The World Ahead Weekly Update — July 10, 2014
From the Presiding Evangelist
Dear Brethren,
I am very pleased to announce to you our plan to distribute an updated version of Mr. Ivor Fletcher’s thorough and well-written book on Church history. His book is titled, The Incredible History of God’s True Church, and some of you may remember this book from the 1980s. I have had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Fletcher for many years, and he is a very fine man and long-time faithful member of God’s Church. After reading Dr. Hoeh’s booklet, A True History of the True Church, many years ago, Mr. Fletcher was inspired to begin doing extensive additional research on the subject. His first volume, which some of you are familiar with, was published in 1984 and was used as a reference at Ambassador College.
Ivor and I visited extensively during one of my trips to England a few years ago and I encouraged him to update his book, which he was enthusiastic to do. This new edition contains a few small additional historical details and citations in the original chapters. But it also includes new, original maps, illustrations and photos, as well as two new chapters dealing with recent Church history, and also updated and substantial indices. Please note: This is not an “official” Living Church of God publication and we are very aware that there are some technical details in Church history over which sincere Christians may disagree. But we feel that this book is, overall, the most balanced and helpful book on the entire history of the true Church of God available. It describes much of our heritage as a Church. So you and I can be thankful to Mr. Ivor Fletcher for his conscientious effort in producing this history.
We plan to offer one hard-cover copy per household at the Feast of Tabernacles this year. You will see instructions later about how to “register” for your complimentary copy by using our online, Internet “Web” registration system. My hope is that you are edified by this book and that it helps many of you have an even better picture of God’s loving and mighty hand in guiding His people and His Church through the ages.
With Christian love,
Roderick C. Meredith
Church Administration
Greetings from Charlotte,
News stories continue to report that the Middle East appears to be coming apart in violent chaos with riots, armed conflicts, bombings, and beheadings that are affecting thousands of people. Borders are crumbling as various groups want to redraw the map of the Middle East according to their own desires. Bible prophecies have long warned that such events would erupt in this conflicted region as the end of the age approaches. Dr. Meredith is off to Houston where he will speak on the Sabbath and make a Tomorrow’s World Presentation with Mr. Stafford on Sunday in Beaumont, Texas. Additional TWPs will be held this weekend in Danbury, Connecticut, and in Sudbury, Ontario. Mr. Gary Ehman reports that for the first six months of 2014 the LCG Personal Correspondence Department handled nearly 1,000 more responses than in 2013. Mr. Gene Hilgenberg reports that the Pre-Teen Camp in Missouri was a very positive experience for everyone (see below). The LYC Adventure program for six days of back-packing in Yellowstone is off to a good start. Next week the West Virginia Family Camp is scheduled to take place. Living University registration is open for fall semester classes (see announcement). This coming weekend, I will be making congregational visits in Joplin and Springfield, Missouri along with some visits in the Kansas City area. Your prayers for God’s people and for all these activities will be greatly appreciated.—DSW
Outreach—A Great Way To Practice Doing Good…
Jesus told His disciples that when they served the stranger and the needy in their time of need, they were showing mercy and were actually serving Him (Luke 10:30-37; Matthew 25:34-40). And while we understand that our first priority is the Great Commission, many Scriptures remind us that true Christians are also to give of our time and resources as we are able to do good to those who need help in their time of need (cf. James 1:27). We know that many of our brethren already serve both in and outside of the Church in many ways, but in addition to this, Dr. Meredith has also encouraged the Charlotte congregation to become more involved with our local Outreach group to do occasional community service activities such as visiting hospitals and retirement homes, preparing meals for families of critically-ill children, helping repair housing for those in need, and more. If you are interested in doing something similar in your local congregation, talk to your local minister first and visit the “Outreach” page at for ideas or to contact Headquarters to discuss how we can all better practice what we are told in Galatians 6:9-10: “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.”—Wyatt Ciesielka, Outreach Coordinator
Feast of Tabernacles
Activity Registration Opening!
Feast of Tabernacles Activity Registration will begin on Sunday, July 13! Beginning then, brethren are encouraged to sign up for their Feast site’s activities. Check the Festival Web site ( or with your Festival Site Coordinator for more information about payment options that may be available.—Rod McNair
Sign Up To Receive Ivor Fletcher’s Book, The Incredible History of God’s True Church
Beginning Sunday, July 13, brethren will be able to sign up on the Festival Web site (as for all other Feast activities) to receive the book, The Incredible History of God’s True Church. As Dr. Meredith mentioned in his announcement, the book will be distributed at the Feast, including international sites, to those who have signed up for it on the Festival Web site.
Festival (Second Tithe) Assistance Requests—U.S. Only—Deadline Is Tuesday
Attention U.S. Pastors: The deadline to submit Festival Assistance Request forms to the Church Administration Department is Tuesday, July 15. All forms should be properly completed by the members requesting second tithe assistance to attend the Feast this year. Then, the Area Pastors should write their recommendations/comments on the forms before submitting them to CAD. Festival Assistance Request forms are available to ministers on the MyLCG Web site (—Festival Office
Living Youth Programs
Missouri Pre-Teen Camp
Unusual cool weather and no major injuries were just the tip of the iceberg of blessings that God showered down upon the Missouri pre-teen camp last week, held for the first time at Camp Bobwhite in Knob Noster State Park, Knob Noster, Missouri. On Sunday and Monday, campers experienced the typical July weather of high heat and humidity. Then, during the night, a cold front moved in with cooling rain and temperatures dropped 20 degrees. Campers brought out their jackets and staff members who did not pack a jacket shivered a bit. During the day, campers were involved in Christian Living, crafts, fishing, swimming, archery, sports, media, and music. Borrowed from the Texas camp this year was the game of “Big Ball,” played with a giant eight-foot beach ball. Campers love it. To add “Missouri” flair, campers affectionately named the ball “Bertha.” The highlight of camp was the Talent Show on Thursday night, with multiple musical performances from campers and staff capped off by the Camp Chorale led by our Music Instructor, Mr. Marcus McCullough from Charlotte, NC. We had 84 campers including mini-campers and sibling campers and 71 staff, making this year’s camp the largest ever. When we asked those campers who had been to pre-teen camp in the past what they liked best about the new camp, the answer we always received was “the swimming pool” and when asked what was the best thing retained from the old camp, the reply was “the food.” Thanks to all the staff that worked tremendously hard to make camp a success this year. We are looking forward to another successful camp next year.—Gene Hilgenberg
Ohio Teen Living Youth Camp 2014—Repeat Announcement
The “Dress Code” for the following special events is as follows:
Dress for Friday Evening Bible Study
Bible Study dress is nice casual. Boys are expected to wear a dress shirt, slacks, and dress shoes. No tie required. Girls are expected to wear skirts/dresses. No shorts or blue jeans or tennis shoes allowed.
Dress for Sabbath Brunch and Dinner on the Sabbath (other than the final banquet)
Dress is the same as noted above for Friday evening Bible Study.
Dress for Sabbath Services and the Final Banquet
These are dress-up occasions. Boys are expected to wear a dress shirt, coat and tie and dress shoes. (Coats may be removed if it is too hot.) Girls are expected to wear skirts/dresses and dress shoes or dressy sandals.
Dress for Topics and Dance
Boys are expected to wear polo shirts, dress slacks and dress shoes. Girls are expected to wear sun-dresses (hats optional), and dressy sandals.
We have moved the “Topics and Dance” to the afternoon (2:00-5:30 p.m.). One boys’ dorm and one girls’ dorm are scheduled for each topics and dance session. Special cold beverages and appetizers will be served in a “Garden Party” type atmosphere. Each girls’ dorm will be required to come up with decorations and a theme, and will have the morning to decorate and prepare for this special event.
The “Daily Activity Schedule” for the Teen Camp in Ohio is now posted on the Living Youth Site. All activity directors should check this schedule so that they can formulate their course outline and lesson plans and get them to each member of their staff as soon as possible. The “Evening Activity Schedule” and a revised “Staff Assignments List” have also been posted.—Sheldon Monson
Living University
Living University—Registration for First (Fall) Semester
Registration for fall semester classes is now underway. Classes will begin August 18 and students may register anytime between now and then. For those who have never taken a Living University course, you will need to enroll in the University first, and then register for your selected course. Enrolling is quick and easy—it will only take five to ten minutes. Just visit our Web site and click on the “Apply Now” link. The following are brief descriptions of several courses being offered next semester. We plan to highlight a few more courses next week. A complete listing of “2014 Fall Semester Classes” (spring in the Southern hemisphere) can also be viewed on the Living University Web site. To make application to Living University, to register for courses, and to find out more, please visit For additional information, please contact Mrs. Michelle Broussard at or 704-708-2294. As a reminder, those age 65 or older are eligible to audit one class per semester tuition-free. You will only be responsible for the cost of books and class fees (if any).
THL 211 – Old Testament Survey I: In this first of two classes covering the books of the Old Testament, Dr. Douglas Winnail deals with the Law and the Former Prophets, focusing on background, content, structure, geography, teachings, and basic meaning of each book as well as outstanding people and events. This fast-paced course offers a unique overview of the first half of the Old Testament—an overview often missed when these biblical books are reviewed at a much slower pace. Emphasis is on the Old Testament Scriptures as the background and foundation for understanding the New Testament.
EDUC 346 – Teaching in the Christian Home: If you have considered home schooling but are uncertain whether it is right for your family… or if you are relatively new to home schooling, you should seriously consider taking this course. This course deals with the issues and challenges involved in organizing an effective Christian home school. Emphasis is on legal regulations; curriculum development; teaching Bible, literacy, science, mathematics, socialization, and history; testing requirements; graduation and record-keeping. Students will gain a basic knowledge of the issues and challenges in home schooling.
COMM 260 – Public Speaking: This course provides instruction and experience in preparation and delivery of speeches within a public setting and group discussion. Emphasis is on research, preparation, delivery, and evaluation of informative, persuasive, and special occasion public speaking. It emphasizes taking an “audience-centered approach” to public speaking. By the end of the semester, students should be able to prepare and deliver well-organized speeches and participate in group discussion with appropriate audiovisual support.
God Guides History: We live in a world where prominent voices claim that God does not exist, that no one can accurately predict the future, and that human beings must determine the future for themselves. However the facts are just the opposite! Isaiah 46:9-11 clearly states that only God can predict the future and bring it to pass. Daniel told King Nebuchadnezzar that God “changes the times and seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings” (Daniel 2:21)—that God actually determines how and when specific world events will take place (see The Expositor’s Bible Commentary). After Daniel explained a vision of the future to Nebuchadnezzar, he told the king, “The dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure” (Daniel 2:45). The Bible is a unique book that contains specific prophecies recorded thousands of years ago—that predicted events that are making news today. Amos 3:7 states that God will reveal His intentions to His servants the prophets, so they can alert the world about the significance of coming events. All this is possible because God guides the course of history.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
News and Prophecy—July 10, 2014
A Young Face Among Old European Leaders: “In he bounded, the right side of 40, all grins and references to selfies and ancient philosophers, brash and self-confident. Yes, it was Italian PM Matteo Renzi’s first appearance in the European Parliament. Speaking without notes, he told his audience that Europe is moving at half the speed of the rest of the world, that its single-minded focus on financial spreadsheets has eviscerated its soul and that its face was tired and resigned” (EU Observer, July 2, 2014). As many of Europe’s leaders fade and lose respect in the eyes of people, political observers have their eye on the youthful and vibrant “go-getter”—Italy’s new Roman Catholic Prime Minister and the current President of the Council of the European Union (ibid., Reuters, July 7, 2014). Some have observed that Sr. Renzi, “reminds us what is missing from Europe and its leaders—verve, skill and self-confidence” (EU Observer, July 2, 2014). Bible prophecy reveals that the final leader of the end-time European Beast power will be an influential person who is both self-confident and arrogant (Daniel 11:36-39). This charismatic leader will lead ten nations who give their “power and authority” over to him (Revelation 17:12-13). Whether or not Sr. Renzi will be this prophesied person remains to be seen. However, many Europeans are crying out for a strong, confident, charismatic, and “more youthful” leader that younger generations can relate to. For more on the soon-coming European Beast, be sure to watch our powerful telecast, “Will the Beast Rise in Europe?”
Jordan: Seeking Peace and Neutrality: It is not easy being Jordan today—“Struggling for calm in a region of chaos… Sandwiched in between Iraq and Syria, Jordan’s destiny seems to be one of a constant struggle for survival” (CNN, June 18, 2014). King Abdullah’s “voice of moderation” in a region of strife-torn nations is also crying out for international assistance to manage 1.3 million Syrian refugees. His pleas resulted in half a billion dollars of support from the U.S. and Saudi Arabia last year (ibid.). Jordan is also closely allied with the U.S., Britain and the EU and is trying to stay clear of the turmoil in the nations surrounding it (ibid.). Bible prophecy actually mentions Jordan’s role in end-time events. The Scriptures indicate that much of Jordan will “escape” or be spared from the European Beast power (king of the north) when he invades the Holy Land (Daniel 11:40-41), even though Jordan is right next door! It will be interesting to watch Jordan, the reason it will be spared, and the role it will play as the nations around it erupt in the flames of conflict. For more on this topic, read our booklet, The Middle East in Prophecy.
Is America Really a Christian Nation? Contrary to the comments of some U.S. leaders, most Americans profess to be Christians and they believe that the Bible is “the inspired word of God” (Gallup, June 4, 2014). A recent Gallup poll indicated that about 75 percent of Americans claimed to be Christians and viewed the Bible as “the actual word of God… to be taken literally” or as “the inspired word of God but not everything in it should be taken literally” (ibid.). However, those who view the Bible as a book of “fables, legends… and moral precepts recorded by man” has increased from 13 percent to 21 percent since 1976. Sadly, while the majority of Americans claim to be Christian and view the Bible as God’s word, few Americans today actually follow the admonition of Jesus Christ to “live… by every word of God” (Luke 4:4). Studies by the Barna Group have shown that America is a nation of “biblically illiterate” people (especially the younger generation) where the majority cannot name the first books in the Old Testament or the Ten Commandments and considerable numbers believe that Sodom and Gomorrah were husband and wife rather than cities that God destroyed because of their evil behaviors (see The State of the Bible, 2013). Considering the state of biblical knowledge in America, it is sobering to read Jesus’ warning that “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). Real Christians who truly “love the Lord” will not just claim to be Christians, but will actually live by His commandments (John 14:15; 1 John 5:3). For more information about the disturbing trends in our culture today, be sure to watch our powerful telecast, “Modern Morality and the Ten Commandments.” —Scott Winnail and Kenneth Frank