

Well as most of you know I took a Heitus well here's why, Some of you know I am a horticultrist well I mainly do Nursery work.
I started a new job this year so and it has been very hectic, so far the nursery has just produced over 9000 plants. The nursery supplies the small garden centre with plants. So it has been a busy year and still not finished growing yet, we dont have any heat in there we only use what the sun gives us. The nursery tunnel it 20ft wide and 84 ft long.
Mainly grow hardy perrenials and slowly getting lots of nice stud/stock plants of strange and weird and rare plants, as well as doing a few little annuals on the side.
Also slowly produceing a few of my hybrids as well.
All plant are mainly grown from cutting divisions and seed but also from plug plants from a uk suppilers.

Statistics: Posted by blondie — Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:10 pm

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