

#CarmillaMovie UPDATE

Things are full steam ahead over at Carmilla HQ. Since announcing the movie at New York Comic Con, we’re 1/3 of the way to our pre-sale goal which we’re incredibly grateful for. However, we still have some work to do and need your support to make the best and coolest film possible, for you, our dear Creampuffs!

First and foremost, if you’ve already purchased the “Original Creampuff" movie package, get excited because you’ll be receiving your Season 3 Bundle – with tons of behind-the-scenes and extra content (including extra takes of your favourite scenes!!!;) – on October 30th.

If you haven’t yet purchased a movie bundle and may be on the fence, we’re going to up the ante a little bit… When we get to the 3rd blood drop on the progress bar (2/3 of our goal), we’ll release a video of Natasha and Elise covering Love Will Have Its Sacrifices! I mean, who wouldn’t want to hear Negovanman singing like angels?!

Should you feel in the mood, we’ve also turned on the ability to purchase a bundle and pay more than the listed price. Obviously this isn’t necessary, but every little bit helps to move us closer to our goal, and if it’s something you’d like to do, we wanted to make sure the option was available.

We’re also in the process of cooking up some kickass perk packages with a ton of extra goodies you can purchase as an add-on to the movie bundles. Keep your eyes peeled because they’re going to be awesome, and also only available for a limited time. More details to come, we promise!


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