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<h2>Pandora Gold Bead Love You Gold Product Descriptions</h2><p>PANDORA brand philosophy is high quality, handmade, timeless design and attention to detail, and will continue to. PANDORA jewelry has a distinctive, charming bohemian style. It advocates freedom of the soul and romance - is also reflected for women handmade, high quality modern jewelry goals. This philosophy is PANDORA jewelry has been persistent core brand.</p>
<p>It says"Love You"on three sides of the bead,with a final silver heart on the fourth side of the bead.Tell her that you care with this I Love You bead.This bead can be worn on a bracelet or necklace.</p><p>14 Karat Gold.</p>
<br/><br/>Maintenance Of Silver Ornaments<br/><br/>
Silver jewellery is one of the precious stones having nimbus and it is necessary to pay attention on its maintenance. Many people are into silver jewelries, but they don't know how to maintain them, and even some of them think they are very difficult to maintain. Actually, that's not the case. Silver, whose chemical properties are not as steady as those of platinum and gold, often gets oxidized, caused by the water and chemical substances in the air, getting dark and losing its original color. With such knowledge in mind, some effort in our daily life will keep the silver jewelries forever new.<br/><br/>
The best Maintenance for silver jewelry is that we wear it every day, because the fat of the body will make silver to emit warm and natural luster. Of course, there is exception, and some people`s sweat contains the ingredient that can turn silver black. Silver jewelry should be put away when not been put on. It is better to keep them in an airtight bag to prevent it from turning black due to contact with oxygen. The silver jewelry turning black is a normal natural phenomenon, due to air and other natural media such as sulfur and oxides has some corrosion of silver. After being worn for a period of time, it will have some tiny spots which spread to a large part for a long time and even become black. Even though the jewelry surface has been plated a protective layer, if we do not well take care of it for a while it still can be oxidated. Therefore, the silver jewelry usually has some discoloration due to oxidation.<br/><br/>
Indigenous methods of cleaning silver jewelry in daily life: Squeeze a little toothpaste on the face of the silver jewelry. Then add some water and rub it to cause small bubbles. After washing it by clean water, the silver jewelry can become lustrous. Do not wear other precious metal jewelry while wearing a silver jewelry to avoid collision deformation or abrasion. Keep dry of silver and do not wear during swimming, nor get it close to hot well and sea. Wipe the surface everyday with soft cloth to keep light. But it is best to use the cloth used exclusively to wash silver. Silver cleaning cloth contains silver maintenance ingredients and can be washed with water.<br/><br/>
If you find silver jewelries turned yellow, then you should use a small jewelry brush to clean slits of the jewelries. Then, you should drop one drop of silver-mopping cream on the paper, in order to rub the black oxide on the surface of silver ornaments. Later, you should use silver-mopping cloth to recover the original white & blare of the silver ornaments. If it can return to eighty percent of the original silvery white with special cloth for silver, then you don't need the special cream and liquid for silver. Because these products all have some corrosivity . It is easier for silver to become yellow after using of these products.</div>
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Statistics: Posted by rnyderbrad — 21 Sep 2015 12:58 am