At about 8:55 at night when I was watching T.V., I Observed a glowing orange orb ascend to around 2-300 ft into the air from where I was sitting. I know that this was by a cell tower and an electrical substation (very small. After hovering for about 30-45 secs, it headed east at a very slow speed, towards Cocoa Beach. After seeing this object, I had ran outback to get a better view. Once it started taking off, I had to run threw the house to get out front to run up the street to keep watching what it was doing. I got to track it for a few more seconds before it left from my view.
Following points.
1.At my house watching T.V.
2. I saw something moving outside my window in the air that made me automatically look because the strangeness of it.
4.It was a glowing orange orb, to which I can only say was about 4 times the size of them yoga balls. I observed it ascend to about 2-300 ft. into the air, and stay stationary for a brief moment, then very slowly headed east of me, to where Merritt Island and Cocoa Beach are. It is only about a 10 min drive to the beach from me. It stayed to its same pace and direction until I lost sight of it.
5. As soon as I saw it I knew it was a U.F.O. I took in everything reasonable and dismissed them very quickly because that was easy to do considering what it was doing i.e., (hovering, slow flight w/o falling like a rock, no noise, ect.) I am still in the very exited and mystified emotions of seeing one. I am a avid fan of shows like ancient aliens, and fully believe that biengs other than us humans exist. And to see something like this satisfies me. I see alot of planes and helicopters out of my window daily especially because the way my window is made. As soon as I seen this object it stunned me, and knew there was not much time. So I ran outback, and watched astoundingly. After it started moving I was loosing sight of it, so I ran threw the house out to the front to try to see it for a little longer to see if it was going to do anything differently. It wasn't but a few moments later, I could not see it anymore.
6. I lost sight of it behind the sky line.
I am entering this report to see if anyone else seen what I saw, and can inform me if and what happened after it left my line of sight.
I would also like to thank M.U.F.O.N. for it's hard work and dedication to this cause.