
Author: 2 Old 2 B Buzzed Daily

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:06 pm

Originally posted by N1k0gr3En
I can feel the DR in a way though. Everything looks really fuzzy around me...like the way my brain processes things is really dull. Im especially irritated with the visual aspect of it all. Just feels like i just woke up all the time and/or stoned or out of it. Vision problems are so irritating! UGH!

Hi N1k0gr3En

Re: It takes time

Apologies if you have seen this post before, as I have used biggiesize's story many times before. The "I am a few months clean and still do not feel quite right" question seems to come up a lot on this forum. As you can see from the start he was going through the same issues as you,

He is a true inspiration with a story that has a happy ending.

Hope it help a little!

Losing the bad effects of weed withdrawal takes time, for some more time then others.



Originally posted by wasblazzng420

Hey guys, I have not smoked green in 3 months and 5 days today.

I don't know why but im having a difficult time dealing with it sometimes I stress out about thinking if I will be able to sleep fine and I know it only makes it worse but I cant help it. I know insomnia is one of the withdraw symptoms but I thought that was only through the early stages of quitting so I thought about asking if anyone has experienced the same issue.

I feel like if I start to smoke again then maybe I wont have this issue anymore I hate it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.





Originally posted by heavilylost

I still get the feeling that my head is still cloudy, and feel tired maybe because of a days work. After smoking it for 9 years how long should it be to get a clear head again does anybody have any answers. 4-6 weeks??

And what about the brain re-wiring i heard thats 6 months to a year??

How long was it before you felt totally normal again??





Originally posted by biggiesize

Re: Will my brain get better?Getting frustrated after 4 months

Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:03 pm

Hi again everyone.Im sorry to keep going on about this same topic,but its really the biggest obstacle to my recovery.As I stated earlier,I stopped smoking weed on the first of July of this year.Its been 4 and a half months.But what is worrying me is my brain.It seems like its trying to recover.I notice improvements every few weeks but Im terrified that my brain will not totally heal.

Has anyone else taken a very long time for your brain to recover.I notice on some other posts that people experienced a breakthrough after about the 6 month.Is there hope that I will experince it too?Its getting depressing.All I want to do is be normal again.I remember life before weed.I didnt start smoking until I was 26 years old.It was the dumbest decision of my life.So I remember 26 years of how my brain felt without marijuana and I just want to get back to that.





Originally posted by biggiesize

Thanks everyone.You are all aright.No matter how much I wish i would have never went down that path,the fact is that I did and I can change that.But like you all said,I can be glad that it didnt go on so long that it ruined my life.Im going to enjoy the rest of my life.

Im slowly seeing improvement everyday and that is helping alot!If I could just get these dang headaches to stop!lol.But once again,thanks to you all.





Originally posted by biggiesize

Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:01 am

Hey everyone.i just want to Say thanks for all the advice on just enjoying where I am in life now.I was so busy every second of everyday waiting for the smallest change to occur in my head recovering that I wasnt enjoying life.After you all gave me the advice earlier in the week to just enjoy the moment im in now,

I started doing it that day and i swear that its been the best week i have had since I started smoking weed.Thanks to all of you for the help and advice.I saw an immediate difference after I started doing things that I enjoyed again instead of sitting there feeling scared that I had screwed my head up for good!



Originally posted by biggiesize

Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:03 am

Just wanted to update everyone and let them know that My vision has cleared up 100 percent!My brain is almost totally recovered!I started using fish oil pills and it has helped tremendously with my memory.





Originally posted by biggiesize

Re: 8 months clean.My recovery story.

Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:07 am

Hello everyone.Its been awhile since I posted anything but I thought today would be a good time for me to post as I celebrate 8 months clean.I remember the day that I stopped,8 months was one of the milestones that I thought about.I wondered how I would feel after 3 months,after 8 months and after a year.Well,some of you may remember from my earlier posts that the first few months were very difficult for me.I have since learned that marijuana affects everyone differently.Some people can quit and be fine in a month,but some people like myself,have to go through a period of the brain restructuring itself.This can take months or even years depending on the drug used and how long it was used. as for me,after 4 months,I still had distorted vision,I couldnt concentrate,and my cognitive abilities were out of whack.However about 5 months into my recovery,I started noticing improvements.

I took the advice of some awesome people on here and added vitimins,fish oil and exercise to my life and now Im happy to say that after 8 months,its like I never had any issues at all!Some peoples recovery takes alot longer than others.The neurotransmitters in the brain will have to repair themselves and it can be a very frustrating time.But I promise you that if you hang in there,the hazy fog of confusion will lift and your life will be better than you ever imagined.I wish you all the continued success in your journey of a new life and I promise you that you will not regret it."In the world of addiction,being a quitter is a good thing".





Originally posted by biggiesize

Hello spark121,

As I read your entry,I was taken back about 10 months ago now to when my recovery first started.Like i said in some of my threads,My head was in another world.My vision was distorted,I couldnt think straight or reason things out.It was like I was walking around in what seemed like a hazy fog for the first few months and slowly it began to get better.

As of today,I feel as normal as anyone could feel.There will be a time of restructuring for your brain.It will get frustrating,but I encourage you to hang in there because it will get better.Life is so much better when you arent looking through the fog of marijuana or any other substance of abuse.I hope that you will hang in there and give your brain time to heal. Sometimes,the days and minutes will go by so slowly.but after the fog lifts and all of the thc is out of your system,you will be glad that you broke the addiction of marijuana.

Good luck to you.





Originally posted by biggiesize

Hi there B.I just wanted to tell you that it is very possible that the parts of your brain that control emotions could still be repairing itself.You see,marijuana maniuplates the pleasure sensors in the brain over time and they become inactive or weakened.thus when you stop using drugs,these sensors have nothing to stimulate them and it could be the cause of your depression.

I am living proof that the brain can heal itself the longer that you go without polluting your brain with drugs.i celebrate one year clean next week and my brain had finally recovered.It will take time for you brain to rewire itself and form new connections but it will happen.Hang in there.





Originally posted by biggiesize

Re: One year weed free!Happy anniversary to me!

Well everyone.Tomorrow is my one year clean.I laid down weed and never looked back.I found an old cell phone a few weeks ago with pictures of my former stoner friends and myself doing what we did best.Some people look back on those times and feel reminiscent of days gone by. I,however, felt a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.I couldnt believe what my life had become.I was living in a tuna can sized trailer that really needed some cleaning.In these pictures I saw a person that thought he was having the time of his life.Now As I view life without marijuana clouding my mind,

I realize that im only beginning to have the time of my life.It was not easy to get here.I had struggles with my brain restructuring itself,but here I am.Set time frames for yourself on the road to recovery.When you reach one,give yourself a pat on the back.Or better yet,take the money that you have saved from not buying weed and buy yourself something.You will feel great.Good luck to everyone whos journey is just beginning and whos journey has already started.





Originally posted by biggiesize

Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:39 am

Hello all.

Thanks to you all for your kind words and congratulations.It was a long road but i finally got here.Flylots you were aking me to expound on the brain restructuring itself.I will explain it in the best terms I can as i am no Doctor.After the withdrawals subsided i thought it would be smooth sailing from there.I soon learned that I had months still ahead of me.I soon noticed that my vision was distorted,and my depth perception was out of whack.I couldnt reason things out and there were many cognitive issues that i had to deal with.

I began to panic thinking that I had fried my brain for good.I began to search the effects of thc on the brain.I learned that it affects the neorutransmitters in the brain and overstimulates them.Sometimes this can lead to them becoming inactive.It affects the memory area of the brain known as the hippocampus.It affects the cognitive area of the brain known as the cerebral cortex.

I soon learned that if given time the brain will rewire itself around the areas of the brain that connections had been lost.But it would take time.I had to be patient.I had severe headaches at times, pressure behind my eyes.It was terrible.But i was determined not to go back to weed.I just gave it time and soon notice that my brain was beginning to heal itself.It took about 8-9 months for me to begin to feel happiness again.You see the transmitters that sense pleasure in the brain had been dulled and needed time to heal.But after time,they started working again.So just hang in there and it will all work out.





Originally posted by biggiesize

I noticed in your last response that you said that you had read some of my posts.I hope in some way that those gave you hope.It can be a scary thing wondering if you will ever be normal again.I know that you are at the 7 month mark,but I strongly urge you to hang in there.Marijuana affects everones brain wiring in a different way.It takes some alot longer to recover for some people that it does for others.You will eventually be 100 percent.Try adding some omega 3 to your diet.Its good for the brain.Most of all,dont spend every moment worrying yourself.Enjoy life and all it has to offer and eventually,you will find that the cloud has lifted and all is well.





Originally posted by biggiesize

Re: almost 2 years quit! What a ride.

The end of next month will be 2 years since I divorced the evil weed that eventually chokes all enjoyment and pleasure out of life.Oh yes,its fun at first,and even for a few years after that.For some people its even fun for decades. I finally came to the realization that the fun had ended for me and all the joy had been sucked out of my life by this plant that slowly smothers and takes over your life.

At first quitting was a horrible nightmare for me.You can read some of my old posts and see that It took my brain quite awhile to recover.But now,almost 2 years later,I realize that the determination I had that monday morning to quit smoking and never look back was an overpowering force that kept driving me and telling me that life can be better than what I was living through a foggy haze.Im happy to report to you that life is a million times clearer and all the joy and happiness has returned to living.for everyone struggling,fight the good fight.

Reach down inside of yourself and find the determination that we all have to want whats best for ourselves and our loved ones.If you focus on your determination,you will beat it.Each minute will turn into a day,each day to a week,and each week into a year.Beat it one craving at a time and eventually as the time passes,you will be a better clear headed person.Good luck my friends.




Originally posted by biggiesize

I have notice a recent jump in people posting about recovery time of the brain after they quit which is the same thing that brought me to this sight over 2 years ago when I quit.I wanted to offer some of my experiences since some of my old posts are about 100 pages back in the archives.You can view them or you can just read the brief overview that I am about to give:

I quit smoking on July 1st 2008.4 months later in December I was feeling like a train had hit me.I had severe headaches,distorted vision,couldnt concentrate,couldnt reason things out,I couldnt sleep and I had many other withdrawal issues.I was worried that I had messed my brain up forever,but I was determined to never go back to that lifestyle and I never did.I added some fish oil to my diet and started light exercise.As the THC worked out of my system,I began to sleep better,but it was about the 8 month mark before I really started notice any improvements in my brain recovery.Slowly,my vision got better and the headaches stopped.by the time I reached a year,I was totally recovered.

I just want people to know that once you quit,that is only the beginning of recovery for some.For others like me,it may take a year or longer for the brain to re-wire its connections and regain use of the overstimulated neuro-transmitters,pleasure receptors,and memory sections.I urge you to hang in there.Jurplesman suggests a few changes to your diet and taking more interest in your health,and im convinced for some,that could be a big help.For others it may just be the fact that you didnt start doing drugs because you had a health issue,it was simply because everyone else was doing it and you got hooked,like I did.I didnt have any health issues after quitting but there are others that may,so look in to jurplesman and read some of his posts.A healthier lifestyle can benefit all of us as well as possibly aid in brain recovery.Best wishes to all of you and if you are struggling with recovery.....JUST HANG IN THERE AND GIVE IT TIME!




Originally posted by biggiesize

RE: 2 1/2 years since my last toke

Thu Jan 27, 2011

I havnt really thought about it because I have been so busy living life but I just realized that I reached 2 1/2 years since my last toke.I just want everyone that may be struggling to quit or thinking that you can never live life without it to know that you can live without it and you can give it up.Some people have private messaged me before and asked what was my secret to successfully quitting.I respond to them by saying that I took a good hard look at my life and I was disgusted.Right then and there,Determination took control of me.You have to find the determination in yourself to take charge of your life and stop letting weed take charge.I wish you all the best my friends and may you find peace (within yourself),strength(to do what you think you cant),and love(to forgive yourself and start life all over).Let today be your "DAY 1"

Originally posted by biggiesize

Dec 09, 2011 12:25

A little over 3 and a half years ago,I was living the "high life",thinking I was having the greatest time of my life.For some reason,skipping bills or only paying half of my rent so I would have enough to buy a bag of the "good stuff" was my definition of a good time.Not caring about any of my responsibilities seemed like a blast to me.But around the end of June 2008,

I looked at my life and realized that I was living a joke.I was tired of living that way and i wanted more out of life.I decided I was done with weed and everything about the lifestyle that it was helping me to live.I flushed my last bit down the toilet and never looked back.If you read any of my earlier posts,you will see that it was NOT and easy road.My brain felt cloudy and numb for 8 months to a year.Every day was a fight,but it was a fight that I was DETERMINED to win.3 1/2 years later Im glad that I didnt give into the cravings,the night sweats,the lack of sleep.

I fought it and I overcame it.I want every one of you who is struggling to quit,that IT IS POSSIBLE.First you have to realize that you do have a problem.Second,you have to be sick of living that way and determined that you have had enough.I am living proof that with determination and willpower,you can beat your demons.I also recommend maybe reading some of Jurplesman posts.I dont exactly understand everything about his writings,but he is a professional and has successfully treated some people who's drug issues were related to a lack of proper nutrition.I wish you the best in your journey and myself and many other long term quitters are here for your support.Be blessed.

Originally posted by biggiesize

Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:20 am Post subject: 4 years Clean!

Well friends,Im adding one more year clean to my count.2 more weeks will be my fourth year since my last toke.I read the posts on here of people still struggling and I want you to know that you can succeed and beat your addictions.I also read the posts from people who have made it 4 months,6 months 8 months and even a year and are going strong.To those,I say "well done" and keep fighting.Life after the haze is amazing.......Be blessed-Biggie.

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