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== Description ==

== Description ==


UFO Sightings Alien Sighting March 7th 2017. ©iUFOSightings.


UFO Sightings what is it? Look at this UFO it is spinning over this house. The source was having a party when they saw this UFO. The UFO seems to be descending. During the final moments of this video the UFO disappears behind the house. The UFO seems to be spherical in nature and the UFO footage is very clear.


UFO Sightings archived footage. Look at this UFO it seems to have two lights at the end or at least the ends are made out of some energy. This is old footage we are bringing back to see if you have any new information about this UFO Sighting. If you do have any new information on this UFO please leave it in the comments below.


UFO Sightings more archived footage. Take a look at this UFO. It seems to have a ring and a spear that make up the parts to this UFO. Not too much information on this UFO sighting. . This is old footage we are bringing back to see if you have any new information about this UFO Sighting. If you do have any new information on this UFO please leave it in the comments below.


UFO Sightings Possible Alien sighting. Take a look at this alien! It seems to be hovering alongside the building and then it teleports or disappears into thin air. This Alien is huge judging by it’s surrounding area and elements. The Alien has some kind of cloaking system as it is distorting the image of the Alien. This one is out there guys just crazy alien footage here…


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UFO Documentary February 27th 2017: https://youtu.be/GC1bASElPGQ


UFO Documentary February 20th 2017: https://youtu.be/99rugmEWTK4


UFO Documentary February 13th 2017: https://youtu.be/chH6L-juxrc


UFO Documentary February 6th 2017: https://youtu.be/QIBteGMPYB4


UFO Documentary January 30th 2017: https://youtu.be/bK40Tmi_Bys


UFO Documentary January 23rd 2017: https://youtu.be/Hu1_hzcSajg


UFO Documentary January 2017: https://youtu.be/Pe3mDhHNDMY


UFO Sightings from around the world. Please note all videos are exclusive ©iUFOSightings. We have dedicated sources from around the world. For business or promotional inquiries please send your requests to info@iufosightings.com Subscribe for new UFO videos everyday. We cannot guarantee all these sightings are 100% authentic. We just have to take the sources word. In the end you be the judge!



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