 28-June 1 at various locations around the city, including the Hollywood Theatre, the Clinton Street Theater, Disjecta and more.

The Opening Night festivities at the historic Hollywood Theatre features a massive lineup of short films, including Kent Lambert‘s award-winning RECKONING 3 and films by Clint Enns, Stephen Broomer, JB Mabe, Cornelia Abrecht and Michelle Mellor.

Some special events to keep an eye out for throughout the fest include the EFFPortland Throwdown, a series of showcases where local Portland filmmakers battle it out for bragging rights and supreme galactic superiority. The first event is on May 29 featuring work by Bob Moricz, Julie Perini, Karl Lind and more.

In addition to the Throwdowns, there are just an absolute ton of short experimental films, including work by Christine Lucy Latimer, Andrew Rosinski, Bryan Konefsky, Sara Koppel, Zachary Epcar and loads more.

The fest then concludes on June 1 with several specially curated programs, including films made “with natural processes” curated by Julie Perini and Caryn Cline, and the “Black Radical Imagination” curated by Amir George and Erin Christovale.

The full film lineup is below. Please visit the official festival website for more info.

May 28

7:00 p.m.: “The Parade”
Holy Sardine!, dir. Bryan Konefsky
Faustus: Incident #375, dir. Dominik Pagacz
Hot Shots, dir. Vinny DiVirgilio
Needles + Pins, dir. Ellie DePue
The Order of Ideas at Leslie St Spit, dir. Stephen Broomer
Hysteria – Suffering in the Womb, dir. Cornelia Abrecht
Hey There, Mister Lonely Heart, dir. Clint Enns
Smart Chickens, Rickety World, dir. JB Mabe
Seventh Submarine, dir. Allan Brown
Black Rectangle, dir. Rhayne Vermette
Avec leur tact habituel (With their usual tact), dir. Dominik Pagacz
Salvation, dir. Slawomir Milewski
Threadbare, dir. Kristin Reeves
Alphabet Magnets, dir. Deron Williams
The Beginning of a Force, dir. Tommy Heffron
Forward Biased Condition, dir. John Woods
RECKONING 3, dir. Kent Lambert (Read the underground film review)
Doubt #2, dir. Josh Lewis
Ex Voto, dir. Daniela Zahlner
Punctured, dir. Michelle Mellor
All Things, dir. Ryan Murray
Jacumba Song, dir. Baba Hillman
Arabstrap, dir. Dominik Pagacz
MUNDUM, dir. Marcia Beatriz Granero

May 29

2:00 p.m.: “Cameraless Filmmaking: Botanicollage With Caryn Cline”

In this workshop, we will work with botanicals to create a direct animation collage (aka “botanicollage”) film. Making films with botanicals allows plants and people to interact in new ways. Working with a technique developed by the experimental filmmaker Stan Brakhage, we will paste plant parts onto 16mm clear or black leader and create a collaborative handmade film.

6:00 p.m.: “The Thursday Nite Special: An Evening of Performance, Installation, and EFFPortland Throwdown Carnage”

Performances By:


JAH Justice: The Real Life Internet Messaging System

Michael A Morris: Second Hermeneutic

Samira Hashemi & Maya Smira: Iran-Israel

AND FEATURING: The EFFPortland Throwdown!

A bracket-style event of friendly showcase between local Portland makers and their curator “coaches”, judged LIVE by visiting artists in raucous rounds that will take place throughout the festival . The preliminary rounds will take place at the Thursday Nite Special, and by Sunday, a winner will be crowned (and they and their coach will have bragging rights for a whole year). Ring the bell, and let the battles begin! Let the pieces play, and may the best maker win!


Weird Fiction // Anthony Hudson VS Jodi Darby // Julie Perini

Pam Minty // Melissa Tvetan VS Bob Moricz // Bob Dopa
Karl Lind // Sam Pirnak VS Chris Freeman // Riley King

David Bryant // Michael Lastra VS Stephen Slappe // Joe Noreen

Musical Performances By:

William Ingrid, Consumer, and BASEMENT SNAKE

May 30

6:00 p.m.: “Tilt-a-Whirl”
Under the Heat Lamp an Opening, dir. Zachary Epcar
For Downer and Bemis, 24th, dir. Pete Brooks
Pull/Drift, dir. Margaret Rorison
The Captain and the Boy, dir. Eliane Bots
G/R/E/A/S/E, dir. Antoni Pinent

7:30 p.m.: “The Rose Show: A Local Showcase and The First Annual EFFPortland Throwdown Semi-Final Round”
Nothing Between Us, dir. Rose Dickson
can i sleep in your arms?, dir. Kayleigh Nelson
Psycho Killer, dir. Tasha Jacobs
A Brief Portrait of the Eternal Recurrence, dir. Karl Lin
Champs, dir. Danger Punch
Sahara in Stereo, dir. Danger Punch
Never Let Me Go (reprise), dir. Carl Diehl
Unexpected Moment, dir. Marit Schmidt
Ground London, dir. Dustin Morrow
Worst Existence, dir. Dylan Jones
Break Up, dir. Julia Oldham
Charlie Foxtrot, dir. Quathi Hart
Little Dot, dir. Matt Nixon
Bitch, dir. Courtney Eastman
Road Trip, dir. John Summerson
Alone Together, dir. Damon Ayers
Only to Dream, dir. Michael Martinez
A Few Things I Might Do, dir. Matthew Mulligan
Monsters and Ghosts, dir. Eileen Skyers
Les Chaussons Rouge, dir. Kurtis Hough
Wizard Alien Video, dir. Ryan Groendyk
Lord I: The Record Keeper, dir. Lori Damiano

10:00 p.m.: “The Sideshow”

Out of the Strong Come Forth with a Sweetness, performed by Jonesy, featuring live soundtrack by Unthem
The Primary Colours, dir. Gabriel McLeod
SCUM, dir. Emma Varker
An Incomplete History of Pornography, dir. Sasha Waters Freyer
Human Body Battleground Organ Organism, dir. Metrah Pashaee
Naked Star Wars, dir. Sean Grounds
Little Vulvah and Her Clitoral Awareness, dir. Sara Koppel
Amigo, I had a Chance, dir. Bernard Roddy
Deer Woman Song, dir. Megan Rippey
Sex Ed, dir. Matheu Plouffe

May 31

1:00 p.m.: “Must Be This High to Ride: The Family Screening”
Radish, dir. Diego Ramirez
Skate Vision, dir. Nick Anderson
FFF1, dir. Marcin Gizycki
Daybreak (L’aube), dir. George Ungar
A Study in Natural Magic, dir. Charlotte Pryce
Scratch, dir. Claire Bennett
Sleep Vessel, dir. Ben Skea
Massachusetts Farm, dir. Joshua Baum
The Sine Wave, dir. Neely Gonidsky
Focusing, dir. Anna Swanson
Warsaw, January 2011, dir. Miriam Harris and Juliet Palmer
Afterlight, dir. Timothy David Orme
Trailer Study #16, dir. Brandon Doherty
Nationtime, dir. Christine Lucy Latimer

3:00 p.m.: “House of Mirrors”
SHORT, dir. Robert Todd
Yesterday and Today, dir. Laura McLam
The Meteor, dir. Charles Gibson
Doctor Korbes, dir. Derek Howard
French Words, dir. Heather Brown
Phansa Pani, dir. Nishant Sharma
The Blue Record, dir. Jeremy Moss
ICI, dir. Walter Ungerer

5:00 p.m.: “The Carnie’s Picks”
Realities, dir. Christopher Gorski
Island Light, dir. Andrew Rosinski
Pisa, dir. Manuel Alejandro Salas
Dumb Day, dir. Kevin Eskew
Mike Brady’s School of Comedy, dir. Kenny Reed
Yield, dir. Caleb Wood
Amnesiac on the Beach, dir. Dalbor Baric
Everything is Normal, dir. David Witzling
A Walk in the Flesh, dir. Filipe Afonso
SAP, dir. Omer Gal
That Which Pulls, dir. Alexander Dupuis

7:30 p.m.: “Fireworks: Best of 2014 and The First Annual EFFPortland Throwdown Final Round”
The Handeye (Bone Ghosts), dir. Anja Dornieden
My Quiet World, dir. Lily Jen
Little Block of Cement with Disheveled Hair Containing the Sea, dir. Jorge Lopez Navarrete
Comestible, dir. Brigitte Braun
Former Models, dir. Benjamin Pearson
She Learns to Lunge, dir. Katya Yakubov
Agnes Dei, dir. Reka Szucs
Panorama Point, dir. Taylor Dunne

June 1

1:30 p.m.: “Das Suchende Bild/The Searching Image: A Curated Program by Cinema Project”

3:30 p.m.: “Collaboration With Nature: Films Made With Natural Processes: A Curated Program by Julie Perini and Caryn Cline”

5:30 p.m.: “Black Radical Imagination: A Curated Program by Amir George and Erin Christovale”

6:00 p.m.: “The Aftermath: Disjecta”

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